A Conversation for CAMELOT (A place of enchantment and participation)

The Royal Bedchamber

Post 361

Floh Fortuneswell

*is depressed, is very depressed*

The Royal Bedchamber

Post 362

Hapi - Hippo #5

Hey.. stop depressing! cheer up! Don't let them get you down!

The Royal Bedchamber

Post 363

Floh Fortuneswell

Exactly. WHAT?

The Royal Bedchamber

Post 364

Hapi - Hippo #5

Cheer up, Gwen. You know what they say.
Some things in life are bad.
They can really make you mad.
Other things just make you swear and curse.
When you're chewing on life's gristle,
Don't grumble. Give a whistle.
And this'll help things turn out for the best.

Always look on the bright side of life.

Always look on the light side of life.

If life seems jolly rotten,
There's something you've forgotten,
And that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing.
When you're feeling in the dumps,
Don't be silly chumps.
Just purse your lips and whistle. That's the thing.

The Royal Bedchamber

Post 365

Floh Fortuneswell

For life is quite absurd
And death's the final word.
You must always face the curtain with a bow.
Forget about your sin.
Give the audience a grin.
Enjoy it. It's your last chance, anyhow.

Always look on the bright side of death,
smiley - whistle
Just before you draw your terminal breath.
smiley - whistle

The Royal Bedchamber

Post 366

Hapi - Hippo #5

smiley - ill UUUUUUUUUuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh...

must have been the whiskey bavarois........


The Royal Bedchamber

Post 367

Floh Fortuneswell

*enters to change her clothes*
*opens the armoire*

The Royal Bedchamber

Post 368

Hapi - Hippo #5

The Royal Bedchamber

Post 369

Floh Fortuneswell


The Royal Bedchamber

Post 370

Hapi - Hippo #5

**ponders as well.. on the risk of the king rushing in to find the queen somewhat undressed and .. errrrrrrrrrr undressed?? **
***** **** ***** *** *****

The Royal Bedchamber

Post 371

Floh Fortuneswell

*takes out a dress*
*ponders weak and weary,
Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore*
*puts the dress back*

The Royal Bedchamber

Post 372

Hapi - Hippo #5

Come on Guinny... cheer up.. Here let me pour you some wine, come and sit down here

The Royal Bedchamber

Post 373

Floh Fortuneswell

smiley - yikes
*stares at the CotG*
What are YOU doing here?

The Royal Bedchamber

Post 374

Hapi - Hippo #5

Well, staring of course, and in general having a good time. smiley - biggrin

Oh, yes, and guarding of course..

The Royal Bedchamber

Post 375

Floh Fortuneswell

Guarding what?
smiley - steam

The Royal Bedchamber

Post 376

Hapi - Hippo #5

Well.. you of course?

The Royal Bedchamber

Post 377

Floh Fortuneswell

Thank you very much, Mr. CotG.
I don't think I need your help at the moment.

*turns away and takes out another dress*

Well... wait.
You COULD help me with this zipper.

The Royal Bedchamber

Post 378

Hapi - Hippo #5

The Royal Bedchamber

Post 379



***Rapidly enters the room, dashes straight across to the en-suite bathroom, closing door behind him***

***Various ablution type noises are heard. Some quite non-regal it has to be said. Followed by a great sigh of relief, various washing type noises, and some cheery whistling***

***Ambles happily into bedroom, this time paying attention to qG at mirror.***

Hi Queenie! Nice to see your back!

***Slaps own thigh in pantomime fashion, roaring at own joke. (You're back... Your back... get it.. tee hee tee hee. Espies CoG. Loses humour.***

And just what are YOU up to. Or is... there... something... going... on... that I should know about???

***Glares at one then the other***

The Royal Bedchamber

Post 380

Hapi - Hippo #5

Hey, Hi, King.. how's life??

Here, hold this please will you?

and could you please get us some small pliers? and perhaps a very small screwdriver?? Thanks, King!

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