A Conversation for CAMELOT (A place of enchantment and participation)

The Borg Cube

Post 1


[Borg 178]

Humans, surrender your weapons. Your racial indivuality will be added to our own, Resistance is futile! Death is irrelevant.

*blast the ground a few times with an ion cannon*

The Borg Cube

Post 2


[Dalek #4, stuck in concrete just over the way] I wouldn't even bother mate, the place is just not worth it. No TV, very muddy, and dull conversation.

The Borg Cube

Post 3

Floh Fortuneswell

Borg ite domum

The Borg Cube

Post 4


[Borg drone]

*Assimilates Brian*

The Borg Cube

Post 5

Floh Fortuneswell

[vanishing Brian]
Some things in life are bad
they can really make you mad
other things just make you swear and cuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

The Borg Cube

Post 6

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

[Borg Queen's head]

*attaches to Borg Queen's body*

*shakes body and steps forward*

We are the Borg.

smiley - tickleBrian {now known as 17 of 42} under the chin.

You are SO much more attractive now, 17 of 42.
You may attend your Queen tonight, after your duty shift.
You will tell us everything you know about these puny Earthlings.
There are some things we wish to know about this punysmiley - planetbefore we assimilate it.

The Borg Cube

Post 7

Seven of Nine [(1x52)-2-8]x1=42!

[Sexy ex-Borg chick]

*beams aboard*

*shoots phaser at several Borg drones*

*runs about a bit without breaking into a sweat*

*runs at Borg Queen and grapples her to the ground*

[Batmanesque-type-sound effects]


[Borg Queen]

Where are the bodyguards?
Destroy this peroxide-silicone-enhanced-half-breed!

[Sexy ex-Borg chick]

How dare you call me a half-breed!

[Borg Queen]

*falls unconscious*

*head rolls off*

[Sexy ex-Borg chick]

*grabs 17 of 42 and changes him back into Brian*



[Sexy ex-Borg chick]

*touches com badge*
Seven of Nine to Voyager.
Mission accomplished Captain.
Two to beam aboard.

[Transporter beam]


The Borg Cube

Post 8

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

The middle ages are more exiting than my history teacher told us smiley - tongueout
can I offer you a smiley - bubbly pritty borg lady??

The Borg Cube

Post 9


[Borg 5 of 80]

Sticks smiley - tongueout out at Brian as he beams out.


The Borg Cube

Post 10

Seven of Nine [(1x52)-2-8]x1=42!

[Sexy ex-Borg chick]

*beams back aboard and grabs 5*
Fancy coming back to my place?smiley - winkeye

The Borg Cube

Post 11


[Borg 5 of 80]

Wellll. Only if you promise to assimilate me smiley - winkeye

The Borg Cube

Post 12

Seven of Nine [(1x52)-2-8]x1=42!

[Sexy ex-Borg chick]

I never make promises.
I will require some assistance in extricating myself from this leather catsuit though.
Would you care to assist me, 5?
smiley - biggrin

The Borg Cube

Post 13


[Borg 5 of 80]


*raises circular saw attachment on right hand and activated it*


The Borg Cube

Post 14

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

[42 of 42]

*watches with interest*

The Borg Cube

Post 15

Seven of Nine [(1x52)-2-8]x1=42!

[sexy ex-Borg chick]


The Borg Cube

Post 16

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.


*into beard*

This was not quite the spell I meant...


You need to be more careful when you mutter strange phrases into those secret viles of yours...


Resistance is futile! Resistance is futile! I was just trying to make sure the bl***y stuff worked!

(sorry, not that funny, best I can do for right now)

The Borg Cube

Post 17

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

[42 0f 42]
smiley - erm
Sexy ex-Borg chick, aren't you going to catch your death of cold like that?
smiley - blue

The Borg Cube

Post 18

Seven of Nine [(1x52)-2-8]x1=42!

[sexy ex-Borg chick]

No, I am strong.
Does my nakedness bother anyone else here?

The Borg Cube

Post 19

Floh Fortuneswell

Certainly not smiley - tongueout

The Borg Cube

Post 20

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor


*fetches large towel to cover her up*

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