A Conversation for Aces' Code of Conduct

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1081

Loup Dargent

Oooops sorry Intern.... Missed the last bit of your posting...smiley - smiley

But i couldn't resist the temptation of replying to someone who couldn't resist coming straight to this thread and calling people dummies in their first ever posting in this thread _and_ on the site...smiley - biggrin

Smileys are part of the site's culture and it might take a while before people cut down on using them [especially as we have now the smiley - book smiley for bookmarking] in this thread... so a bit of patience would be far more preferable than name calling somehow...smiley - smiley


Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1082

Loup Dargent

Oooops... My previous post didn't come out as intended [_again_]...

To avoid any potential confusion the last paragraph was referring to what was said by loketrobin...smiley - smiley


Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1083

KNight BLUENOSELD, landlord and GOD of The Boars Head A1042534 United Friends Minister of Self Rigtheousness

smiley - book

BNsmiley - blue.

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1084

Researcher 234607

smiley - book

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1085



thats ok i got the general jist of what you was saying not badfore a
"dummy"tho heysmiley - biggrin

any how off to work smiley - wah

catch you all later

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1086


y is he so bothered if hes not in the thread anyway???
in fact...y r ppl bookmarking the thread when theyre not sayin owt?
weird....but hey i heard this thread is famous...was in another site n sum1 recognised me sayin "hey u on h2g2? ur in that big debate aint ya" heh heh
anyway....soz....carry on,,,,,, (insert pointless stupid face here)

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1087


please dont not use caps it is considerd shouting on site and the internet

The reason some people book mark is becouse they are on a digi box this mean that if you go out/go to work come back and check a thread like this one you have to read from the last place you wrote a message and also helps you remember where you have read up to so you dont have to read it all again to find where you left off before so there not pointless they do have a very good meaning behind them
the softwere for didgy box users has also been updated now so people can acess a lot the box might have struggled with before

I think the main thing we should be doing tho is keeping on track with the convosation at hand more than any thing



WELL smiley - bleepME YOU CANT SAY OR USE ANYTHIN IN THIS SITE CAN YOU smiley - laughsmiley - biggrin

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1088


Re: post 1008

as you well know i am not on about what you have there now so dont waste your time, my time or anyone elses looking for what any of us could find for ourselves! as i already said and you know this so dont pretend you dont or lead people to believe you are being helpful, your not, its what you unsubscribed i wanted, but as the whole point was making sure it couldnt be found, well done youve done a grand job!

smiley - fullmoon

oh and note to whoevers interested, re: post 749? (might have to check that, the 1 thats been removed anyway, mine)! 1st it was hidden, then it was put back and now it has been removed, i know you dont discuss the reasons for removing a post onsite but there was no reason for removing it other than to cover up the truth! it was addressed to Loup, what i stated was true, how the ace in question behaved was fact but hey lets all back each other up here and pretend h2g2 is a wonderful site with every single ace doing a wonderful job, hey lets go 1 step further and say we all believe in fairytales! smiley - laugh what a joke!
oh and 1 more thing, when my conversations are being watched, can you just spy on me and not jump into my threads, thats just a request mind!

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1089


I.V., can you tell us anything about the nature of the thread (approx date, name of page, name of thread, general topic of discussion etc) so that people who aren't trying to hide things might help you find it? Threads only disappear entirely and automatically if all posts are moderated. Otherwise the staff have to take action to make them disappear. As I said before, if you had a email of a moderated post of yours in such a thread then that contains the necessary information.


Post 1090


Re: post 984

"yes i admitted the fact that i went into your page i never said i followed you about tho which made it a little more seedy than it actualy was in actuall fact the reason i did it you know i know and the aces/italics know the reason behind all that but i cant see how it broke the house rules in any way i didnt post any messages i didnt interfear with any post's you reseved appart from the one's you reseved (reason) and the odd one that did break the house rule's....."

emphasis on the word 'went' so now you feel it necessary to spy on my conversations again? why might i ask? yes we are all aware Awol is back online, even in this thread, i never asked him to come here, hes chosen to do that himself but he told everyone who he was so dont you think rather than follow me around you can run straight to an ace pal and grass on him without coming into my conversations? no when this 1st started, (though it wasnt admitted at 1st), you was just spying but now you feel it necessary to join my conversations aswell! has the topic of following me round been suggested again in the aces forum or have you just decided to be my online stalker off your own back?

with reference to the rest of this post, i am not saying i dont have to follow the rules of this site, i hold my hands up ive posted some offensive posts, ive also had non offensive posts removed for stupid reasons and had my hands slapped as a result but saying that im not an ace, aces have responsibilities and standards to set!

"some aces ignore the code of conduct or use the rules as a means to a end"

who are you quoting here? not me

smiley - fullmoon

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1091


Re: post 1089

are you responding to my previous post, 1088? if you are then thats still on my page unless any of its already been removed under 'hey vampire'

if you mean further back, we could go back months, even im not entirely sure now of the approximate dates though i could check and give you a rough idea, at 1 time as i think i already said in this thread i recieved up to about 30 removed posts in email a day and seeing as my email is pants i had to delete a lot so as it didnt erm 'muck' it up on me! i have still to look through old emails in stored mail to see if i still have kept any of the removed posts, due to recent problems ive had to do with my digibox i still am catching up with ith a backlog in there too!

i know you are trying to help and i will get through the backlog in there soon aswell

smiley - fullmoon


Post 1092


Re: post 985

ok so it was your theory which at 1st wasnt admitted to, nobody later denied, but whether or not it is acknowledged that it was suggested in the aces forum, (and i know it was
and i know who suggested it, an ace though he maybe reading this thread i can tell you this much at least, he hasnt contributed to this thread, unless he has another name other than his ace name..though really its not who said what in the forum that counts is it? its who told me), intern has now admitted to doing it and hes also jumped into my conversation the other night so i think we can conclude its happening!

smiley - fullmoon

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1093


Re: post 988

lol i think this post sums up the whole of this thread, though you said you may have missed a few potential categories

i have noted that with exception to Loup not 1 ace has commented on this post, unless ive missed something!

but like some of my posts i believe the responces may be selective, if in doubt throw the rule book at me or all go back to having a moan about Awol, who is a great diversion to get away from the points of this thread afterall or alternatively just talk rubbish and insert smileys/bookmarks, speaking of bookmarks has anyone else noted how they seem to be contagious and grouping in places over this thread? lol just an observation

smiley - fullmoon

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct.

Post 1094


Re: post 990

said by me....

"t.g someone up theres got half a brain because as i never mentioned names it wasnt libellous"

apparently not! its hidden then someone decides its ok then you remove it and send me the email, when you give me a proper excuse (in email of course), ill take it seriously in the meantime all i can see is the truth beining hidden and aces tracks being covered over and over and over....

smiley - fullmoon

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct.

Post 1095

Boxing Baboon 2

can you act sensible please .try i know its hard. if you have a sensible comment lets hear it .And dont use caps smiley - ta

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1096


Intern.....Did you read the post in question,,u mentioned it was shouting ????.....

You misunderstood the post....& part of this is thread is all about not reading posts ,actually,seeing summat totally different !!!

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1097


Re: post 1020

you have as you say unsubscribed to conversations, we're just in disagreement as to your reasons and timing though

"the reason for giving my old space was in answer to smiley - vampire's point about people unsubscribing and maybe it might help to resolve this matter or it might in some way help to find unsubscribed threads"

no it wasnt, telling me your pages helps nobody, why pretend otherwise? the threads i was referring to have gone as you know

"but to get back to the main problem if there is one"??

oh and as you have unsubscribed to conversations when you knew i was looking for some examples on your pages not that im 'saying' you was hiding them deliberately, just stating facts as they have happened, what are you saying here exactly? if there is 1? oh i see and why are you so keen to put this thread to rest might i ask?

well thanks for your offer of help but seeing as those conversations you have unsubscribed too, seems a pointless exercise to me!

smiley - fullmoon

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1098


Localised Girl
Re: post 1071

actually it was closer to 600 odd posts lol but fortunately seeing as some people in this thread would rather talk about Dr.Who/tell you they are watching the snooker or insert dumb smileys it didnt take as long as i at 1st anticipated

smiley - fullmoon

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1099

Boxing Baboon 2

smiley - vampire

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1100


you talking to me booterboots or just inserting another pointless smiley without actually contributing to the thread?

smiley - fullmoon

Key: Complain about this post