A Conversation for The Manifesto for the Campaign to rename Thursday, "Thing"

The Last One To Post Here Wins

Post 14381


Alright... Where's my five pounds?

The Last One To Boast Here Wins

Post 14382


Do I win five pounds then?

The Last One To Post Here Wins

Post 14383

Cheese Busters (Creator of C.H.E.E.S.E. and Keeper of the Fondo) I am mad, just ask my slice of cheese, Bob

I win coz i have read all your messages i deserve the 5er

The Last One To Post Here Wins

Post 14384


I win now so I get to keep all the prizes.

The Last One To Post Here Wins

Post 14385

Cheese Busters (Creator of C.H.E.E.S.E. and Keeper of the Fondo) I am mad, just ask my slice of cheese, Bob

I win i'm backsmiley - smiley

The Last One To Post Here Wins

Post 14386

Soaring Kite

sorry cheesy i win oh merry xmas

here's asmiley - cracker

The Last One To Post Here Wins

Post 14387

Soaring Kite

*pulls the cracker novelty falls into p5's hands*

i won yeahsmiley - aliensmile

The Last One To Post Here Wins

Post 14388

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and S.S.J.A.D.D...plus...S.N.A.F.U.

trust me to get the big paper hat that falls down all the timesmiley - wah

The Last One To Post Here Wins

Post 14389

Soaring Kite

better luck next timesmiley - hugsmiley - aliensmile

The Last One To Post Here Wins

Post 14390

MysteriousOneWoS/Darth Horrifus - Thingite Well of Souls and member of the MotMV, Chief of the ICUP and Founder of the Mint

I win.

The Last One To Post Here Wins

Post 14391


But surely not. The winner is me. :P

The Last One To Post Here Wins

Post 14392

Ivan the Terribly Average

I win.

The Last One To Post Here Wins

Post 14393

MysteriousOneWoS/Darth Horrifus - Thingite Well of Souls and member of the MotMV, Chief of the ICUP and Founder of the Mint

I win. A3318941A3430748

The Last One To Post Here Wins

Post 14394


smiley - snowball *uses the usually described as unconventional but perfectly acceptable at this time of year method of winning by sliding down a chimney* smiley - llabwons

I win smiley - reindeer

The Last One To Post Here Wins

Post 14395


I win!

The Last One To Post Here Wins

Post 14396


My turn now

I win smiley - cracker

The Last One To Post Here Wins

Post 14397

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and S.S.J.A.D.D...plus...S.N.A.F.U.

smiley - ermsmiley - run

The Last One To Post Here Wins

Post 14398

Ivan the Terribly Average

I win again! smiley - wow

The Last One To Post Here Wins

Post 14399

R195700WayneFrWpgDD#22 Agent Of ZedDragon AvengerOfGods LordOfGhost Member Of The Assassins Guild and The Great God Of Boogie!

Still Me Andsmiley - spacesmiley - ghostsmiley - spacesmiley - nahnahsmiley - spaceWe Win!!!

smiley - tongueout To The Multi Posters smiley - nahnah

The Last One To Post Here Wins

Post 14400

R195700WayneFrWpgDD#22 Agent Of ZedDragon AvengerOfGods LordOfGhost Member Of The Assassins Guild and The Great God Of Boogie!

Still Me Andsmiley - spacesmiley - ghostsmiley - spacesmiley - nahnahsmiley - spaceWe Win!!!

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The Last One To Post Here Wins

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