A Conversation for The Manifesto for the Campaign to rename Thursday, "Thing"

The Last One To Post Here Wins

Post 14341

MysteriousOneWoS/Darth Horrifus - Thingite Well of Souls and member of the MotMV, Chief of the ICUP and Founder of the Mint

I continue to win.

The Last One To Post Here Wins

Post 14342

R195700WayneFrWpgDD#22 Agent Of ZedDragon AvengerOfGods LordOfGhost Member Of The Assassins Guild and The Great God Of Boogie!

Still Me And smiley - ghostsmiley - spacesmiley - nahnahsmiley - spaceWe Win!!!

The Last One To Post Here Wins

Post 14343

MysteriousOneWoS/Darth Horrifus - Thingite Well of Souls and member of the MotMV, Chief of the ICUP and Founder of the Mint

Me and - me!

The Last One To Post Here Wins

Post 14344

R195700WayneFrWpgDD#22 Agent Of ZedDragon AvengerOfGods LordOfGhost Member Of The Assassins Guild and The Great God Of Boogie!

Still Me Andsmiley - spacesmiley - ghostsmiley - spacesmiley - nahnahWe Win!!!

The Last One To Post Here Wins

Post 14345

Ivan the Terribly Average

It's time for my first win of the evening.

The Last One To Post Here Wins

Post 14346

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Okay, no it's my turn smiley - smooch

I Win

smiley - devilsmiley - angel

The Last One To Post Here Wins

Post 14347

Ivan the Terribly Average

Lil! smiley - smooch

Now it's my second win of the evening...

The Last One To Post Here Wins

Post 14348


Menage a trois? smiley - smoochsmiley - kiss

The Last One To Post Here Wins

Post 14349

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Mais non, menage a quatre! smiley - winkeye <>smiley - smoochsmiley - smooch

The Last One To Post Here Wins

Post 14350

Ivan the Terribly Average

smiley - wowsmiley - biggrin

The Last One To Post Here Wins

Post 14351

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

smiley - huh fish? ...Something "fishy" here!!

The Last One To Post Here Wins

Post 14352


Sacre bleu smiley - yikes

The Last One To Post Here Wins

Post 14353

Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX

Auf Weidersensmiley - winkeye

The Last One To Post Here Wins

Post 14354

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs


The Last One To Post Here Wins

Post 14355

R195700WayneFrWpgDD#22 Agent Of ZedDragon AvengerOfGods LordOfGhost Member Of The Assassins Guild and The Great God Of Boogie!

Still Me Andsmiley - spacesmiley - ghostsmiley - spacesmiley - nahnahsmiley - spaceWe Win!!!

smiley - spacesmiley - tongueoutsmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - tongueout

The Last One To Post Here Wins

Post 14356

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

Nope, I win!

The Last One To Post Here Wins

Post 14357


11:09 21/12/04 i win smiley - zen

The Last One To Post Here Wins

Post 14358

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

Nope, I win!

The Last One To Post Here Wins

Post 14359

MysteriousOneWoS/Darth Horrifus - Thingite Well of Souls and member of the MotMV, Chief of the ICUP and Founder of the Mint

Sorry, I win.

The Last One To Post Here Wins

Post 14360


this is getting repetitive. smiley - zen someone put a stop to it please!

Key: Complain about this post

The Last One To Post Here Wins

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