The ICUP Mint
Created | Updated Mar 5, 2005
You step into a large room filled with machinery for creating coins and bank notes. There is a small door by a large furnace marked "sign up here".
Mint records
The Mint records lie open on a table. You look at it.
Job 1: Bribe for Evil Army to shut up
Sign up here
Inside the door, a small robot sidles up to you.
"Would you like to register your currency over here?" it says, pointing to a large book.
Curencies currently registered are:
EAUC-0.5 Republican Credits
Republican Credits-2 EAUC
My currency's name is:
My currency's value compared to:
Republican Credits:
My currency's system of values is(for example, 1 pound=100 pence, 1 credit=10 decicreds):
"Perhaps you would like to be a Material Sifter?" says the robot. "If so, sign up here!
I want to become a Sifter because: