A Conversation for The Manifesto for the Campaign to rename Thursday, "Thing"

Shooby Do wop wop!!

Post 34281

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

we need a sado-masichism smiley. smiley - winkeye

Shooby Do wop wop!!

Post 34282

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

but if anyone has, say...a spare £600 stuck down the back of the sofa cushions....that will do nicely. smiley - winkeye

Shooby Do wop wop!!

Post 34283

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

Bet it will!

Shooby Do wop wop!!

Post 34284

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

well yes...and it's at that point that my meticullously constructed fantasy world of money and success comes crashing down.

Shooby Do wop wop!!

Post 34285


well there's nothing wrong with a fantasy world - Mr I seems to have no problems at all reconciling his with RL.

S'cuse me while I adjust myself - the PVC thigh boots are chafing.

Shooby Do wop wop!!

Post 34286

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

smiley - nurse?

Shooby Do wop wop!!

Post 34287


Sorry, don't think the uniform would match the boots.

Shooby Do wop wop!!

Post 34288

Mr Inertia - Now new, improved and mostly human!

Was that really necessary Clive?

Narapoia - I prefer the little ankle boots, myself!!

(Although I do look slightly stupid in them!)
smiley - winkeye

Shooby Do wop wop!!

Post 34289



Bromide tablet, anyone?

Shooby Do wop wop!!

Post 34290

Emsley Thomas

smiley - ill

Shooby Do wop wop!!

Post 34291

Emsley Thomas

smiley - ill

Shooby Do wop wop!!

Post 34292

Mr Inertia - Now new, improved and mostly human!

Narapoia - No thanks

emmi - What's up?

Shooby Do wop wop!!

Post 34293


Must have been the thought of Mr I in those boots, Emmi!

Shooby Do wop wop!!

Post 34294

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

smiley - nurse - oh if you ever dare brave the backlog - many long and protracted jokes were made about that smiley.

Shooby Do wop wop!!

Post 34295


I have heard hints of it recently.
Makes me fear for the sanity of the Thingites.
Then again...

Shooby Do wop wop!!

Post 34296

Emsley Thomas

smiley - biggrin it was the though of Mr I in those boots!! Plust the fact that it is Sodit and I drank off milk in my smiley - tea cos it was the only milk we had left....smiley - erm

Shooby Do wop wop!!

Post 34297

Mr Inertia - Now new, improved and mostly human!

What sanity?
We have no sanity!
(Well, I have no sanity!!)
smiley - silly

Shooby Do wop wop!!

Post 34298

philbo baggins

Sanity is an illusion caused by mescaline deficiency


...though I prefer:

Reality is an illusion caused by alcohol deficiency

Not that I suffer from /that/ much smiley - smiley


Shooby Do wop wop!!

Post 34299


I think I left mine somewhere back in '72.....sanity revival anyone????

Shooby Do wop wop!!

Post 34300


I thought it was excess blood in the alcohol system?
smiley - cheers

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