A Conversation for The Manifesto for the Campaign to rename Thursday, "Thing"

Shooby Do wop wop!!

Post 34241

Evil Roy: Maestro of the Thingite Orchestra, Knight Errant of the Thingite Cause, Prince of Balwyniti, Aussie Researchers A59204

smiley - whistle

Shooby Do wop wop!!

Post 34242

Lady Scott

Hmm... a *double* smiley - whistle from ER - Must not be that bad of a Sodit where he is...

Maybe there's hope for the rest of us when Sodit gets here....

Shooby Do wop wop!!

Post 34243

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

We can only hope... smiley - grovel

Shooby Do wop wop!!

Post 34244

Lady Scott

smiley - whistle

*We* still have 40 more minutes of Dontbry here!

Shooby Do wop wop!!

Post 34245

Avenging Washcloth, An unhurried sense of time is, in itself, a form of wealth.

Augh! smiley - run

Shooby Do wop wop!!

Post 34246

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.


Shooby Do wop wop!!

Post 34247

Lady Scott


Shooby Do wop wop!!

Post 34248

Avenging Washcloth, An unhurried sense of time is, in itself, a form of wealth.



Shooby Do wop wop!!

Post 34249

Lady Scott


Shooby Do wop wop!!

Post 34250

Avenging Washcloth, An unhurried sense of time is, in itself, a form of wealth.

2 ....

...2! Ha!

Shooby Do wop wop!!

Post 34251

Lady Scott


Shooby Do wop wop!!

Post 34252

Evil Roy: Maestro of the Thingite Orchestra, Knight Errant of the Thingite Cause, Prince of Balwyniti, Aussie Researchers A59204

smiley - run

Shooby Do wop wop!!

Post 34253

Lady Scott


Shooby Do wop wop!!

Post 34254

Lady Scott


Shooby Do wop wop!!

Post 34255

Avenging Washcloth, An unhurried sense of time is, in itself, a form of wealth.



Shooby Do wop wop!!

Post 34256

Lady Scott

Should auld acquaintance be forgot....

Shooby Do wop wop!!

Post 34257

Mr Inertia - Now new, improved and mostly human!

::Completely ignores b'log as this is now Sodit::

::Spends a minute correcting spelling on first line::
Morning all!
smiley - biggrin

Shooby Do wop wop!!

Post 34258

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

*groan* Would it help if I commited suicide?

Shooby Do wop wop!!

Post 34259

Emsley Thomas

How can you be so cheerful on a Sodit morning...? smiley - coffee overdose already?

Shooby Do wop wop!!

Post 34260

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

I think it should be made a criminal offence to be cheerfull before 12.00

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