A Conversation for Musehome Roster

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 141

fyrelizard (muse of roses and raspberry mocha, keeper of pyrotechnics etc)

Thank you for my museship! smiley - rose

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 142

Dancer (put your advert here)

Actually, Took me a while, I don't know... I'm a Guardian Angle, a Scout and a greeblet (95) already, I hesitated for a couple of months before I decided to become a muse.

You know there's so many responsibilities already. And what if I have to become a keeeeper too.... It'll be the end of me smiley - silly

smiley - hsif
Dancer (Using way too many Es)

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 143

RedFish ><>

just make sure u guard them angles well, dont want em sticking into people.

smiley - sharksmiley - run

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 144

Encapsulated Life Pod Number 3- Muse of Gibberish

Hello, I very very very much want to be the muse of gibberish. I had considered applying to be the muse of total gibberish, but feel that would be a little above my station.

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 145

RedFish ><>

Ahh, gibber a lovely country, and such an interesting language.

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 146

Pu Dendal-Shrubbery

Is that near Gobbledygook?

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 147

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

smiley - tongueout You are both so silly!!!

Encapsulated Life Pod Number 3, do you agree to the Musehome Rules!??

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 148

Encapsulated Life Pod Number 3- Muse of Gibberish

Oh, yes, absolutely, definitely yes.
I agree.

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 149

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde


Then do consider yourself a muse... I think I may have added you to the roster... but I will right now if I haven;t...


smiley - magic


Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 150

Encapsulated Life Pod Number 3- Muse of Gibberish

Ta very much smiley - biggrin

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 151

RedFish ><>

smiley - orangefish

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 152

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

nO no nnon onooooo no...!!! Thank YOU!!! smiley - winkeye

smiley - hug

Welcome to the family.

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 153

Shea the Sarcastic

smiley - musicalnote We are family ...

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 154


I resisted for so long ... I mean, I'm already a keeper ... but the urge is too strong ... I want to belong ... (I better stop now, before this turns into bad poetrysmiley - silly)

PLEEEEEEEEEASE can I be muse of Pretentious People?

Please please please?8)

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 155

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Oh!?? That's nice... do you agree to the Musehome Rules!?? smiley - winkeye

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 156


Bien sur, ma cherie, of course I do.

(I don't actually know what bien sur means apart from it's french for something but hey! that's the whole point of being pretentioussmiley - biggrin)

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 157

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Bien means well... smiley - tongueout

I took two semesters of French, too!!! Good old American Education!!! smiley - tongueout



Consider yourself an Honorary Muse, knitbunny, until I get you on the Roster!!! YAY!!!


smiley - magic


Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 158


Thankyou thankyou thankyou!

I'm now off to find myself some young men with goatee beards and black turtle neck jumpers who write bad poetry and see if I can inspire them in any waysmiley - winkeye

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 159

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

YAY!!! That's the spirit!!!

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 160

Arlecchino (school gets in the way)

Is this where one signs up to become a muse? I'd like to be the Muse of Improvisation and Masks. I think you'll see that this relates directly to my H2G2 nickname smiley - winkeye

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