A Conversation for Musehome Roster

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 201

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

COOL!!! You are an honorary Muse until I find time to put you on the Roster(which should be within a week!!! YAY!!!).

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 202

ANDROKTONE (Visit MoominValley! A639010)

Thankyou! Do i need to put a link on my page?
smiley - bluefish I ANDROKTONE smiley - orangefish
smiley - orangebutterfly Hon. Muse of Big Hair and Platform Boots smiley - bluebutterfly

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 203

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Yes. You need to have a link to the Musehome from your userpage. THANKS!!! smiley - magic

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 204


Could I be muse of tortured alcoholic geniuses (or should that be genii)

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 205

Marjin, After a long time of procrastination back lurking

I have another one that seems to be missing.
May I become the Muse of Bugs and Other Enhancements ?

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 206

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

smiley - hug HOw nice of you to consider bugs enhancements!!! I think that way!!! smiley - winkeye

Happy to see you here, Egon.... I'll put both of you on the Roster officially in a few days. Until then, please consider yourselves Honorary Muses and help yourself to everything at the musehome!!! YAY!!! smiley - magic

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 207


I'm very honoured.

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 208

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde



smiley - magic

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 209

Shorty† (ACE, Keeper, Muse, MuG, Thingite)

I don't know... Do you have a Muse of Flutes? If you don't, can I be one? smiley - grovel

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 210

Shorty† (ACE, Keeper, Muse, MuG, Thingite)

Or maybe Muse of Self-teaching Keyboardists? What do you think?

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 211

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

It's your call, my dear... smiley - winkeye

smiley - musicalnote

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 212

Shorty† (ACE, Keeper, Muse, MuG, Thingite)

Umm... I'll take Muse of Flutists...or floutists... or however you spell it, please.

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 213

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

YAY!!! smiley - winkeyesmiley - musicalnote

Consider yourself an Honorary Muse until I get you onto the Roster.... WHHEEE!!!


smiley - magic


Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 214

Shorty† (ACE, Keeper, Muse, MuG, Thingite)

Merci Madame(moiselle). (Translation for Moderators: thank you madam (miss)).

I'll go put the link on now if that's all right.

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 215

Frankie Roberto

I've just been appointed honorary Muse too. Muse of Questions... smiley - smiley Yay!

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 216

Shorty† (ACE, Keeper, Muse, MuG, Thingite)

smiley - cool I'm surprised that one hadn't been taken before!

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 217

Frankie Roberto

Well, lucky for me then! smiley - smiley

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 218

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

smiley - winkeye

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 219

Frankie Roberto

Let us know when you update the Roster! smiley - smiley

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 220

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

OH, fear not... I have my means of telling you... smiley - winkeye

smiley - winkeye

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