A Conversation for Musehome Roster

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 101

Pu Dendal-Shrubbery

ooh, er... numerous. I'd say those famous for the look of classic children's books...Arthur Rackham, Maurice Sendak, Sir John Tenniel, EH Shepard, Randolph Caldecott, Victor Ambrus, Raymond Briggs... At the moment I'm potty about the work of a guy called Chris Riddel. I'm doing Children's Illustration at Uni and I'm sort of like a cross between him, Paul Cemmick, Hunt Emerson and Josh Kirby. Quentin Blake is The Cool British Illustrator obviously but my stuff's nothing like his unfortunately.
Sorry I don't know many Americans - Mort Drucker, Mike Lester, Jack Davis, Peter De Seve??? Basically I love all good illustration!

Hmm. This expansion of Muses is v. 21st Century.What consistutes art anymore?Is there a Muse of Web-site Design?

P.S. Would I have to wear a long diaphanous dress?

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 102

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

smiley - winkeye NO Muse of Web-Art Design... yet... smiley - tongueout

You sound overqualified, and I can not take you, sorry. At least now you must not worry about having to wear a toga!!!

HAHAHAHA!!! Oh that wasn't nice!!! I was only joking!!! COME BACK!!!

Oh no... What have I done!?? smiley - sadface

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 103

Pu Dendal-Shrubbery

Still here.

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 104

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Oh good. smiley - winkeye

The toga is not mandatory. smiley - winkeye

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 105

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Pu.... you need to write something on your userpage so that friendly researchers can come and leave you nice little gifts!!! You'll be happy you did it!!! smiley - hug

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 106

Pu Dendal-Shrubbery

Ok. Will do. I only discovered this whole h2g2 universe last week and I'm hooked! I keep discovering new and interesting entries, hoopy conversations, fun things and peculiar people which has delayed me somewhat... But I will get around to it soon! I'm desperate to adopt a fish too....
See you,(Archangel!!!) Dragonfly ,smiley - hug

P.S. I think I'll just wear the toga at weekends...

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 107

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

YAY!!! smiley - hug

Hoopiness abounds here!!! Glad you are hooked... that's the plan... BWAHAHAHAHAHahhahahaaa.... smiley - tongueoutsmiley - silly

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 108

Shea the Sarcastic

Hi Pu! Tubbyfish hasn't been seen around much lately ... don't know if the fish adoption thing will happen any time soon. And even if you just write "hi" on your space, people can come say "hi" back! smiley - smiley

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 109

Pu Dendal-Shrubbery

Hi, back! smiley - smiley

*slightly worried about the all-too convincing maniacal laughter...*

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 110

Shea the Sarcastic

Don't worry, she does that all the time! smiley - winkeye

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 111

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Yes I do!!!! And it only means I am SILLY!!!

smiley - silly


Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 112


IS there a muse of X-Philes yet? If not, I would like to apply for the possitionsmiley - smiley

By the way, X-Philes are fans of the X-Files in case anyone is not familiar with the showsmiley - biggrin

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 113

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

....but you have said mean things about cheesecake!!! smiley - sadface

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 114


read my journal, I recently discovered that I like it a lotsmiley - smiley

I take back all of the mean things I said about it

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 115

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

INDEED!!! I have been there!!!

So I shall have to change the Roster and add you tonight!!!

I'll be busy with company for awhile, so I'll try not to put it off any later...


smiley - magic


Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 116


Thank yousmiley - smileysmiley - biggrinsmiley - smiley

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 117


*leaves a cheesecake for Dragonfly*

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 118

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Awwww... thank you... that shall give me much needed energy!!! smiley - winkeye

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 119

Shea the Sarcastic

*ahem!* smiley - whistle

Museship Positions Available as of 5/01

Post 120

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Tra la la la smiley - magic!!!!

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