A Conversation for Musicians Guild Membership Page

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Post 821

Dr Hell

Hello there, cat. smiley - winkeye I finally came around writing stuff on the more musical side, although it's still quite science geek-ish. And since I play guitar I thought, well why not join the MuG.

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Post 822

h2g2 Musicians Guild

And we're glad to have you around, Hell smiley - smiley

You'll find the badge at A434648.

Keep up the good work smiley - ok

smiley - cheers

Danny B.

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Post 823

Speller - If I can help somebody...

Hi I would love to join...
What instrument(s) do you play, or want to play? Well, piano (sort of), accordian, trumpet (once), keyboards, electric and pipe organ, just learning the guitar and clarinet!!!

Do you sing? Used to - not so much now

Do you have a favorite composer, musical artist, band, or music genre? ANYTHING but country and Rap!!!

Is there anything in particular you would like from the Musicians Guild? Good chat, ideas and tips would be wonderful... especially on playing instruments....

smiley - cheers

Nick smiley - dog

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Post 824

h2g2 Musicians Guild

Hi, Speller, and welcome to the Guild smiley - smiley

You'll find the membership badge at A434648 for you to decorate your personal space.

And you'd be amazed how many people cite country and/or rap as the only type of music they don't like smiley - biggrin

smiley - cheers

Danny B.

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Post 825



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Post 826

Danny B

Hi ENOHA smiley - smiley

Looking at your page, it looks like you've got a < missing before the PICTURE tag, which is why the picture isn't showing properly.

If that doesn't work, let me know smiley - ok

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Post 827

Kat - From H2G2

What instrument(s) do you play, or want to play?

I play the clarinet (grade 3), piano VERY badly (grade 4), and have JUST started the saxaphone this week and can make five sounds.

Do you sing?

I can and apparently I sound very good...but I don't like to do it

Do you have a favorite composer, musical artist, band, or music genre?

Chopin and Liszt. On a less geeky note, I like most music bands especially Gomez, Oasis, Genesis, and Placebo. I also love ska.

Is there anything in particular you would like from the Musicians Guild?

Anyone who can help me with clarinet and saxaphone would be much appreciated as I have no teacher for either and never have had one (getting to grade 3 clarinet has been painful).

thank you


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Post 828

tonemonkey(Steve Cooper, of BLiM fame (?!) contact me!)

Sign Me up if you please.......

I'm a guitarist, mainly in the blues idiom, all round gear geek, tone freak, and obsessive.

Do I sing? only If I have to, and I'm being paid.

Favourite composer or band? My most consistent influences are fourfold, Eric Clapton, Buddy Guy, BB King, and Freddie King. I'm always looking out for those special people who I haven't come accross before, and currently I'm grooving to Buddy Whittington, a current member of John Mayalls Bluesbreakers and to a man known as Guitar G, who I found through the Les Paul Forum.

As far as what I want from the guild, contacts would be nice, one of they badge things too, and an ear for my playing.

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Post 829

h2g2 Musicians Guild

Hello and welcome to Kat and Tonemonkey. smiley - smiley You'll find your badge at A434648.

Tonemonkey, since you're a guitarist, you may find this of interest smiley - winkeye: A1124632


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Post 830



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Post 831



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Post 832

Alchendron, God of All Things Thingish and Otherwise (formerly known as LostKnightOfNi)

well, i play guitar and bass guitar and my favourite genres are probably like blues, and rock'n'roll (mostly from the 60's and 70's), and folk music, i just figured i'd join since i'm new to h2g2 and i play instruments

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Post 833

h2g2 Musicians Guild

Hi, Alchendron smiley - smiley

Welcome to H2G2 and welcome to the Guild! You'll find our membership badge at A434648.

Have fun! smiley - ok

smiley - cheers

Danny B.

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Post 834



I play Guitar (Electric,acoustic) which is my main instrument, but i can also play bass, and have given the Mandolin a whirl aswell.

Musically i like anything from Full on Metal to Blues, Bluegrass to mellow country, i just take it as it comes, my 'favourite' guitar player (apart from my brother) is Paul Gilbert,but there are so many guitarists i admire in all sorts of styles, i'm very much into improvisation and trying new things on guitar and am interested in Musical theory (im no Muso, but it all helps)

Im not looking for anything in particular by joining, but a custom Gibson,PRS...anything smiley - biggrin wouldnt go amiss, other than that, chat with like minded people hopefully


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Post 835

h2g2 Musicians Guild

Hello there Iamnezzy, and welcome to the Musicians' Guild. You'll find your membership badge at A434648. Since you're a guitarist, I'm obliged to point you in the direction of this article: A1124632.

Have fun! smiley - smiley


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Post 836

Dr Hell

There are some guitar related Entries up for PR, if you want to comment smiley - winkeye

A2792108 How Guitar Pickups Work
A2801936 The Parts of an Acoustic Guitar


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Post 837


I play guitar, a little blues harp and sing.

I started playing music in '64 because I wanted to be Bob Dylan/John Lennon. What I didn't realize was that you actually had to be talented / brilliant / good looking /witty to do that. All I had was determination and the belief that enough practice would result in my acquiring all of the above.

All it gave me was the ability to be a mediocre but dependable guitarist/singer (which served me well playing for a living for several years, and as a side job for 20 years), and a nickname (Famous Patrick) which is more talented / brilliant / good looking /witty than I am.

I am recording on my home studio, and hope that the MUGS can help with advice, encouragememt, money and a new handle. Well ... maybe not money ... but the rest.

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Post 838

h2g2 Musicians Guild

Hi famouspatrick smiley - smiley

Welcome to the Guild - you'll find the membership badge at A434648. It's great to have another addition to the elite few members who've managed to earn a living from music smiley - ok

smiley - cheers

Danny B.

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Post 839


Hi, I'm interested in joining the Musicians' Guild (which is why I'm posting here, clearly.) smiley - smiley

I play violin, viola, and recorder/tinwhistle (though not quite as well). I'm trying to learn the bagpipes, but it's not progressing too well. Though I have a classical grounding in violin and viola, my favourite sort of music to play is Celtic music and other sorts of traditional and early music from the British Isles. I'm a strict traditionalist, i.e. I don't go in for electric instruments and Celtic Fusion and all that. I've had a few gigs, both Celtic and classical, though none of them paying smiley - sadface. However, seeing as I'm just a teenager, I'm doing rather well, if I do say so myself.

What intrigued me about this group/club/guild is that I have written a short story/novella called Musicians' Guild, so I was somewhat taken aback to come across the name. What exactly is the Guild, though? I'm a complete and utter newcomer to h2g2, and so am feeling slightly confused by everything. I still want to join, though, seeing as music is one of my favourite things on earth!smiley - biggrin

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Post 840


The official Musician's Guild Welcomer seems to have stepped away so I'll just step in. Welcome! Have you been to this page U150368? It explains a little bit about the h2g2 Musician's Guild. There is also a badge that you can stick on your Personal Space. A434648 explains how to do so.

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