A Conversation for The Crossed Purposes Pub

Crossed Purposes: the billiards-room

Post 41


* MaW looks around *

I still don't have a satisfactory explanation as to why I'm suddenly here. I was... err...

* he scratches his head *

D'you know, I can't actually remember what I was doing.

Crossed Purposes: the billiards-room

Post 42

Euan - † - Getting a new laser to play with - woohoo

Well, as long as you weren't in the shower or on the loo, that's fine.

Actually, there's a long list of things I hope you weren't doing, but that's neither here nor there.


*Grabs cellphone*

Daedalus, do /you/ have any suggestions about what we might do now?

Crossed Purposes: the billiards-room

Post 43


*The cellphone crackles.*

We need a new stronghold if we are to pose a threat, and our ammunition stores could use bolstering.

Crossed Purposes: the billiards-room

Post 44


*finishes his pint*

What are our options?

Crossed Purposes: the billiards-room

Post 45

Craxus "ACE" (High Lord of the Magicians Guild "A2510425")

I suggest we completely attack the goverments stronghold. They destroyed my medical bay and they will pay for there retardation.

Crossed Purposes: the billiards-room

Post 46


smiley - erm Am I still on the ship?

Crossed Purposes: the billiards-room

Post 47


You slipped out the screen door, remember? smiley - winkeye

Crossed Purposes: the billiards-room

Post 48

Craxus "ACE" (High Lord of the Magicians Guild "A2510425")


Crossed Purposes: the billiards-room

Post 49


Would it be possible to have a brief overview of what happened after the Research Lab blew up? As you can see... *looks at clothes*, I've been a bit our of the loop for a while.

Crossed Purposes: the billiards-room

Post 50


"out" of loop not "our" of loopsmiley - doh

Crossed Purposes: the billiards-room

Post 51

Craxus "ACE" (High Lord of the Magicians Guild "A2510425")

Well we found some docks that we were going to steal a nuclear submarine. And well, many things happened at once I won't be the best person for it, as I was in a high secruity hospital and I broke out of that and went after Euan when he was in the Safe House on 43rd street.

Crossed Purposes: the billiards-room

Post 52


A nuclear submarine? Interesting...


* he starts to shimmer *

I think I'm about to end up somewhere else... I'll come back when I-!

* he vanishes with a slight 'pop' *

Crossed Purposes: the billiards-room

Post 53

Dizzy the Void

[Freeze frame; Death suddenly becomes visible. She reaches into her trenchcoat and pulls out another digital timer with someone else's name on it. Unfreeze frame and she vanishes.]

Crossed Purposes: the billiards-room

Post 54

Craxus "ACE" (High Lord of the Magicians Guild "A2510425")

Hmmm...I wondered where MaW went. We really need everyone here. Anywho whats the plan of attack?

Crossed Purposes: the billiards-room

Post 55


*Shrugs shoulders*

The usual one is to appear randomly at different times, and try and swamp them with our inferior numbers...smiley - huh Any other ideas? smiley - erm

Crossed Purposes: the billiards-room

Post 56

Euan - † - Getting a new laser to play with - woohoo

Or just random mayhem.

Or is that the same thing?

Crossed Purposes: the billiards-room

Post 57


* MaW shimmers back into the middle of the room, narrowly avoiding a billiards table *

This isn't good at all.

Crossed Purposes: the billiards-room

Post 58

Craxus "ACE" (High Lord of the Magicians Guild "A2510425")

What what's not good?

Crossed Purposes: the billiards-room

Post 59


It seems to work most of the time.

Crossed Purposes: the billiards-room

Post 60


I was referring to the way I keep randomly vanishing. Do you know where I go when I'm not here? Because I certainly don't.

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