A Conversation for The Crossed Purposes Pub

Crossed Purposes - March 2003

Post 201


*wanders in, a bit tattered, with stray "herbs" stuck in her lapel"

Whew! Never spend St. Paddy's day with a bunch of rednecks guarding a herb garden. smiley - cross It took three quarts of Hati's special brew to render them unconscious.

Pandora, did you use all the hot water? *heads in the direction of the ladies*

Crossed Purposes - March 2003

Post 202

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - tongueoutNope. My last shower was FREEZING...*glares at
Gwennie-poo...*smiley - drunkI hobe ev-body hash had a guud
Stain Pa-hic-Pa-hic Irish Daysmiley - cheers...*falls backward over the blue goo couch...landing on mari's knitting needles...feels nothing...*smiley - zzz

Crossed Purposes - March 2003

Post 203


*Not so gently removes Mari's knitting needles from Pan's posterior and returns them to Mari*

As the saying goes, "No sense, no feeling!" smiley - tongueout

*Wonders whether Pan could do with another cold shower to revive her but then remembers that Hypatia is currently installed and taking a hot one (shower that is!)*

Crossed Purposes - March 2003

Post 204

Linus...42, i guess that makes me the answer...

I think i'll go take a leek, smiley - erm hang on, thats Welsh rather than Irish

Crossed Purposes - March 2003

Post 205

Pandora...Born Again Tart

...*mumbles in her sleep...something about Antonio Bandaras..*
smiley - kisssmiley - zzz

Crossed Purposes - March 2003

Post 206


*Shoves a leek into Linus's smiley - ale* There you are! smiley - smiley

Crossed Purposes - March 2003

Post 207


*Wonders whether she can share in Pan's dream* smiley - drool

Leak Linus? smiley - huh

*Looks up at the ceiling*

Where? smiley - bigeyes

Crossed Purposes - March 2003

Post 208


Antonio Bandaras? smiley - wow Where?

*Cranes her neck to see the ceiling*

Crossed Purposes - March 2003

Post 209


Tsk! Mari please do stop dribbling and mind you're neck doesn't get stuck from looking up like that! smiley - tongueout

Crossed Purposes - March 2003

Post 210


*Wipes her chin with the back of her hand and dries it on the nearest cloth which happens to be Pandora's skirt.*

smiley - drool

Crossed Purposes - March 2003

Post 211


Don't go, Linus! Once you've broken the seal you'll be in & out of there for the rest of the month! smiley - silly

Crossed Purposes - March 2003

Post 212


I'm rather fond of leeks in cracked pepper white sauce, delicious with lamb.

A Cab sauv would be nice with that.

What a pity those nice soldier boys couldn't stay a little longer.

Crossed Purposes - March 2003

Post 213

Pandora...Born Again Tart

...*sits traight up...smoothes her hair...*smiley - yikesSoldier Boys?!
smiley - kissWhere?...*whispres to mari...*are they still here?
...*mari wacks Pan with her cane...*smiley - starsmiley - crossOf course I can still hear!smiley - crossWhat are you implying?!
smiley - ermGeez mari, it's good to have you back.
...*wonders over to the bar for a bit-o-the dog...wonders why there's still green booze left...realizes that she's looking at a BLUE bottle thru her RED eyessmiley - online2longpours a mug-o-bourbon...*smiley - cheers Ahhhhhhh tip-top o' the mornin' ta' ya'!
smiley - ermIt's hard to stop an Irish Brogue once you're really into it.
smiley - cheers

Crossed Purposes - March 2003

Post 214


The nice soldier boys ran away when you started snoring Pan! smiley - tongueout

*Passes Pan some smiley - dog hair*

It's some of Spike's hair and if you're very lucky Pan, you can have some of my smiley - cat Humphrey's hair too, when I've pinned the wee smiley - monster and brushed him that is! smiley - cool

Crossed Purposes - March 2003

Post 215


Exits the ladies feeling much more refreshed...and smelling considerably better.

takes Gwennie smiley - nurse aside and whispers ....something rather...er...embarrassing has happened, Gwennie. I have a dog bite in my posterior and it's aching something fierce. Would you happen to have one of those little rubber donuts I could put in my chair?

Pours herself a double G&T nd leans against the bar to drink.

Crossed Purposes - March 2003

Post 216


Oh dear! I hope it wasn't one of my smiley - dogs! smiley - erm

*Delves into her smiley - nurseie bag, disguises a rubbersmiley - donut in a large blue cushion cover and passes it to Hypatia*

Mum's the word dear! smiley - winkeye

Crossed Purposes - March 2003

Post 217


gratefully accepts the cushion and carries it and her drink over to a corner table

No, dear, it wasn't your smiley - dog. After I anesthetised the redneck brutes guarding the ...er...herb du jour....I was happily picking leaves and putting them into my backpack when this large creature with flaming eyes and sharp teeth and an evil expression came bounding out of the woods and knocked me to the ground. smiley - yikes Well, it couldn't have been more than 20 or 30 seconds later when he was followed by his smiley - dog ! The smiley - dog was a friendly sort and immediately smiley - run toward what remained of Hati's potion. The redneck brute smiley - run after him and tried to secure the elixer for himself. I ~~~smiley - run after them both, not wanting the smiley - dog to suffer any ill effects from the brew. In the melee, I tripped over a sleeping clod and wound up with my tush in the air just at the moment the redneck grabbed the liquor away from the smiley - dog . I think he took a nip at where the bottle had been and got me by mistake, smiley - cross because it wasn't long before he attacked his odiferous master, took the jug and made his way back into the woods.

Crossed Purposes - March 2003

Post 218

Thog the Loinclothed One, God of BLEEP!, Bearer of Nailguns... Hm.

*looks down at the goo smeared all over his body*

smiley - ermHmmmm... and all this time I thought Marmite was a small furry creature with teeth.. or wait... maybe that's a Marmot... Anyhoo, ummmmmmm.... thanks, Gwennie!smiley - ok You're a... a um.... a real swell gal!smiley - nahnah

M-Rae, thanks for the offer, dear, but I think I like having a charred loincloth... it has 'character'smiley - ok

*sits down in a nearby chair with a Marmite-ey 'sqwlorp' and materializes a smiley - stout and a cigarette*

===smiley - star~~~
smiley - cheers

Crossed Purposes - March 2003

Post 219

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - puffMy wo-o-o-ord. Tisk....*flipsher hair back...smacking someone on some part of their person...* Such goings on. Cat hair and round cusions and burnt loin clothes...smiley - bigeyes...wha' waz I sayin'? smiley - bigeyes

Crossed Purposes - March 2003

Post 220

Linus...42, i guess that makes me the answer...

it was all double dutch to mesmiley - erm

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