A Conversation for The Crossed Purposes Pub

Crossed Purposes Pub : January 2002

Post 161


Hello to all the people I've met before as well smiley - smiley
(what happened there? I only clicked 'Post' once smiley - erm)

Crossed Purposes Pub : January 2002

Post 162


I'm seeing double! I need a drink! smiley - erm

Crossed Purposes Pub : January 2002

Post 163

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - yawn

Crossed Purposes Pub : January 2002

Post 164


*Passes Pan a large fully pillow for her weary head*

Crossed Purposes Pub : January 2002

Post 165

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - laugh
Thanks Deary...but I'd rather have a fulffy one...or better still a nice masculine shoulder on which to lay my head...*shoves Gwennie away...* I'm talking about a MAN...not just your boney man-like shoulder!smiley - groan Sheesh...you really have to spell things out around here. Besides...I'm not sleepy...I'm boared...
Wha'? *spies a fellow heading for the alley...* I'll be back in a few...*takes an smiley - ale with her to the alley*
smiley - yikesSLAM....It's fr-r-r-r-reezing out there!! smiley - runs to the fireplace...lays on the Blue Goo Couch and pulls Tog's loincloth off to use as a cover smiley - biggrin...*It don't cover much...but it's better than a sharp stick in the eye...Gwennie...stop looking at Thog that way!
Do you want me to put another bag on your head? Er, that was meant for Gwennie...*everyone BUT Gwennie has put a paper bag over their head...no eye holes either...just holes by their mouths so they can continue drinking...* Er, gwennie...a plastic bag isn't a wise thing to be putting over your head. *sigh*
*removes the plastic bag from Gwennie's head & shoves her toward Thog.* Perhaps your teeth are clean...why not look around in his glass & make sure he hasn't swollowed them... it's too cold out there to be taking hin to the vet's for shots & too cold to be taking you to the Circus for new teeth.
Here...*hands Gwennie one of E's legos*...Try to fit this into your nose.
*chugs cheap wine & passes out, er falls asleep* smiley - zzz

Crossed Purposes Pub : January 2002

Post 166


*Thinks that E's Lego would probably make a passable set of dentures and places it in her mouth before waking Pan and grinning broadly in her face with her newly acquired brightly-coloured "teeth"*

Aw ooo show ve pashtic borg washnn a goo ideee Parn? smiley - biggrin

Crossed Purposes Pub : January 2002

Post 167

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - groanohmyhell...*sigh*...whatever makes you happy, you loon...Huh? Oh I said, the lego is a 'loan'...you know from E....
*rolls her eyes* Yes..you look ... fits like a ... best ask someone else...go ask one of the chaps at the bar...one of the fellows wearing a bag how that lego looks...onmyhell...*rolls back onto her side...buns being toastd by the fire*smiley - zzz*dreams of legos being swollowed by wee little birdies*smiley - peacedove

Crossed Purposes Pub : January 2002

Post 168


Wash ish shumfin I shed Pan? smiley - biggrin

*Retreats to the bar in search of Thog's smiley - stout and her correctly fitting dentures*

Hash ennywun sheen Fog - ee hash by sheeff in hish smiley - stout? smiley - bigeyes

Crossed Purposes Pub : January 2002

Post 169


My stars. The goin's on in this pub....

smiley - erm

Crossed Purposes Pub : January 2002

Post 170


*Gives Sammi a brightly-coloured Lego-filled grin* smiley - biggrin

Crossed Purposes Pub : January 2002

Post 171

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

strange. i could of sworn one of gwennies teeth looked like a lego brick with built-in light smiley - erm

i think i need another smiley - stiffdrink

smiley - pirate

Crossed Purposes Pub : January 2002

Post 172


*Sinks her Lego into Pierce's left ear lobe and hopes that she's illuminated his entire drinking experience* smiley - bigeyes

Crossed Purposes Pub : January 2002

Post 173

Pandora...Born Again Tart

...*dreaming that the inmates have taken over the assilum...*
smiley - bluebutterflysmiley - orangefishsmiley - marssmiley - sharksmiley - moonsmiley - ufo

Crossed Purposes Pub : January 2002

Post 174

Thog the G & A D.P. of Loon;Muse of A.P., M.G.G.C.,and Whipped Cream; Lurker; BFG;aka The Loinclothed One (have you seen it?)

smiley - laugh 'assilum' smiley - laugh

::having noted the evil effects of the cold draft that swept through the room when mari-rae opened the door, Thog had run over to the fireside to restore... uh... stuff. Feeling like himself once again, he relaxed and spent the next few hours (sans loincloth, but that's ok) staring into the fire, smoking cigarettes and drinking his smiley - stout, which, while tasting subtly like Dentifrice, is still nicely warm and oh so refreshing. Finishing the smiley - stout, Thog flips the glass over and empties the dentures into his hand. Peering at them closely, he nods, rubs them dry on his loincloth, and is about to hand them back to Gwennie when he belatedly remembers that he isn't /wearing/ a loincloth.::

Ooops. Heh. Sorry Gwennie, but, y'know, I had a shower last night, so ummmmm... well, here.

::hands the dentures over::

smiley - ok

Crossed Purposes Pub : January 2002

Post 175

Pandora...Born Again Tart

*laughing in her sleep...keeps trying to pull the 'covers' up around her neck...*smiley - zzz

Crossed Purposes Pub : January 2002

Post 176


*Gratefully accepts her returned dentures from Thog and replaces the Lego, which she then discards onto the blue goo couch where Pan is sleeping fitfully*

Thog sweetness I will take your word that you had a shower yesterday. smiley - smooch However, you should thank your lucky stars that my teeth were sedated from being immersed in your smiley - stout for such a long time! smiley - cool

*Flashes a toothy grin*

Crossed Purposes Pub : January 2002

Post 177

Researcher 168814

*Looks worried at Gwennie*

I knew about bits and bytes, but those bits with which you bite were actually ment for my Model Detritus for this Little "Lego Discworld Park" I´m dreaming of...smiley - erm

Crossed Purposes Pub : January 2002

Post 178

Thog the G & A D.P. of Loon;Muse of A.P., M.G.G.C.,and Whipped Cream; Lurker; BFG;aka The Loinclothed One (have you seen it?)

Hmmmmm... yeah, I'm afraid I hadn't thought about that bit... Somewhat worrying idea, though, I hope they don't get angry when they wake up, or they might decide to come after me!!

::hurriedly takes account of the exits in the place with a decidedly worried look::

smiley - ok

Crossed Purposes Pub : January 2002

Post 179


I am laughing fit to bust!!! smiley - biggrin

Crossed Purposes Pub : January 2002

Post 180

Researcher 168814

*Starts on a Model of Lancre -Castle...*

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