The Long Dark Toilet Of The Soul
Created | Updated Jun 21, 2003

What is this fascination with toilets? If it isn't
toilet humour and toilet jokes, then pretty soon
someone's sure to mention them.
You may not believe that there is such a fascination on
toilets on h2g2 - but believe me there is. If you think
about it for a second you'll soon realise that many of the
more popular places on h2g2 have toilet conversations.
This is certainly true for the Aroma Cafe and Forum And Firkin, which both have
conversations dedicated to people going to the toilet. The
Waterworks have even got a
whole page dedicated to Public
Toilets, where you can relieve
yourself, or even write Graffiti?
With all of these toilets everywhere, no wonder h2g2
needs it's own sewers.