A Conversation for The Drinks Cabinet.
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VALIS420 ( is NO WHERE / NOW HERE ) Posted Aug 8, 2000
all right,hey, can I have a shot of Sauza? no salt or lime. I'm a bit of a purist.
It makes me happy!
I'm not really here Posted Aug 8, 2000
VALIS420, welcome to the drinks cabinet!
I don't work for the Government, I am too laid back for that.
It makes me happy!
VALIS420 ( is NO WHERE / NOW HERE ) Posted Aug 8, 2000
I just got into town, what's cool to do around here?
It makes me happy!
U128068 Posted Aug 8, 2000
Okay, you seem to be either a taxi driver or very confused. Still can't find a post that states the facts.
*passes Mina a nice shot of Mezcal (without the worm)*
It makes me happy!
U128068 Posted Aug 8, 2000
Yeah, the Sauza is the Conmemorativo (have you seen the Drinks Cabinet antry?) it's pretty smooth and doesn't need and salt or lime. Unlike the Sierra *shudders*...
It makes me happy!
VALIS420 ( is NO WHERE / NOW HERE ) Posted Aug 8, 2000
no, just a freelance scientific philosopher, but always confused and amused.
It makes me happy!
I'm not really here Posted Aug 8, 2000
It was post number 7.
Thanks for the drink, lovely.
What is there to do in this town? Meet other researchers if we're lucky!
It makes me happy!
U128068 Posted Aug 8, 2000
*pours a Sauza for V and then drinks ir himself*
VALISE420, That last job post was for MIna. I *think* Mina is a taxi driver. She posted somewhere but I can't find it, or remember.
So, Mina was I right.
It makes me happy!
VALIS420 ( is NO WHERE / NOW HERE ) Posted Aug 8, 2000
How many researchers do you suppose there are?
* hiccup * How long have we been sitting here drinking?
* stands up slowely, wobbling slightly*
It makes me happy!
U128068 Posted Aug 8, 2000
Other things to do in this town include, Drinking virtual tequila, or in my case drink the real stuff 'cos the real drinks cabinet is here. Even the bit about the Bucks Fizz is true...
It makes me happy!
U128068 Posted Aug 8, 2000
There are supposed to be about 50,000 researchers who have registered but most seem to lose interest after a while. there seem to be an average of 60 people online at any one time.
Oh, and about 4 hours solid (with a quick spliff break)
*Dr Goof Lithium accepts no responsability for any loss or injury caused by the acceptance of the above statistica as fact*
It makes me happy!
VALIS420 ( is NO WHERE / NOW HERE ) Posted Aug 8, 2000
Big city? Small town? What do you mean by "LOTS" ?
It makes me happy!
I'm not really here Posted Aug 8, 2000
I don't think I have ever seen 60 researchers online when I check the who's online thing.
That's a lot of hours drinking. I need to do some catching up.
It makes me happy!
VALIS420 ( is NO WHERE / NOW HERE ) Posted Aug 8, 2000
No better time than the present. Here,*passes Mina the bottle.
It makes me happy!
U128068 Posted Aug 8, 2000
Mina, I would suggest a jug of a cocktail that I have created especially for you.>>>> Click here for details http://www.h2g2.com/F50652?thread=69583 no obligation to buy, 30 day money back guaranteeeeeee
It makes me happy!
VALIS420 ( is NO WHERE / NOW HERE ) Posted Aug 8, 2000
"drink quickly" seems a bit of an understatment, but it looks like it'll get the job done. By the way, I'm a bartender if you ever need any info or recipies.
It makes me happy!
I'm not really here Posted Aug 8, 2000
I always need info on drinks.
Mainly, where can I get the next one from, and who can I get to pay for it?
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It makes me happy!
- 21: VALIS420 ( is NO WHERE / NOW HERE ) (Aug 8, 2000)
- 22: I'm not really here (Aug 8, 2000)
- 23: VALIS420 ( is NO WHERE / NOW HERE ) (Aug 8, 2000)
- 24: U128068 (Aug 8, 2000)
- 25: U128068 (Aug 8, 2000)
- 26: VALIS420 ( is NO WHERE / NOW HERE ) (Aug 8, 2000)
- 27: I'm not really here (Aug 8, 2000)
- 28: U128068 (Aug 8, 2000)
- 29: VALIS420 ( is NO WHERE / NOW HERE ) (Aug 8, 2000)
- 30: U128068 (Aug 8, 2000)
- 31: I'm not really here (Aug 8, 2000)
- 32: U128068 (Aug 8, 2000)
- 33: VALIS420 ( is NO WHERE / NOW HERE ) (Aug 8, 2000)
- 34: U128068 (Aug 8, 2000)
- 35: VALIS420 ( is NO WHERE / NOW HERE ) (Aug 8, 2000)
- 36: I'm not really here (Aug 8, 2000)
- 37: VALIS420 ( is NO WHERE / NOW HERE ) (Aug 8, 2000)
- 38: U128068 (Aug 8, 2000)
- 39: VALIS420 ( is NO WHERE / NOW HERE ) (Aug 8, 2000)
- 40: I'm not really here (Aug 8, 2000)
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