A Conversation for The Drinks Cabinet.

Here a Gin and Tonic Contruction Kit

Post 1

GinTonyx - Keeper and Mixer of the Gin and Tonic, Muse of the Lemon Garden.

I brought 3/4 bottle of dry gin, one full bottle of tonic water (http://www.schweppes.de/) and a couple of ice-cubes. Anybody have any Lemons?

Anyway... this might be a good place to promote my University of Life Project. No it has not been accepted yet but that is in no event any reason for me not to run the project. It's title is "Use and Abuse of Gin" There is a lot of work that has to be done and I am still looking for contributers... http://www.h2g2.com/A493300 is the site where you can get more information and tell me what you know and/or think...

Hope to see you there, but let's drink up first, ok? There is no hurry. Cheers!

Keeper and Mixer of the Gin and Tonic
Muse of the Lemon Garden.

Here a Gin and Tonic Contruction Kit

Post 2


Your liquid philosophies intrigue me.
Definately more testing is in order. I just happen to have a bottle of Bombay Sapphire. Go figure.

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