A Conversation for Escape From Poco Island...

Fishing For Beginners...

Post 21

Matthew Kershaw

* The fishing line attracts a lot of interest from little tiddily winkers (5-10cms) the bigger fish however seem to be after something a little more substantial being higher up the food chain... smiley - winkeye *

* Suddenly, a huge rainbow trout flies up out of the water illuminating the immediate area with it's impressive scales. Kes nearly has a heart attack stumbling backwards agoged... *

* It disappears just as suddenly as it came... smiley - smiley *

* Although, it still might be lurking... smiley - winkeye *

Fishing For Beginners...

Post 22


*Kes divests himself of the many layers of clothing insisted upon by his Mum. Just before it would have become an interesting sight (not that there are any spectators, are there?) he dresses again, having left off his string vest. He holds this forward, just in case the sea-trout leaps again ...*

Fishing For Beginners...

Post 23


*paddles back in the boat. Beaches the boat. Resumes waiting with string vest net in hopes of fish. Muses more*
Meet lots of people, my mum said. Nice people, my mum said. The girl on the heli. popped a bag in my ear; the ones who should be here have all gone off somewhere, and I'm going to miss my stamp collectors club meeting at the Scout hut tomorrow, and my clothes are all wet, and it's cold, Well, I just hope we get to the dessert bit real soon... and what did my dad mean when he said "Go on and try your luck, son - island, sunshine, girls"? I should have stuck to my stamps (as it were). You know where you are with stamps. You can always take them at face value.
Come on fishy wishy ...

Survivor - Yapong Base-Camp...

Post 24

Archangel Zax


Fishing For Beginners...

Post 25


B****r the fishy wishy. I'm thirsty. I'll go to the waterfall and collect some fresh water in my boots. Shame I made a mess of the coconut shell when I cracked it!
*heads for waterfall*

A Quiet Repose...

Post 26

Matthew Kershaw

* The audience as one sighs at Kes's impassioned soliloqy. He is definitely fast cornering the market in the helpless little lamb stakes... smiley - smiley *

* As he departs the mighty rainbow trout defiantly spirals into the air using it's mighty fins in a display of control, power & grace...smiley - winkeye *

A Quiet Repose...

Post 27


*returns with two bootsful of fresh water. Doesn't bother to check the lines - somehow just knows about the trout. Wonders what time is sunrise? Any chance of helpless lamb steaks for breakfast? Or is he starting to mis-hear voices? Settles down to await the day and the people .. and the trout, if it's obliging ...*

A Quiet Repose...

Post 28

Matthew Kershaw

"the bigger fish however seem to be after something a little more substantial, being higher up the food chain..." smiley - winkeye

A Quiet Repose...

Post 29


*In absence of co-survivors, talks to self*
OK. No meat, no fish, but we've got last night's rice, coconuts, mushrooms and fresh water.
We also got driftwood - two pieces for use as oars, a tatty boat, and a tripod. The boat will be great for fishing, but only if we can figure out what the fish eat.
Well, don't really know why I'm worried. It'll all be over soon. I know there hasn't been any dessert island, like I thought it said in the brochure, but I'm fairly sure it said we were stuck here without escape for 40 hours ... and I've been here nearly a day already. It'll soon be over. I know - I'll open one of the ration tins. This one says "corned beef". Mmm. That's good. ... and I'll try a little bit on the fishing line ...
*resumes fishing\netting stance*

A Quiet Repose...

Post 30


*but fatigue overcomes the unsuccessful fisherman*
No good. I must rest. The food's over there for all the others. They'll figure out what to do. My mum says everybody is basically nice - you can trust them to do the right thing. I could be home tucked up in bed, with some cocoa, and my little Boots Snug hot wartle ... and my mum says ......

Just Before Sleeping...

Post 31

Matthew Kershaw

* Kes's is gripped with the notion that something heavy is tugging on the end of the line, flecks of colour play on the waters surface & just then as it nears the shore Kes whips out his trusty string vest... *

* He collapses back on the shore with a great big fish with enough quality meat to serve 5 people... *

* After a hard day he has deserved a little tranquil repose & the admiration of his tribe... smiley - smiley *

A vacant line...

Post 32

Matthew Kershaw

* The line Kes has left wedged in the sand suddenly springs to life... *

* Although from the looks of the beating the line is getting, the quarry could get away soon... *

Survivor - Yapong Base-Camp...

Post 33

Peaceful Earthling {Keeper of So Many Stories}

Seems I'm the last one to arrive...

Dumps her bag on the ground,
sniffs the air...
ah!!! seaweed! that stinks, but might be helpful...

We're lucky to have a witch - science and magic will certainly assist us under these harsh conditions!

Applies mosquito repellant to her beautiful legs.

[gathers the two brain cells she remembered to bring along, and starts to think hard...]

swims into the ocean, searching for friendly dolphins...

Survivor - Yapong Base-Camp...

Post 34

Peaceful Earthling {Keeper of So Many Stories}

Swims frantically back to shore...

* behind her, an enormous white shark snaps playfully
at her beautiful form.

Lucky it's not hungry.

Staggers ashore, [exhausted, and lovelier after the

and stumbles on something,

"Oooooo! The remains of a rotten giant quid!!!

So that stench wasn't sea-weed after all!!!

[addressing what's left of the scientific wonder:]

"People have been looking for you all over! So this
is where you'd been hiding."

Stares at the forbidding sea, the darkening skies...

"Nature is really wonderful."

Survivor - Yapong Base-Camp...

Post 35

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

*flutter of wings
Galaxy Babe smiles as she sees the lovely young woman's path is about to bring her into contact with the new hero Kes....smiley - winkeye

Survivor - Yapong Base-Camp...

Post 36

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

*strolls into camp, straight through the path of the lovely young woman*
*grins at her*
Hi, you're new. Are you one of us?
I'm Tweetie, resident witch...
*glances back at the sleeping form*
That's Kes- quite sweet, collects stamps.
C'mon, I'll show you our shelter.
*strolls along with the newcomer, making conversation*
Well, this is it. Y'know, on second thought.
*points her finger at the shelter, which promptly quadruples in size*
See, I'm a damn good witch smiley - winkeye
*a fishing rod appears in her hand, and a box of bait next to her*
*she stands at the water's edge, Peaceful Earthling sitting beside her*
*she grins as the first fish takes the bait...*

Survivor - Yapong Base-Camp...

Post 37

Archangel Big 'Evil' Dan

*walks along the beach, taking great pride in the fact that he's done almost nothing since he's been here.* smiley - smiley

Survivor - Yapong Base-Camp...

Post 38

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

*there's a plie of fish mounting up next to Tweet*
*she suddenly realises this fact and thinks maybe she should stop*
*points at the fish and they float up to the shelter in a mildly amusing procession*
Right, who wants to start a fire?

Survivor - Yapong Base-Camp...

Post 39


Nope, I fear I am the last to arrive.
I'll start the fire though.
*sets her stuff down on the beach and starts top collect dry stuff for the fire.*
Someone else will have to light the match though cuz I'm to little to play with fire.

Survivor - Yapong Base-Camp...

Post 40


im sure there will be many takers on the match considering that ox and eatsmice are in this tribe.

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