h2g2 Post 31.03.05

2 Conversations

Posted: 31st March 2005


Welcome Back

I trust that you all enjoyed the brief holiday over the weekend and that the Easter Bunny found you. My biggest surprise of the weekend was a huge bag of onions from TM's parents. Although it is, for me, the wrong time of year for pickling I shall certainly be looking up my recipe as they are small enough and firm enough to consign to jars. Food also features in all the UK headlines as Jamie Oliver apparently shames the government into investing more money in the provision of healthier school meals. Mr Blair insists that the changes had been on the cards for some time...

It's all change here as our local club/pub, Het Kasteel, closes down for major refurbishments. Because another local centre has kindly offered to host us for the next six months we found ourselves with a rather large tank of lager to empty before it was shipped out. The last night on Sunday was packed as everyone did their best to oblige... smiley - drunk

This week we feature the last in the series of interlinked articles examining the role h2g2 plays within the BBC. Get Writing and some Cult sites formerly hosted by the corporation have closed - although they are still available in archive form. Will this be the eventual fate of h2g2 or can we all do our best to make sure this doesn't happen? Perhaps one way would be for everyone to give more support to aspiring Edited Entry writers. A new column by Kat hopes to make it easier for you to join in over at Peer Review by highlighting a few 'Entries in Waiting' and providing tips on what to do when you get there.

Despite a few gaps in the regulars section, well a holiday weekend and losing an hour to summertime adjustment doesn't make things easy, there is plenty to enjoy including a head to head with HPB and Awix discussing the new Dr Who series. Egrets are the stars of a bird sanctuary but birds of another kind dance for Lucky Star. Don't forget that we need your entries in for the Post 250 graphic competition no later than next Tuesday.





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