A Conversation for CHOPPERS: The H2G2 Guild Of Superheros

The CHOPPERS hideout

Post 61


Well, you're the one more person. Let's do it!

The CHOPPERS hideout

Post 62

Mewtwo and Vekura (Pokémon League: A285905. Be a superhero: A380396)

[Mewtwo] }Here goes!{ [teleports out]

The CHOPPERS hideout

Post 63


*Teleports in*

Well, that went well. If we're lucky, he won't sue us for breaking and entering and leading an assault on his flunkies while he was trying to reunite with his old friends.

The CHOPPERS hideout

Post 64

Dizzy H. Muffin

[YK] Thank Bob for that.

The CHOPPERS hideout

Post 65


Unfortunately, he is. Check the forum, and you'll see. He's suing us for everything he can think of.

The CHOPPERS hideout

Post 66

Mewtwo and Vekura (Pokémon League: A285905. Be a superhero: A380396)

[Mewtwo, who hasn't actually been to the other forum] }Uh-oh.{

The CHOPPERS hideout

Post 67


Okay, we need to set up some kind of plan. It won't be long before KL goes straight to Judge AXR. And, in an army of slightly over a thousand Krylma minions, The Masque's army of rodentars, and the Masque's army of Mangols, chances are that at least one of them will be experienced with legal credentials enough to be a pretty good lawyer. And, while I'm sure most people will be biased against STUMPED, the court probably will attempt to be as fair as possible and may penalize us as a result. I don't suppose anyone in our little group is afiliated with lawyers, are you? I seem to recall that Amy has some background in it, but I may be confusing her with someone else.

The CHOPPERS hideout

Post 68

Dizzy H. Muffin

[YK considers this]

[YK] Hmm ... Do you have access to a time machine?

[Mackenzie] Are you suggesting we go back ten billion years in the past and try to contact Judiciary Pag?

[There is a bizarre noise. In a burst of light, a time machine crashes into the present. Inside are Judiciary Pag (a.k.a. Zipo Bilbrox 5*10^8) and a previously mentioned rather nice female member of the jury of the Krikkit)]


[Nice Jury Girl] Oh, no. We're ten billion years in the future!

[Mackenzie] No, you're NOW. You're FROM ten billion years in the PAST.

[YK] Listen. [He is disobeyed as Mackenzie, Pag, and the NJG are drawn into an argument about temporal relativity]

The CHOPPERS hideout

Post 69


*Examines the time machine*

This is busted. It'll take a while to fix...

*Looks at Judiciary Pag. Having read Life, The Universe, And Everything, Affy wonders if he should really take this person who may or may not be a skilled enough lawyer. Shrugs*

Why not...

*Tactfully walks up to Judiciary Pag*

Excuse me, sir. I've just looked at your time machine. It's broken. Kaput. Busted. But not totalled. I can fix it for you, but it'll cost you. You've gotta be our lawyer in an upcoming trial, and if we win the case I'll fix the machine for free. If we don't win, I'll give you a discount price. Deal?

The CHOPPERS hideout

Post 70

Mewtwo and Vekura (Pokémon League: A285905. Be a superhero: A380396)

[Vekura] {I haven't read "Life, the Universe, and Everything."}

[Mewtwo] }I have. Judiciary Pag has the finest legal mind in the history of the Galaxy. He judged the Krikkit case.{

[Vekura] {He seems kinda rude.}

[Mewtwo] }Yeah, he thinks that having the finest legal mind in Galactic history means he can behave as he chooses. And he's right.{

The CHOPPERS hideout

Post 71

Dizzy H. Muffin

[Pag shrugs]

[Pag] Sure.

[NJG] Why not?

[YK] Nobody better answer that question.

Affy, I bequeath upon thee control of Pag and the NJG.

The CHOPPERS hideout

Post 72

Mewtwo and Vekura (Pokémon League: A285905. Be a superhero: A380396)

[Mewtwo] }With Judiciary Pag on our side, we can't go wrong.{

[Vekura] {I hope.}

The CHOPPERS hideout

Post 73

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

I think you're confusing me with Fragilis.

The CHOPPERS hideout

Post 74

Uncle Heavy [sic]

You all seem to have forgotten, but it was yowozupman who started the fight. He shot me, in disguise. We are watertight. MMhmm. And DA/G has many a fine alibi. Quick! Read his forum postings!

Good job, everyone, by the way. They were genuinely confused. Well, yowuzupman was (him being the only 'pure' villain present smiley - smiley )
pity there werent more of them, really.

The CHOPPERS hideout

Post 75

Dizzy H. Muffin

[YK] Yeah. It was almost easy.

[Mackenzie] Too easy...

The CHOPPERS hideout

Post 76


Yes, that's right, I suppose. STUMPED will argue that since Yowuzupman knew that it was a disguise, he also knew that you wouldn't be wounded. But it's still presenting too flimsy a case. KL's never been the best legal authority, but even he should see that his case is a tad unstable. I wonder what he could be gaining by going through with this?

And yes, I think keeping the judge in check won't be *too* much of a problem. Especially since I'm one of the only people on h2g2 with all of the equipment required to fix this kind of damage. Of course, he could get a new ship, but that'd be more expensive.

The CHOPPERS hideout

Post 77

Mewtwo and Vekura (Pokémon League: A285905. Be a superhero: A380396)

[Mewtwo] }This seems to keep getting better and better...{

The CHOPPERS hideout

Post 78


Especially since we've got Judiciary Pag *and* Giguschild representing our case. Go to the forum, and read it (start on the last twenty, though, there's a bunch of cases before ours).

The CHOPPERS hideout

Post 79

Dizzy H. Muffin

[YK and Mackenzie] Where's the forum?!?!

The CHOPPERS hideout

Post 80

Giguschild - Xenomorph(Muse of Honourable Death...and Mu.)

Does anyone have any suggestions apropo the case? Anything I've missed?

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