A Conversation for CHOPPERS: The H2G2 Guild Of Superheros

Just Passing Through

Post 1

The Corrupt One

*Kudos notices the somewhat derelict CHOPPERS HQ while on a stroll, and stops to look at it.*

Not much going on here in heroland, eh? Hahaha....

*He spraypaints STUMPED RULES, HEROES DROOL on the wall, and strides away, cackling to himself.*

Just Passing Through

Post 2


*The CLI AcriPaint from the can gradually begins to burn itself into the wall to make it less of a cleaning job and more of a repair job*

Just Passing Through

Post 3


*redfox steps out from behind a column, a tapes a contract requiring the injured party to pay for the spray paint used by kudos. he then steps away*

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