A Conversation for CHOPPERS: The H2G2 Guild Of Superheros

Have you seen the error of your ways?

Post 241

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

*NYC survey the situation*

wow. the only one left is the boy Heavy...

*NYC walks up to where Uncle Heavy is on the floor, and whacks him a couple of times with the stock of the handheld howitzer*

this is quite stress-reducing, you know. sea? you should try this!

*NYC gives the howitzer to sea, she takes a few whacks*

Have you seen the error of your ways?

Post 242

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

*NYC reads gaarge's post*

that didn't hurt hardly at all! oh well...

*NYC aims the handheld howitzer at gaarge, and sprays his innards over the wall, the piano, and everywhere else*

note to self: next time wear goggles.

Have you seen the error of your ways?

Post 243

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)

.................wow...................... most interesting

Have you seen the error of your ways?

Post 244

soeasilyamused, or sea

[sea] tisk tisk. everyone is in need of my healing.

*gives NYC a kiss but waits on healing gaarge until she checks another forum*

Have you seen the error of your ways?

Post 245

Emar, the Flying Misfit... Yes, seriously, he's back...

Zeb: Ain't that just the way?!! We go camping for a couple days, and when we log back on we find we've missed all the action!

Emar: And I got a wedgie while I was unable to defend myselfsmiley - sadface!

Zeb: Well, since I missed out on all the fun, I'm takin' Gaarge's PANCREAS as compensation!

Zeb(looking at card): You wouldn't believe some of the stuff that was down in there!

Have you seen the error of your ways?

Post 246

Uncle Heavy [sic]

Gaarge's pancreas is, at the moment, sliding down the wall a few feet away.

*Curls up under NYC's blows, until he notices a pattern. On the upswing, UH grasp's NYC's ankle in his teeth, refusing to let go.*


Have you seen the error of your ways?

Post 247

Giguschild - Xenomorph(Muse of Honourable Death...and Mu.)

Giguschild picks up Gaarge's liver for later use. Then he takes the rest of his internal organs and carefuly slides them back into Gaarge. Gaarge responds by playing an annoyed fugue on his pocket piano.

No Subject

Post 248

gaarge the great

*gaarge lies on the floor playing a pocket piano. He stands up, covered in blood, intestines dragging along the floor. Gaarge goes up to Zeb*
I'll teach you to claim to have stolen my pancreas, and then to steal one of my baseball cards!
*Gaarge grabs zeb and shoves him into Emar's mouth, making both of them suffocate, and lie on the floor, choking and bleeding. Gaarge then picks up Zeb and Emar, and makes a noose out of his own intestines, and hangs them.
Gaarge then lies down on the floor, in complete agony, and thinks,
"why didn't I use their intestines?"*

I'll handle this!

Post 249

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

*NYC flails his leg wildly, but Heavy won't give up his grip. NYC tries to kick Heavy with his other foot, but misses and falls over comedically*

[NYC] would you mind, Uncle Heavy, NOT to froth all over my new boots?


[NYC] fine, have it your way.

*NYC takes out a cattle prod, and shocks Heavy. This, of course, only makes Heavy's grip tighten and shocks NYC as well, tightening HIS grip on the cattle prod, ending up in a very painful loop*

I'll handle this!

Post 250

Giguschild - Xenomorph(Muse of Honourable Death...and Mu.)

Giguschild leaps into the foray to help Uncle Heavy, and tries to wrest the prod from NYC. The entire 800 volts earth itself through the Xenomorphs body, shortcircuiting his complex electromagnetic nervous system. Giguschild lands on the floor with a thump, twitching and rolling like a breakdancer with multiple sclerosis.

I'll handle this!

Post 251

soeasilyamused, or sea

*sea rolls her eyes. she grabs a broom (handy, eh?) and nudges the three electrified guys away from each other, then confiscates the cattle prod. then she unties emar and zeb from gaarge's intestines, and heals everyone except giguschild because he can heal himself and who knows what weird kinds of acid might be on his skin. sea dusts off her hands and looks at the six battered men before her*

[sea] now, you boys play nice.

*they groan in response*

I'll handle this!

Post 252

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

thanks, sea.

*NYC, struck with an idea, leaves the forum to get more weaponry. He comes back with a flame-thrower strapped to his back*

okay, you acid-blooded son-of-a-disgusting-putrid-weird-alien-creature! let's see you get through this!

I'll handle this!

Post 253

soeasilyamused, or sea

*sea decides this would be a good time to stand back*

I'll handle this!

Post 254

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

*tosses sea a pair of goggles*

safety first!

*NYC ignites the room*

I'll handle this!

Post 255

soeasilyamused, or sea

*sea pulls out her sunscreen to prevent skin cancer*

I'll handle this!

Post 256

Emar, the Flying Misfit... Yes, seriously, he's back...

Apologies for having broken continuity with the whole pancreas thing; I kinda skimmed the backlog, so I missed some of the details. But, the show must go on!


Zeb: Now THIS is how you fight using someone's intestinal tract...!

<...Zeb and Emar immediately run out of the building, carrying the free end of Gaarge's digestive organ. The rest of it slowly winds out of Gaarge like a fishing line...>

<...Outside, in the blazing sun, Emar/Zeb race across the dusty CHOPPERS parking lot. They spot a nearby delivery van parked at the loading dock and head toward it. Skidding to a halt, Zeb stoops down and ties the end of Gaarge's intestine in a clove-hitch around the van's bumper. Then they dash over to the front of the van, to have a word with the Teamster in the driver's seat...>

<...Gaarge, meanwhile, is left standig around, looking down at the long coil of innard extending out of his stomach...>

Gaarge: Aaaaaawwwww man...I hope that stinking puppet doesn't do something cheap and cartoony like tie me to a fast movin-...

<...and Gaarge flies out of the forum!>

<...With Zeb's fifty tucked safely away in his billfold, the van-driving Teamster speeds down the freeway, making sure to take curves hard and change lanes often (thus ensuring maximum whiplash effect and collisions with other vehicles for the hero in tow).>

I'll handle this!

Post 257

soeasilyamused, or sea

*sea shudders at the thought of gaarge's fate, then gives zeb a high-five*

[sea] brilliant! i can see i'm not the only one who watches too much TV... smiley - winkeye

I'll handle this!

Post 258

Giguschild - Xenomorph(Muse of Honourable Death...and Mu.)

Giguschild, covered in long-burning napalm, leaps onto NYC and grabs the flamethrower. He carefully squeezes the air out of the squeezy bottle of napalm attached thereto, and then lets go, which sucks air in through the muzzle, which he is pointing at himself. The backdraft sucks burning hot air into the canister...hurreidly, Giguschild throws the flamethrower back to NYC and runs away...fast.


I'll handle this!

Post 259

Researcher 99947

*flying in from a far off star, it's Grammar Boy!*

*reaching into his trusty pocket protector, Grammar Boy pulls out a red pen, wildly flashes it about, stepps back, and admires his work:

WANTED : Super Heroes

I'll handle this!

Post 260

Giguschild - Xenomorph(Muse of Honourable Death...and Mu.)

Hmm. I see.

*Sits on haunches and watches NYC buuuuurn...*

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