A Conversation for H2G2 Waterworks: The Lifeguard Hut

Be a Lifeguard: The Next Generation

Post 201





as the case may be smiley - smiley

Be a Lifeguard: The Next Generation

Post 202

Dizzy the Void

With the ambiguity inabox overthere.

Be a Lifeguard: The Next Generation

Post 203


or here smiley - smiley

Be a Lifeguard: The Next Generation

Post 204

Cupid Stunt

Never mind Where where, why why?

Be a Lifeguard: The Next Generation

Post 205

Dizzy the Void

[to camera] The standard answer being, [to CS] We can't help it! We're morons!

Be a Lifeguard: The Next Generation

Post 206


really??? I thought we were more offs!

Be a Lifeguard: The Next Generation

Post 207

Dizzy the Void

Actually, the real reason must have had to do with our respective personalities, and how we are apt to make impetuous responses to a given situation or post. In addition to this, we are a bunch of fans of The inaccurately named Hitch Hiker's Trilogy and of Monty Python's Flying Circus, which brings us to continuously make refrences and jokes to this. The fact that we are a bunch of Americans, Englishmen, Australians, and even some people for whom English is not a first language gives us a variety of diverse and contradictory in-jokes which someone from the other three groups may have no hope of understanding. Fortunately, there are several -- [realizes that everyone is glaring at him] Oh!

Be a Lifeguard: The Next Generation

Post 208


Wink, wink, nudge, nudge, a wink is as good as a nudge to a blind man, eh?

*rolls over with maniacal laughter* smiley - smiley

Be a Lifeguard: The Next Generation

Post 209

Dizzy the Void

Only if the blind man cannot feel anything. He can feel a nudge, but he can't see a wink.

Be a Lifeguard: The Next Generation

Post 210


*between laughs*

Say no more, say no more smiley - smiley

Be a Lifeguard: The Next Generation

Post 211

Dizzy the Void

No more. No more.

Be a Lifeguard: The Next Generation

Post 212



smiley - smiley

Be a Lifeguard: The Next Generation

Post 213

Dizzy the Void


Be a Lifeguard: The Next Generation

Post 214

Cupid Stunt

So, we're morons?

*watches tap dancing elephants*

Yes, I can go along with that.

Be a Lifeguard: The Next Generation

Post 215

Dizzy the Void

[Jar-Jar voice] I speck.

Be a Lifeguard: The Next Generation

Post 216


i dont get it. i dont get it!!!! all these inside jokes ........ and im stilll on the outsidesmiley - bigeyes

Be a Lifeguard: The Next Generation

Post 217


never on the outside saffire smiley - smiley

my jokes were based on the Monty Python skit about Candid Photographs smiley - smiley

Wink, wink, nudge, nudge, say no more, say no more smiley - smiley

Be a Lifeguard: The Next Generation

Post 218

Dizzy the Void

And in Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, Qui-Gon asks Jar-Jar if he is brainless. Jar-Jar says, "I speck," which I at first took to mean, "I expect," but careful analysis of Qui-Gon's next line ("The ability to speak does not make you intelligent") leads me to believe that he actually said, "I spake." Does anyone have a .WAV file of Qui-Gon saying, "Are you brainless??" and Jar-Jar saying, "I speck"?

Be a Lifeguard: The Next Generation

Post 219

Cupid Stunt

IO allways thought he said spake anyway. Am i too observant for my own good?

Be a Lifeguard: The Next Generation

Post 220

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

And of course who can forget classic dialogue like this from Episode One of the original Doctor Who TV series.

"Zar has killed the Old Woman!" "The Old Woman is dead?" "Yes it is so." "Where is Zar?" "He is gone." "Gone? Where has he gone?" "He is not here. We must find him!" "Yes, we must find Zar!"

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