A Conversation for S.T.U.M.P.E.D.

i hate to do this... but, hey, something good will come out of it!

Post 841

soeasilyamused, or sea

[sea] oh, yeah. she loves you... don't be discouraged. she just likes to play hard to get...

*sea is suddenly knocked off the couch by an invisible force. sea starts making choking noises as evillene strangles her*

i hate to do this... but, hey, something good will come out of it!

Post 842


Cool ! smiley - tongueout
I don't know why but I suddenley seem to be worrying about everything ?

i hate to do this... but, hey, something good will come out of it!

Post 843

Emar, the Flying Misfit... Yes, seriously, he's back...

Zeb(oblivious to sea's strangling): SSSSHHHHHHH!! He's jumping off the dam...

i hate to do this... but, hey, something good will come out of it!

Post 844

The Corrupt One (MIA)

Happy, I wouldn't go after Evillene if I were you...Kudos still has "feelings" for her, if I'm not mistaken, and he'll be REALLY violent after getting his membership back. If and when, that is.

Oh, and Happy, you **are** on Kudos's hit list, by the way....

smiley - winkeye

i hate to do this... but, hey, something good will come out of it!

Post 845


Is that Good ?

i hate to do this... but, hey, something good will come out of it!

Post 846

Emar, the Flying Misfit... Yes, seriously, he's back...

Zeb: Think about it Happy. "Hit list". I think that being on the hit list of a psychotic alien with a ray gun would deffinitely fall in the "Bad Things" category. Bad for you, anyway...

i hate to do this... but, hey, something good will come out of it!

Post 847


I don't know, sounds kinda fun.... but then agian?

i hate to do this... but, hey, something good will come out of it!

Post 848

The Krylma Leader

Don't worry about Kudos. Kudos just seems to have a basic psychological need to conquer things, and STUMPED seemed like a likely chance to start, at the time. It'll probably be a long time before Kudos considers it again, though...

*Watches the movie some more*

Ooh, I like this part...

*Eats some of the popcorn*

i hate to do this... but, hey, something good will come out of it!

Post 849

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)

this is so relaxing, wow and I thought demolitions was the only way to get me relaxed!

i hate to do this... but, hey, something good will come out of it!

Post 850


Whats Demolitions ?

i hate to do this... but, hey, something good will come out of it!

Post 851

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)

wow those glases are going right to your head! takes out propane torch and takes off the glasses throwing them over by the bushes

i hate to do this... but, hey, something good will come out of it!

Post 852


Happy, now with very fetching sun tan suddenly feels a lot happier.

smiley - tongueoutsmiley - tongueoutsmiley - tongueoutsmiley - tongueout
smiley - tongueoutsmiley - tongueoutsmiley - tongueout
smiley - tongueoutsmiley - tongueout
smiley - tongueout

i hate to do this... but, hey, something good will come out of it!

Post 853

Emar, the Flying Misfit... Yes, seriously, he's back...

Zeb:...So, does this guy ever get "Happiness Overload" and blow up, or what?

i hate to do this... but, hey, something good will come out of it!

Post 854


Give me a break, I just got rid of the shades of total despair, of course I'm going to be feeling happy smiley - tongueout

Not to mention evillene loves me which would be enough to make any man overload on happiness smiley - tongueout

[ Happy grins his biggest Girn, grabs some popcorn & continues watching the film]

Any room on that sofa ?

i hate to do this... but, hey, something good will come out of it!

Post 855

Uncle Heavy [sic]

I hate to do this, but you have invaded (what used to be) our haunt so I'll do it to you.

One question. Sea?

Are you really a witch?

i hate to do this... but, hey, something good will come out of it!

Post 856


Happy hands Uncle Heavy some popcorn smiley - tongueout

i hate to do this... but, hey, something good will come out of it!

Post 857

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

just what the hell is going on here? I expect SOMEBODY should attend to actually initiating our new recruit!

*NYC threatens to turn off the TV, but is tackled by the collective population of this forum*

i hate to do this... but, hey, something good will come out of it!

Post 858


Happy picks up the remote and switches over to the 'Dukes of Hazard Channel' (don't ya love satalite TV ?) smiley - tongueout

Uncle Heavy did you like the popcorn ? I find the rat poison gives it an extra bit of zest. smiley - tongueout

i hate to do this... but, hey, something good will come out of it!

Post 859

The Krylma Leader

Hello, Heavy. And yes, you have every right to invade our initiation forum.


And it was just getting relaxing around here. This is the first time in three weeks that this place has managed to get over forty-eight hours without any kind of fighting. Oh, well. I guess if Uncle Heavy really wants to fight, I suppose we have to. But just remember: he's on private property. I can see it now, "Uncle Heavy: Petty Criminal"! Anyway, if UH wants a fight, I see no need to dissapoint him.

*Slowly walks up to Uncle Heavy, flicking his tongue in and out. Then, faster than the eye can see, he zips behind UH, and kicks him into one of the giant pin-balls*

Okay, Heavy. Just hope you're in one of the ones without nukes in them.

*KL slams and seals the giant pin-ball, and pushes it into the arena. He then puts an extremely powerful force field over the pit, and returns to the sofa*

Pass the popcorn. Anyone tries to let UH out, I lock 'em in a room with Happy Dude for a week. If Happy Dude tries to let 'im out, I'll keep him away from sea/evillene for a week. Got that?

*Watches the movie*

i hate to do this... but, hey, something good will come out of it!

Post 860


No evillene for a whole week ???? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

smiley - tongueout

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