A Conversation for S.T.U.M.P.E.D.

Emar and Zeb, to answer your Psycho problem...

Post 821

Emar, the Flying Misfit... Yes, seriously, he's back...

Zeb: Hey, Psycho Girl, before you expend some of your energy on on Happy, I just wanted to let you know that my REAL apology to you was as follows: "Psycho-Girl, I'm sorry for you because, despite your cool powers, your laugh will never be as cool as mine. MUHWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!"

If you want to verify this claim, click this:http://www.h2g2.com/FFM39392?thread=73469&skip=380&show=20#p580964

Emar and Zeb, to answer your Psycho problem...

Post 822

The Krylma Leader

Okay, everyone, I want to say something: Corrupt One is doing something very good for our organization: getting friends from Real Life to join h2g2, and join STUMPED. Now, from now on, if anyone claiming to be one of Corrupt's friends comes here, *PLEASE* treat them as well as you treat each other.

Wait, cross that. Treat them a whole lot *better* than you treat each other. Treat them the same way you would treat either of the Red's, or BBW, or me. Don't start hurling insults until you get to know these people better. So, *PLEASE* be nicer to newbies, and don't make me use the 'P' word again!

evillene...a rose by any other name

Post 823


[Happy has an even more glazed than usual look over his eye's]

evillene honey is that you I hear, did you miss me ? want a hug ?

smiley - tongueout
smiley - tongueoutsmiley - tongueout

again evillene is tortured by happy...

Post 824

soeasilyamused, or sea

*evillene makes vomiting noises, then thinks better of it and kicks happy in the shin. she then sits down in the corner to pout*

*sea falls over laughing hysterically*

again evillene is tortured by happy...

Post 825

soeasilyamused, or sea

[after finally finding the results to the prez race]

[evillene] hmm... i find it interesting that the reds only got nine votes... aren't there more than nine active STUMPED members?

[sea] evillene, stop trying to make everyone suspect each other...

[evillene] well, I voted...

[sea] no you didn't, i did.

[evillene] well, you're the main personality. but i agreed with you...

[sea] no you didn't!!!

again evillene is tortured by happy...

Post 826


She Kicked me, she still care's smiley - tongueout

again evillene is tortured by happy...

Post 827

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)

this is better than any movie, well, better than some movies, welllllllll, better than "The Kid"

again evillene is tortured by happy...

Post 828


Harrison Ford movies are rather good....not better than any of them...but better than notting hill.

what election is every one talking about? how come i wasnt elected?

again evillene is tortured by happy...

Post 829

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)

Just knod your head and pretend to understand. smiley - smiley

again evillene is tortured by happy...

Post 830


i will do nothing of the sort....but hey wanna watch a harrison ford movie with me? (couch, tv, and popcorn appear) screw ontinuity/law of conservation of matter. have some popcorn

again evillene is tortured by happy...

Post 831

Emar, the Flying Misfit... Yes, seriously, he's back...

Zeb: Screw spelling and puntuation as well, apparently...

Emar: That was uncalled for! You don't need to point out everybody's typos and informal writing. You just couldn't think of anything good to post!

Zeb: You caught me...Man, I hate these lulls in the action...

movie time!

Post 832

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)

All right!

i hate to do this... but, hey, something good will come out of it!

Post 833

Queen Mandi (formerly Psycho Girl)

Zeb and Emar, I really don't want to do this, but...
I APOLOGIZE, OKAY!!!!!! I unfairly zapped you, but this makes up for the post where you squished three of my psychokenetic clones.

The good part:
(Psycho Girl pulls out a pair of Lord Lunatic's hypno-sunglasses he once used on her to get her to zap Corrupt and she starts layering them with Krazy Glue.)
Oh, Happy Dude.
(She sticks the glasses straight on his face)
Now stop being so happy!!! And i don't think you can get them off! Yes! Now who's happy?
smiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smiley

i hate to do this... but, hey, something good will come out of it!

Post 834

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)

hey, can you move a little to the left, your blocking the movie! I've only seen this part 5,253,892 times and I can't remember exactly what he does!

Thanx, like the shades Happy!

i hate to do this... but, hey, something good will come out of it!

Post 835

The Krylma Leader

*Sits down, and watches the movie, glad that the forum is actually doing something other than being the sight of a major battle scene*

i hate to do this... but, hey, something good will come out of it!

Post 836

soeasilyamused, or sea

*sea joins the others on the REALLY big sofa*

[sea] pass the popcorn... i LOVE this movie!

*evillene mutters something about no one paying attention to her*

*no one pays attention to her*

i hate to do this... but, hey, something good will come out of it!

Post 837


You sure these things look cool ?

i hate to do this... but, hey, something good will come out of it!

Post 838

soeasilyamused, or sea

*sea giggles*

[sea] sure, happy. very cool... smiley - smiley

i hate to do this... but, hey, something good will come out of it!

Post 839


You sure its just as was a bit worried. Sea do you think evillene still loves me ?

i hate to do this... but, hey, something good will come out of it!

Post 840


aint Typos fun !

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