A Conversation for S.T.U.M.P.E.D.

Wolverine. Mmhmm. Baby

Post 901

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)

so I says to him I says, thats my shoe (everyone laughs)

Wolverine. Mmhmm. Baby

Post 902

Emar, the Flying Misfit... Yes, seriously, he's back...

Zeb: What WAS your original point, Krymla? That supervillans don't get paired up against heroes that they could take out easily? I don't mean to sound condescending (but I don't mind it, either) but, that's kinda the point. Cartoons and comics would be extremely lame if superheroes/villans always went up against their perfect opponent (and by "perfect," I mean one whose abilities are such that they allow the other to make the most of his own). To illustrate this point, let's play a little game called "Really Really Really One-Sided Battles." Read the titles of the following hypothetical comic books, and ask yourself if you would want to buy them...

Silver Surfer vs. Hobgoblin
Spawn vs. Ichabod Crane
The Wonder Twins vs. Q (and I don't mean the one from James Bond)
Batman vs. Tetsou (from Akira)
Boba Fett vs. Little Orphan Annie

Wolverine. Mmhmm. Baby

Post 903

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)

Boba Fett is the coolest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wolverine. Mmhmm. Baby

Post 904

Uncle Heavy [sic]




Wolverine has x-factor in his blood - superfast healing. He'd have shredder.

And what about Mumra the Everliving (have you even heard of him?) Now he was hard. Oh yeah.

I wasnt being sarcastic about anyone's beliefs. That was me being profound (except for the naked bit. Hope you werent hurt smiley - smiley )

Wolverine. Mmhmm. Baby

Post 905

Dream (keeper of nightmares)

*clears her throat* Excuse me I was looking to get initiated? Sometime soon? Maybe?

Wolverine. Mmhmm. Baby

Post 906

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)

jump in the ball over there next to the Leader and stay in it for 3 days wile avoding being eaten by the hungry hungry hippos

Wolverine. Mmhmm. Baby

Post 907

Dream (keeper of nightmares)

o.k. sure, *hops in* can I bring a book? just wondering...

Wolverine. Mmhmm. Baby

Post 908

The Krylma Leader

That's pretty much it.

Oh, and Zeb, I know that those books you mentioned would be pretty bad (although that Silver Surfer vs. Hobgoblin would be interesting if Hobbie was the protagonist), I'm just trying to point out how this whole hero vs. villain thing isn't an equal opportunity thing. Villains are *always* capable of beating the heroes they get paired up with, but they seldom get the chance to see how they would fare against people from other genres and storylines. That's the good thing about those hypothetical super matches. I just chose Shredder in general because he's always been my favorite villain. Yes, I've taken him into consideration even more than Krill, even more than Mir Yannick (the Grand Inquisitor), even more than the Alchemical Debacle, even more than Morphius! Granted, those are names of villains that most don't hear much about (I blame the media), but if it weren't for Shredder I wouldn't have many villains whose character I liked that weren't Infocom based. Not enough character development in most of 'em. Unless you count Cancer Man as a supervillain.

Oh, and Dream, I'm ready for you to get initiated any time now. Just enter the giant pin-ball, and survive for three days. I just finished installing the monitor, so now you can watch the movies too.

Wolverine. Mmhmm. Baby

Post 909

Dream (keeper of nightmares)

Thanx, So what will we be watching? I'm ready anytime now.

Wolverine. Mmhmm. Baby

Post 910

The Krylma Leader

*Watches as the movie ends*

Well, I've changed from a VCR to make it show a preprogrammed movie. No way to alter the schedule. I've decided to show a tragedy movie next, called Spawn. In this movie we see someone rise to be a kind of guardian angel. Sad, but you must all be prepared to keep this kind of disaster from happening to you.

*A tech-crew member rushes out and whispers something to KL. A frown spreads aross his face*

What do you mean that's what the director was trying to say? You mean that this isn't a supervillain tragedy?

*Stares at the crew-person for a few moments. Shrugs*

Oh, well. I like the graphics during the opening credits. See if you can play the credits only for a while.

*Relieved crew-person runs back*


Post 911

Emar, the Flying Misfit... Yes, seriously, he's back...

This post has been removed.

Wolverine. Mmhmm. Baby

Post 912

Uncle Heavy [sic]

Dream. Don't be evil. It's bad. Join CHOPPERS. They're cooler. And we get to watch good films.

King Koopa (from super mario) versus The Tick. Oooh. That's a tough one. Vicious

Wolverine. Mmhmm. Baby

Post 913

Uncle Heavy [sic]

The Rock versus Pinky and the Brain?

Wolverine. Mmhmm. Baby

Post 914


Howdy everyone. Allow me to titillate you with my stimulating conversation. OK Maybe not.

If you're wondering who the hell I am then ... damn. I mainly spend only a tiny amount on-line a day and am usually on superheroes and villains forums.

Anyway, I see that your recent conversation has drifted onto the mismatching of heroes and villains so how 'bout The Daleks (of Dr. Who fame) against none other than The Thundercats (who incedentally have a very large staircase leading up to their base.) It could be quite interesting to see how the Daleks cope with that obstacle.

Wolverine. Mmhmm. Baby

Post 915


Anybody want a balloon ? smiley - tongueout

Wolverine. Mmhmm. Baby

Post 916

Dream (keeper of nightmares)

*investigates the sphere* Hmmmm... pretty buttons! wonder what this one does....

Wolverine. Mmhmm. Baby

Post 917

Dream (keeper of nightmares)

*decides that if she dies it might be a good idea to write some last words or something finds a slip of paper and a pen in her pocket tries to write and finds it very difficult to do so in a spinning ball.* I GIVE UP! Throws the paper....

Wolverine. Mmhmm. Baby

Post 918

Dream (keeper of nightmares)

*studies the pen for a second and then stabs it into whatever happens to be in reach, smiles with satisfaction and starts humming..*

Balloon Animals

Post 919


Happy makes a Giraffe out of Balloons smiley - tongueout

Balloon Animals

Post 920

Dream (keeper of nightmares)

*visualizes the giraffe baloon, and watches it pop in her mind, a few seconds later watches it pop on her monitor and smiles* I hate giraffes..

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