A Conversation for S.T.U.M.P.E.D.


Post 941

Dream (keeper of nightmares)

*snaps her fingers and happy wakes up still shaking*.. *smiles to herself.* I apoligize for such a terrible torture happy, but you know it had to be done. *opens the door to the sphere and steps out.* I didn't want to start out here with everyone thinking I was a wimp. *brushes her clothes down and gives the sweetest smile possible, Holds out a hand* How about we shake and call it a truce?


Post 942


[Happy smiles even more than usual, he then pulls a bunch of plasti flowers out of his sleave and hands them to Dream]


'you haven't seen any giant man eating fluffy pink bunny rabbits round here have you ?'

smiley - tongueout


Post 943

soeasilyamused, or sea

*sea's voice is heard from under the couch*

[sea] a new superzero. well, not exactly new. old, but reincarnated. DAG. since i can't spell the new name.

*sea comes out from under the couch and kicks DAG in the shin*

[sea] that's for punishing me for what my sister did. i have NO CONTROL WHATSOEVER over her, and therefore cannot be held accountable for her actions. if you have a problem with her, talk to my parents. and have fun doing that...


Post 944


Sea Honey, where you been ?

[Happy rushes over to Sea waving his tickleing stick smiley - tongueout]


Post 945

soeasilyamused, or sea


*sea retreats back under the couch and promptly turns back into sea-monster-under-the-couch. happy gets too close and a large, arm with razor-sharp claws nearly claims a few of his toes*

*a meanacing growl is heard from under the couch*


Post 946


[Happy ties his tickeling stick to a broom handle thats nearby and pokes it under the couch in a friendly maner. With his other hand he bandages his foot.]

'Tee Hee, this is fun smiley - tongueout'


Post 947

soeasilyamused, or sea

*an ear-splitting screech is heard from under the couch and the beating stick disappears*

*the sound of wood breaking is heard*

*a pile of splinters is pushed out from under the couch*


Post 948

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)

well I can see this is coming along nicely, Happy is poking sea, sea is screaming bloody murder, Dream isn't making Happy un-happy, I'm not being harrased by NYC......... all is well I can just smell the love in the air


Post 949

Giguschild - Xenomorph(Muse of Honourable Death...and Mu.)

I'm having much more fun in this form.

*Pops three of HappyDude's ballons with sharp tail. Snickers toothily*


Post 950


[Happy having got a new can of laughing gas blows up some more balloons] smiley - tongueout


Post 951

Uncle Heavy [sic]

*thinks* wow. They dont need us to fight them. They manage quite nicely by themselves!

Gigus dear boy, please dont kill everyone. It's alright everyone, he's in the process of being housetraioned. Instincts and all that. Down Bitch!


Post 952


Happy blowa a big 'raspberry' at Uncle Heavy smiley - tongueout


Post 953

Dream (keeper of nightmares)

Flowers for me? *takes them from happy and wipes away a tear* no one has ever given me flowers. Friends then? * Gives happy a friendly hug.* And I promise I'll keep the monsters away! Unless.. You think maybe uncle heavy needs a nightmare?.


Post 954


Well he is a super-hero and as such our arch enemy ? smiley - tongueout

[Happy shines a big smile at Dream]

Brand New Initiation Forum of Death

Post 955


Damn arrived to late! RedFish'll KILL me for this. Oh wellonce more won't hurt TO much. Perhaps next time the initiation's are open.

Brand New Initiation Forum of Death

Post 956


Hang on is this the wrong room? I HATE being new!

Brand New Initiation Forum of Death

Post 957


Happy shouts out after Ad-Hoc 'Hey were still initating' smiley - tongueout

Brand New Initiation Forum of Death

Post 958

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)

yeah, and we're just putting on a new movie..............

Brand New Initiation Forum of Death

Post 959


Can we watch the Muppets movie this time ?

Brand New Initiation Forum of Death

Post 960

Dream (keeper of nightmares)

Muppets? Please no.. hmmm.. I wonder what Uncle Heavy would be afraid of?.. *Opens dream book* hmm nothing on super heros. Worry not, I will think of something..

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