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Post 141

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

Not only is Possum fished, he is DOUBLE-fished!!!
SIX villians have fished him before he could retaliate! What does that count for?

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Post 142

Grey Spectre{Vote Masque for Dictator of H2G2!!!}

Siren has been thrice fished soeasilyamused...
We are really tearing these superheroes apart, as I've said in another forum, When will these superheroes learn, good doesn't pay.

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Post 143

soeasilyamused, or sea

*maniacal laughter*
we'll teach that darn siren to not give me a battle forum...
*dissolves into a fit of maniacal cackling and all-around evil laughter*
hey, i haven't even been evil for a week yet and already i have an archenemy/nemesis thingy... cool...

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Post 144

Uncle Heavy [sic]

What you are all forgetting, is that, we, being heros, can always rely on circumstances allowing us miraculous escape. So if you'd like to leave, say, the door to your armoury unlocked, we'll be able to take over from there. OK?

Good. I love a happy ending

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Post 145

Uncle Heavy [sic]

ladies and gen- men, the rules: http://www.h2g2.com/F15602?thread=54554

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Post 146

Garius Lupus

Hey, I just got fished by a new hero. I just started a retaliatory forum on his page. Here's the URL: http://www.h2g2.com/F44558?thread=61218&post=449699 Go fish him, fellow evil ones. (And thanks for the rules, Uncle H.)

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Post 147

Garius Lupus

Oh, Qmike. You're right, we can't make you do anything, and wouldn't dream of trying (well, okay, being evil, we might dream of it sometimes). The choice is yours. If you want to become a full card-carrying member of STUMPED, you must submit to the initiation rites. If you don't submit to the initiation, I suppose you could still be an uninitiated-auxilliary-member-in-training, but you wouldn't get the decoder ring. smiley - winkeye

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Post 148

soeasilyamused, or sea

here's another hero's forum... http://www.h2g2.com/F44558?thread=61218&post=449775

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Post 149

soeasilyamused, or sea

oh, that one has already been posted. oops... sorry!

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Post 150

Mike A (snowblind)

Affy, show how wicked you are and post Evil Smiley up on our list anyway!

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Post 151


Perhaps that would work, yes.

BTW, I'd love to go fishing with all of you, but I've got about two dozen fish on my page. So, I can't put fishies on the heroes pages, I can't put fishies on villain pages. Besides, I'm not sure I can stay in such a precarious position unless I get a new name on H2G2.

BTW, if you're immune to Weird Al, that's one thing. I'm asuming you've heard Albuquerque, right? If not, here's the summary:

Roughly twelve minutes long. There is no rhyming. He barely sings in tune. He barely sings (meaning, most of the song is spoken. Out of tune in some places). I'm not sure *I* could take that, and I've been listening to that song (as well as singing it out loud) about five times per hour whenever I go on a road trip with someone else. But, if you're truly immune to Al (even in an ISO chamber, I don't see that happening), I'll just dig through my other Dr. Demento songs. Like "My Name Is Larry", for instance. I can't imagine a more hideous fate than that.

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Post 152

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X

Point number one: Wow we were busy last night/ this morning/ this evening, whatever it's been since I posted last.

Point two: We've got a problem in the Mission to Zork forum: Darth Noire and I (Co-pilot and pilot of the Raven respectively) are both going on vacation. I don't know when she's leaving but I'm leaving the 1st through the 6th, and we're sure to overlap. Soeasilyamused and Grey Spectre, do you guys think you can handle a little mercenary work in my absence? Just don't *kill* anyone, because that'd end the story much too soon. And Affy, if you could pilot the Mangar into an asteroid field, or get captured by space goons, or break a warp drive or something, I'd be vary greatful. Just assume that Lenore is piloting the Raven if you *absolutely* need us to do something.

Point Three: Heros, Uncle Heavy, may be priviladged to have their miraculous escapes and unlikely victories, but villains get to have their escapse and victories too! Without our vicotries you wouldn't need to get revenge on us (Batman wouldn't even exist!) and without our escapes... THERE WOULD BE NO SEQUALS!

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Post 153

soeasilyamused, or sea

haha! "mercenary" is my middle name... well, maybe not. but i'm sure grey and i will be able to stir up a little trouble while you're gone... are ya with me, grey?

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Post 154

Grey Spectre{Vote Masque for Dictator of H2G2!!!}

Absoultely, during said time well try to keep all the damage to minimum and just concentrate on being subversive and nefarious. Just leave a few instructional commands standing as guidelines and we'll keep within reason.

By the way, we've taken out Possum and Tom, that's another two points... try to get in there and double 'em now

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Post 155

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X

Alright, Irving and I are out of the way in the two space centre threads. We may pop back into existance a few times over the next week, but never long enough to do anything. As far as instructions go -- try to keep track of where the Mangar goes and where the Raven can best catch up with them by July 7th or 8th. You can feel free to do some damage to them, and repair the damage Montressor and the cargo hold sustained in the battle with Chrome101. Do evil things. I can't remember how many convoy ships they've got left, but blowing one of them up is always fun! You could acquire some deadly one man fighter ships if you like. . .

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Post 156

soeasilyamused, or sea

umm... not to be pushy or ungrateful or anything, but i'm feeling a little unloved with being left off the main page and all... um, the next time someone has a chance, could that be updated? even a reply of "i'll get to it later..." (true or not) will suffice... thanks!

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Post 157

soeasilyamused, or sea

oh yeah, and i'm sure grey and i can hold down the fort- er, spaceship- while you guys are gone...

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Post 158

soeasilyamused, or sea

oh, by the way, before i forget:
GL suggested we make up a shorthand for my name since, well, it is a little long and everyone else has nicknames anyways. he suggested "sea" as in SoEasilyAmused... i like it... just thought i'd let everyone know, so my name doesn't give anyone carparal tunnel syndrome smiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smiley

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Post 159

Garius Lupus

My carpal tunnels thank you, sea.

Regarding the plot - the Mangar first has to deal with the crystal entity, then head down to the DisneyPlanet to rescue either Irv or Red (whoever it turns out went that way). We should be able to string out the search for a week or more. Especially if we are fighting both Rodentars and sea/Grey. Also, sea/Grey may want to take the Raven in the opposite direction to chase whoever got transported that way. I said the transporter beam went out into space, but it may have intersected with a passing space ship, or asteroid or something that will take a week to track down.

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Post 160


Good thinking, GL. We might not even be ready to leave the Rodentar system before Red and Black get back!

Now, I just want to make an announcement that pertains to many people: it has been pointed out that I have not been updating the main page with the newer members (I don't think anyone since NYC has been put up). Anyway, I'm going to get to work on it as soon as I enter a more stable period, meaning: nothing scheduled within an hour of when I am ready to do it, my backlog is finished, etc. Sorry about the delay, folks. I know it's getting tedious waiting for the name to be put up. I'll get on it ASAP.
smiley - smiley

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