A Conversation for Former HEAVEN...

Heaven Sent

Post 41

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

smiley - sadface <------- me after being alabastered all afternoon and then discovering that my ISP's mail server is down too.

Heaven Sent

Post 42

Doctor John (Patron Saint and Village Physician)

Hi, Lil. Hi, Quorthon etc etc etc.

*Pours generous measure of Lagavulin (Islay Malt whisky for those who don't know it) for self. Sips generously*

Just popped in b4 crashing out (much going on IRL) to bookmark this on my home page.

Have a good day!
Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! smiley - smiley

Heaven Sent

Post 43

Archangel Zax

*handing out vodkas and hugs all around*

TEll us about the alabastard, lil! did it ruin your page? It did mine! fixed it now, tho.. w/ a LOT of help from my hero over there
at least YOU have experience with graphics and such!smiley - bigeyessmiley - winkeye

i'm so glad that you all are taking the time to hang out! it's great that some of the newer angels can see what a truly froody crowd they're in (they're all pretty fribbulous themselves, you know!!)!!! smiley - winkeye

SO what've you all been up to??? catch-up time!!!!

I just feel so WONDERFUL that you all are here! I've missed you all so much!

*beams at all of the saintly faces*

Aw Heck! GROUP HUG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Heaven Sent

Post 44

Mike A (snowblind)

Wow smiley - bigeyes

I has the Alabastard problem last night to, at around 10.30pm. Luckily I was on MSN Instant Messenger to Katsy at the time, who rung up her brother Shim...and soon after the problem was miraculously cured!

Heaven Sent

Post 45

Archangel Zax

*casting a wry glance at GOD*

It must be nice to have friends in high places!

Heaven Sent

Post 46

some bloke who tried to think of a short, catchy, pithy name and spent five sleepless nights trying but couldn't think of one

Told it's good to have high in friends' places too. By Jester that is.

smiley - fish&deg;&nbsp;smiley - fish&deg;&nbsp;smiley - fish&deg;&nbsp;smiley - fish&deg;
Patron Saint of Brevity

Heaven Sent

Post 47


* St.Peter walks in feeling sorry he missed the group hug... smiley - sadface *

Hello Everyone !!! Gee, a room full of fine people is a rarity these days... smiley - smiley

* he thinks ' I've found people are generally more 'tactile' after praise...' smiley - smiley *

Well, I was alabastered yesterday as well. It's not much fun after you have spent 3 hours working on a page to see the screen freeze when you go to update it... smiley - bigeyes

It was nearly the first time I've sworn in 2000 years...!!! smiley - winkeye

BTW I've purchased this electronic swear-box. You simply input your ATM/Credit card and it 'pays-in' randomly like a fruit machine... smiley - bigeyes

All the mercantile aversion therapy one needs... smiley - smiley

* he scolds himself, because now any ongoing, potential group hug situation might be boycotted by Mike... smiley - sadface *


Heaven Sent

Post 48

Mike A (snowblind)

smiley - sadface indeed. But, what can ya do?

Heaven Sent

Post 49

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

*hugs QMike*
You just put those Ray-Bans back on and be cool.
No comment, dude!

Heaven Sent

Post 50

Mike A (snowblind)

btw aunt I got yer email

Heaven Sent

Post 51


I wonder if some bloke has noticed that his fish are blowing ISO character codes instead of bubbles?

Anyone interested in an unofficial discussion on GuideML Gadgets I've started one here here http://www.h2g2.com/A299504 . The basic idea is to see what people might want in the way of Gadgets when javascript disappears from h2g2.
(apologies for small spam)

All contributions/suggestions/comments welcome.

Heaven Sent

Post 52

Mike A (snowblind)

30+ weeks on, I have STILL not figured out how to make fish blow bubbles!

Heaven Sent

Post 53


Well some bloke has given you a worked example of how it used to be donesmiley - smiley


Heaven Sent

Post 54

Mike A (snowblind)

I'm still not sure if it's better than the cryptic clues him and a mate gave me many months back...

So that trick has now been rendered impossible, yes?

Heaven Sent

Post 55


Yes, the trick's gonesmiley - sadface


Heaven Sent

Post 56

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

You're all of course noticing the extremely topical cause in my name smiley - winkeye

Heaven Sent

Post 57

Mike A (snowblind)


Hmmm...the fish...

Heaven Sent

Post 58

Mike A (snowblind)

Well, the solution to your problem with the fish is simply NOT TO USE THE HORRID NEW SKIN!!!!

Heaven Sent

Post 59

Doctor John (Patron Saint and Village Physician)

*Wakes up wondering why everyone's talking about Leonard Cohen albums (New Skin for the Old Ceremony). Drinks another large glass of Lagavulin and falls back comatose*

Heaven Sent

Post 60

canadian girl(resigned)

the new skin made all the writing on my page go wonky, so i use the old skin whenever it gets to me. i'm still a new angel, is there anyone i should get to know?

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