A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER
9BXth Conversation at Lil's
Montana Redhead (now with letters) Posted Sep 2, 2009
Hypatia, I don't want to jinx anything. Suffice it to say that we have Indiana, Texas, Massachusetts, Ohio, New York, DC, Tennessee, South Dakota and Vermont. I'm still hoping against hope that there will be jobs posted for Arizona and Montana.
9BXth Conversation at Lil's
WanderingAlbatross - Wing-tipping down the rollers of life's ocean. Posted Sep 2, 2009
Mornin All
Threatning clouds. The race programme over here has been disrupted by the weather and there are a lot of soggy
s around. Shame, good weather makes all the difference.
9BXth Conversation at Lil's
Phil Posted Sep 2, 2009
I'm waiting for the deluge to hit this part of the world later.
9BXth Conversation at Lil's
Titania (gone for lunch) Posted Sep 2, 2009
The clouds were so thick and dark that I had to light the lamps in order to make myself breakfast this morning, argh! And it's raining on and off, on and off, bah!
Matina, I'll have a large Sisu, please!
9BXth Conversation at Lil's
kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013 Posted Sep 2, 2009
It's already raining here in Berkshire.
I was going to walk to fat club this morning (about a 6 mile round trip) but I don't fancy it with the pram in the rain - I always end up with freezing wet hands and wet face/hair (depending on rain direction) because it isn't possible to hold an umberella as well as pushing the pram. Drat.
My diet is being helped by the fact that I've discovered that the most delicious food known to man is the sweetcorn growing at the end of my garden. It should have three michelin stars without the need for a thunderbird.
On the other board I mentioned yesterday a couple of people have been along and posted a rebuttal to the 'vaccines are a conspiracy to damage children' madness in a calmer way than I would have. Sol and T may have used the word numpty but the post I deleted before sending used the words irresponsible idiot.
9BXth Conversation at Lil's
tartaronne Posted Sep 2, 2009
*Hopes she avoids the scratchy blue*
I'm still 880 posts behind on the previous conversation
*s to back to posting #1*
9BXth Conversation at Lil's
Good Doctor Zomnker (This must be Tuesday," said GDZ to himself, sinking low over his Dr. Pepper, "I never could get the hang of Tuesdays.") Posted Sep 2, 2009
Morning all.
9BXth Conversation at Lil's
Todaymueller Posted Sep 2, 2009
Doc says I have got to eat better and exercise more as my cholesterol is high . So , this morning I paddled my yak a couple of miles up and down the river . It rained a bit but it was still good to get out .
9BXth Conversation at Lil's
FG Posted Sep 2, 2009
Oh, sweet corn. It's one of my favorite late-summer veggies. Better than candy!
9BXth Conversation at Lil's
Hypatia Posted Sep 2, 2009
This is my last post until Friday. It's pouring buckets, but the forecast for St. Louis is much better. We should drive out of it. And tomorrow should be as close to perfect as it gets for baseball. 80ยบ and partly cloudy.
MR, I hope you can arrange something in Arizona or Montana, too.
Good luck with the dentist, Bel.
Must get packed.
9BXth Conversation at Lil's
Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence Posted Sep 2, 2009
Sweet white corn, fresh-picked, thrown into boiling water for 4 minutes, then served with lashings of butter, salt and pepper. I remember evening meals where that was ALL we had, all the ears we could eat.
OK, scribing. I'm anchoring with the first 500 posts. I need three more scribes. And I want to ask if we can add just a couple of rules, to make it easier for me to edit in the end. First, consistent use of past tense, and second, keep it a simple text file. If you open the scribe file in Word, all of a sudden I have to deal with formatting issues.
Content-wise, I think the scribing has been fantastic. If I've had to edit content, it's simply in order to shorten the introduction overall. One time that Tod scribed, he even included all the links that had been posted, and I clean forgot to bring that idea up in the salon. Would other salonistas like to see all the links that get posted throughout a conversation? If we do this, you have to add a brief description of what the link is about.
Alternatively, we could have a special link scribe, whose sole job would be to harvest and annotate links.
What are your thoughts? And Mags has volunteered to scribe again, which gives her the baton from 501 to 1000. Any others?
9BXth Conversation at Lil's
kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013 Posted Sep 2, 2009
Arrrgh! Someone just posted this: http://www.vaccineriskawareness.com
I just don't have time to formulate an appropriate response to this nonsense but will have a go once the kids are in bed. Good god.
9BXth Conversation at Lil's
Mrs Zen Posted Sep 2, 2009
I think including links is a good idea - I don't always have time to click at the time, and then they get lost in the back-wash. I'd also be happy to be links-scribe for this conversation if the scribe-scribes don't want to do it.
That link's all greek to me, Kelli.
Did I mention that I wondered if the legends of changelings were inspired by autistic children? The idea of an external agency causing a child who is lovely and normal and smiley (lots of wind) until a certain age to then withdraw in on itself and fail to thrive is common to both the changeling myth and the vaccine myth.
I've been told that our jobs won't be reviewed until November, and maybe not until next year. Not sure if that's good news or bad news. On balance, probably both.
I've just bought half a dozen 1/4pt ramekins and a super-accurate set of scales. These are so I can make individual rice puddings when the milk-man over-delivers. He now has to over-deliver about 40 pts for me to actually be quids in again. So sometime in ... oh ... March 2011 then.
Oh well.
PS - I love the Cookie Monster, Titania.
Key: Complain about this post
9BXth Conversation at Lil's
- 121: Montana Redhead (now with letters) (Sep 2, 2009)
- 122: WanderingAlbatross - Wing-tipping down the rollers of life's ocean. (Sep 2, 2009)
- 123: aka Bel - A87832164 (Sep 2, 2009)
- 124: Phil (Sep 2, 2009)
- 125: Teuchter (Sep 2, 2009)
- 126: Beatrice (Sep 2, 2009)
- 127: Titania (gone for lunch) (Sep 2, 2009)
- 128: Milla, h2g2 Operations (Sep 2, 2009)
- 129: kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013 (Sep 2, 2009)
- 130: tartaronne (Sep 2, 2009)
- 131: Bagpuss (Sep 2, 2009)
- 132: Good Doctor Zomnker (This must be Tuesday," said GDZ to himself, sinking low over his Dr. Pepper, "I never could get the hang of Tuesdays.") (Sep 2, 2009)
- 133: Todaymueller (Sep 2, 2009)
- 134: FG (Sep 2, 2009)
- 135: Santragenius V (Sep 2, 2009)
- 136: Hypatia (Sep 2, 2009)
- 137: Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence (Sep 2, 2009)
- 138: kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013 (Sep 2, 2009)
- 139: Titania (gone for lunch) (Sep 2, 2009)
- 140: Mrs Zen (Sep 2, 2009)
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