A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER

A Masque

Post 241

Titania (gone for lunch)

Oh - and GL - how come you thought I was behind Sherlock Holmes? Since you were the first one to get it right I'd like to hear the reasoning behind it...smiley - smiley

A Masque

Post 242

The Operatic Squirrel

Well, didn't get one of them. Anyhoo, seeing as we are all unmasking, and this compression suit is killing me
Munchkin pops out of the Squirrel costume showering cake all over the place as he expands to his normal (to him at least) height*
Oops, sorry about that. Well, nice to see I didn't fool a large percentage of you smiley - smiley

A Masque

Post 243

Professor Plum

*Puts his smiley - bubbly on a nearby table and starts patting pockets.*

Let's see, over the course of the party I called attention to a dagger, a rope, a candlestick and a spanner. That leaves the revolver and the lead pipe.

*Plum extracts a hot glue gun and a size 50/25mm knitting needle.*

Sorry, that's the best I could do on such short notice. I suppose that ought to reveal my true identity. smiley - biggrin

A Masque

Post 244

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

*wriggles and giggles with pleasure at having got one guess right*

Garius, you've always been willing to play a character who does pratfalls and who is witty. I am surprised that you were able to refrain from punning!

Who's left?

A Masque

Post 245


Well I never, I got the Squirrel right too. I have to say that it was more of a guess, although the sense of humour seemed more Munch's than anyone else's.

You know, this armour is getting rather warm those elves haven't got around to installing water cooling systems in their armour yet.

I did think T may rumble me with her new found interest in RPGs.....

smiley - winkeye

*removes mask and finds the release mechanism, the armour drops away to reveal the familiar combat suit of Caerwynn*

Da Daaaaa!

A Masque

Post 246

Maxwell Smart

Well done, Witty and Caerwyn - I didn't have a clue who either of you were.

Titania - I was mostly guessing, but something about Holmes's posts reminded me of you. Something about the clarity of expression, perhaps. Also, there was the relatively high number of his posts and none of the other characters seemed like you.

Lil - I figured the slapstick nature of my character would give me away. But then Clouseau showed up. smiley - biggrin Then I figured I'd given myself away by trying to develop a plot. If I'd been able to get online more, more "accidents" would have happened, leading to....well, I hadn't thought that far, but I'm sure someone would have come up with something. smiley - winkeye

(wriggles and giggles. smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh)

A Masque

Post 247


I was quite convinced a body was going to turn up in the libarary at any minute... I blame you, T (and my goodness!!!???) for your Serlock. Or was the profusion of detectives arrived at independantly/ How odd!

Kitty started out as a vampire. Now she's half a vampire and needs to keep garlic, lots of crosses, blessed water and the like at hand at all times or she reverts. She was going to revert, if, as seemed quite likely given our last adventure, things got a little, how shall we put this, out of hand...

I got you, GL. More by luck than design apparently. Good grief indeed to Caer and WM.

A Masque

Post 248

Titania (gone for lunch)

Caerwynn made a very convincing impression of being male, that's why I didn't think she'd be behind Garanor!smiley - smiley

Now - who do we have left? Don E. Gal and Izobella von Strümpfhosen - their true identities haven't been confirmed, have they?

*checks notes*

Dang, only two correct guesses so far... not at all up to Sherlock Holmes' standard!

A Masque

Post 249


So being in between 2 brothers and having 2 sons must count for something then! I always did prefer playing Cops and Robbers on my bike to sitting down nicely with my Sindy doll, much to my mother's despair smiley - winkeye

I go for FG as Isobella.

A Masque

Post 250

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Are we agreed that we should do this again? I sort of called time out on this because it was intended as a short event, but we could do the same thing (with all new characters/accounts) if we can agree on a scenario, and just let it run. Less formal than the virtual RPG rules Garius and Mac worked out, but preserving of continuity. An RPG, the characters of which will completely unknown until they arrive. smiley - silly

Is anyone still masked, or has Caerwynn won the last-mask trophy?

A Masque

Post 251


There are a few still masked I think.

A Masque

Post 252

Maxwell Smart

Still a few masked, and the RPG idea sounds great, Lil. Count me in.

(I'll be the slapstick guy, trying to develop a plot. You'll never guess it's me.smiley - silly)

A Masque

Post 253

Witty Moniker

*drops disguise and picks up smiley - bubbly*

You were my second choice for Maxwell Smart, GL. I didn't know exactly when you gave up TV, and the impression was so spot on I doubted it could be you. I thought you might be Holmes. Boy, was I wrong! smiley - laugh

A Masque

Post 254

The Pooka MacPhellimey

Let me congratulate everyone about their disguises! smiley - bubbly
Don't worry d'E, it was mere chance if I got you right. I thought you were... Oh but anyway, I thought everybody was somebody else at a moment or another. smiley - huh What an intrication of wits such a game is! That's why I'm definitely in for another one, with a larger plot and lasting longer. smiley - bigeyes

A Masque

Post 255

The Pooka MacPhellimey

Oh yeah, and special praise for Plum and Holmes, you were my favourite characters. Not meaning I disliked the others of course, I liked everyone!

A Masque

Post 256

dElaphant (and Zeppo his dog (and Gummo, Zeppos dog)) - Left my apostrophes at the BBC

If I had an opportunity to dress up this Halloween, I would have chosen Clouseau - I had watched "A Shot in the Dark" a few weeks ago. Then when I saw Holmes and Professor Plum as costumes, I thought a detective theme was a good idea. The appearance of Maxwell Smart clinched it.

GL was the only one I was sure of, and that mostly because I noticed a broad simularity between posting times. Once I noticed the connection I could only think of Smart as GL, and it seemed an excellent fit. Timing is why I'm betting on Hypatia as Izobella too.

I didn't guess Coelacanth until she asked Clouseau about the lurkers, then something clicked. I almost switched to Galaxy Babe at the last moment, but I went with my gut sense.

And I only guessed Munchkin because I figured he'd be playing, but couldn't figure out who else could be an "Operatic Squirrel". If Lil hadn't unmasked herself, I might have had Munchkin down for Wilde.

And I was absolutley sure Vash was YK when he posted a link to a picture of himself. Brilliant subterfuge, Marv!

We're still waiting for Don E. Gal, Madame Zora, and Izobella von Schtrümpfhosen.
smiley - dog

A Masque

Post 257

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

*glances over to the salon, where Typolifi has inadvertently worn his masque mask* Not so easy, handling a second identity! I was in a terrible rush the morning I accidentally scored an own goal and posted as myself. Next time, when we know the game lasts longer, I'll try to be more careful.

I wonder where we should set the next game. Somewhere that already exists on h2g2? *Imagines some forum suddenly infested with very strange researchers with their own agneda, then realises that this is a description of everyday hootoo life*

Or somewhere else. I've just been reading Robinson's Mars trilogy, and could gladly nominate Mars. A city on Mars, under a tent, with full biota inside. But you'd need a suit to go outside. And suppose the suit made you unrecognisable? Then you'd be doubly disguised! smiley - weird

A Masque

Post 258


I'm definitely up for another go! That was fun! And gagging to know who the others were...

A Masque

Post 259


The only way I managed not to slip up was by using two PCs. Just to make sure I used Brunel for Garanor, it seemed a little more butch than al*baster!

A Masque

Post 260

Witty Moniker

Pooka/Typolifi, I had no idea that handing you those dice would distract you that way! That was a stroke of luck.

I intentionally avoided establishing new accounts because I didn't think I could handle keeping them straight. But I couldn't resist for this event. Using Alabaster and logging in under netscape helped immensely. smiley - smiley

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