A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER

83Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 121


*pushes the door open*

Ah, there you all are. Sorry I'm late. Is there a spare seat around?

Many happy returns, Teuchter.

I'm slightly surprised to read about animal hospices visiting you to see if you're fit to adopt. Sure, they want the furries to go to a good home, but you don't get anything like that if you go to a pet shop, do you? Our cat (now deceased) was adopted by the rather simpler procedure of finding her sleeping in my dad's warehouse as a kitten.

May I stick my nose into the problem of the non-providing cow-orker? If subtle hints like "Why don't you bring anything to the pot luck?" haven't worked I reckon the only thing to do is an ultimatum: "If you don't bring stuff to the next one you can't have anything other people have brought." Then if she doesn't comply you get into the tricky business of enforcing the rule. If anyone's got a spare set of stocks that should do it.

Just been watching people destroy houses in Middlesbrough, and for once it wasn't bored kids. It was on telly and for science and safety, honest. Getting two massive great fans to create hurricane-force winds might look scientific, but chucking a distbin into the airstream makes it look like you just want to see the windows smash.

As well as the wind, they flooded one, burnt one and blew one up with natural gas. The way the fire was supposed to start was interesting: overloaded extension lead with a woollen doll leaning against it next to a wicker box with the TV on top. I was half-expecting a box of fireworks, a pile of oily rags and a collection of fine parafin to be on the shelf above that. Apparently shutting you bedroom door buys you 5-10 minutes, by which time the fire brigade might have showed up.

83Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 122

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

I saw that too Bagpuss - looked like a fun day at worksmiley - biggrin So my dad's rules about always shutting doors, not locking doors on exit routes and *knowing* the exit routes are pretty sound smiley - ok

I phoned a couple of charities when we decided to get beasties. They told us we would not be allowed to adopt any pet smiley - erm but our two seem pretty happy, as do mum's two that we also have this week.

83Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 123


I don't believe it. I've just had to ask yet another mother to leave with her two children because she wouldn't keep them quiet. They were running and shrieking and throwing books all over the floor. You know what she said....sorry, I can't do anything with them. smiley - cross Why? Why can't she do anything with them? She's probably afraid of traumatising the little darlings. Mustn't make them unhappy, you know. If they act like that in public, how on earth do they act at home?

Joins the group of people who are heartily sick of kids.

83Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 124



83Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 125

Good Doctor Zomnker (This must be Tuesday," said GDZ to himself, sinking low over his Dr. Pepper, "I never could get the hang of Tuesdays.")

Happy Birthday Teuchter!

83Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 126


I do think that things are more difficult with adopted pets - they are older and set in their ways. A dog that's been abused is bound to need more attention than a dog that's only known a nice happy enviroment.

I'm trying not to judge parents, as I can't have children of my own I expect I'll adopt or foster, and most adopted children have been abused, well in the UK, as single mothers get quite a lot of financial support, so it's unusal for a mother to have to give up her baby.

The last time I was getting broody I browsed a message board for adoptive parents and realised some of the severe behaviour problems that some of the children have. Then realised I really don't think I'm up to that sort of parenting until I've found a girlfriend who's really good with children and wants to do all of the actual bringing them up!

83Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 127

Mrs Zen

>> until I've found a girlfriend who's really good with children and wants to do all of the actual bringing them up!

Well, that rules me out then. smiley - silly

I had an email today from someone who likes one of the websites I did a couple of years ago, equiring about prices, etc.

Unnfortunately I cannot access the backed up version of my proposal document. On the other hand I have restorred all my 2004 emails, which I suppose is a good thing.


83Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 128


I know!

smiley - smooch

(MSN pet?)

Happy Birthday Teuchter, and Congratulations on the house Marv!

83Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 129


Er, Typo or what!

Head said 'Hati' fingers said 'Marv'

smiley - doh

Marv at the moment has my thoughts and good wishes..

83Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 130

Lentilla (Keeper of Non-Sequiturs)

> You know what she said....sorry, I can't do anything with them.

I would have replied... Oh, I'm sure I could knit them into something fashionable. Or maybe a nice stew... smiley - devil

83Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 131

Lady Chattingly

Maybe she had reason to say she can't do anything with them. Maybe they arrived on a space ship and weren't familiar with earthly ways. smiley - biggrin

83Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 132


Reasonable excuse.

83Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 133

Lady Chattingly

Thank you. I thought it was reasonable too.

83Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 134

Lady Chattingly

Night all. It's time to call it a day..........or something.

83Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 135

Good Doctor Zomnker (This must be Tuesday," said GDZ to himself, sinking low over his Dr. Pepper, "I never could get the hang of Tuesdays.")


83Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 136


What should I call days once nights usurp that name?

83Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 137

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

*has adjusted her recliner and is now reluctant to get up*

We could have a day-calling contest.

83Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 138


Happy birthday Teuchter! A bottle of smiley - bubbly - it's also a muscle relaxant, you know...

83Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 139


I can't believe it's Thursday already. Time is flying by, but at least it's still light at 04.00 pm now.

83Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 140

WanderingAlbatross - Wing-tipping down the rollers of life's ocean.

Morning All,

There was also a hint of light in the East at 7-30 this morning.

Belated birthday wishes to Teuchter smiley - bubbly hope the back frees up. Good luck Hati hope the weather warms up a bit.

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