A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER


Post 121


Ag, you could tell them that the practicing is going well but you wondered if they had any tips to spice things up a bitsmiley - evilgrin

Kelli, I managed nearly 1K last night and I think that's what I should be aiming for for the next few weeks when I go.


Post 122

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

Lorien Trust... Ergh... smiley - nahnah

The Camarilla is a 'LARP' based on White Wolf's Vampire RPG... I use inverted commas as it's really little more than the pen and paper game with costumes. Apparently they don't let you do *anything* by yourself, it all has to be reffed and things which would be done through role-play in other systems (seduction, information gathering, etc) are done by a dice roll.


Post 123

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

Much sympathy j'au-aemne, but it will be worth it in the end smiley - biggrin

Have you discovered the confetti website yet? In amongst the dross you can get good help, advice and ideas on the message board there. It takes an iron will not to try to have everything they suggest though. It is also hilarious to watch the flame wars, particularly those in threads which begin "Is this tacky?" or "What is your budget?". In the former case by post 3 somebody wades in with a blanket statement like 'I think not having a white dress is naff' and there can be blood on the walls by post 8. In the second case, it is usually started by someone who wants a general idea of what they can get for their money. By post 5 somebody has said 'I've only got a budget of 2 thousand, if you spend more than that you have lost sight of the whole point of marriage and obviously don't care about your H2b [husband to be]". Carnage ensues.

It is very entertaining smiley - biggrin


Post 124

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

Well done Phil smiley - ok My friend and I usually do 50 lengths on a monday night but we don't go very fast - we do breast stroke so we can chat while we swim...

*counts on fingers*

*takes off socks and counts on toes*

That is 1.250K smiley - wow never worked that out before!


Post 125


I did 40 (4x10) lengths and a couple to warm up/down (I will get that length underwater done soon smiley - smiley). Thing is as I go to the big whizzy pool here in Manchester the length I do is only 23m rather than 25m because the pool gets split in two sections. Not sure if I could cope if the lengths were 50m though.


Post 126

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

If you can do two 25m lengths without needing to stop then you can certainly do one 50m onesmiley - ok so I am sure you would cope - although probably not underwater, unless you plan on growing some gills. It has been great watching my friend get stronger - when we started going I was already pretty fit but she hadn't done any exercise for years. We did 30 lengths in an hour and a half with lots of stops. I slowly sneaked her up to 40 lengths (I'm responsible for counting for some reason) and last week we went through the whole 50 without stopping, so it is actually starting to be a good workout for me too smiley - schooloffish

I've got aquafit tonight - it is fun being the youngest, fittest person in the room for once - totally unlike my usual gym experience smiley - laugh


Post 127


[tartaronne smiley - reindeer]


Post 128


Must take up swimming again. I'm getting annoyed with work being the only thing in my life. Though my health doesn't seem important in comparason to work.

(Oh pity me etc)

*smiley - cuddles Ben*

I'm waiting for the nice lady from the Blue Cross to come around to see if i'm a fit and proper cat owner today and am taking a days annual leave to do it in!


Post 129

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...


smiley - headhurts Irony overload!

*Looks at header*

Right, I'm off to see where we'd got up to.

which would be far too much hassle, instead he decided

Post 130

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

to consult Mothra Stewart with a view to using them to

Post 131

WanderingAlbatross - Wing-tipping down the rollers of life's ocean.


Post 132

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

I'm a poorly smiley - ant.

smiley - blue

*climbs into Kleenex box*


Post 133

Titania (gone for lunch)

Everything was covered by frost this morning and it was -4ºC (25ºF) and the wind was, and still is, f-f-f-f-freezing!smiley - brr

*slumps down on the hearth rug, gently separating the two unaus dozing back to back and lies down between them, surrounded by furry warmness* Mmm... that's better!


Post 134

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

smiley - moonsmiley - moon for Amy.

My friends have had a diagnosis for the problem with their baby and it is certain that the child has no chance of surviving and could not go to term smiley - brokenheart so they will opt for a termination now. The one good piece of news they have had is that they were just unlucky - this happens only once in ten thousand cases, and it is not a genetic inherited disorder. This means that in the fullness of time they will be able to try again. My thoughts are with them today, and I wish there was something I could do.

When she told me she was pregnant she said she was missing being able to drink, do you all think it would be a good idea to get her a really good bottle of something? I don't want to somehow make it worse for them but I feel the need to do *something*. smiley - cry

make a training toy for Tiddles, who not only doen't know the difference between a p and a Q, but gets her p's and pee's mixed up as well. Tiddles was not amused and

Post 135


smiley - hug Amy
smiley - hug Joanna
smiley - rose for Kelli's friend.

make a training toy for Tiddles, who not only doen't know the difference between a p and a q, but gets her p's and pee's mixed up as well. Tiddles was not amused and

Post 136


Ag, he read over your shoulder? What cheek.

make a training toy for Tiddles, who not only doen't know the difference between a p and a q, but gets her p's and pee's mixed up as well. Tiddles was not amused and

Post 137


I forgot to tell you. Annie almost got arrested!

I came home yesterday morning from shopping and she must have slipped by me while I was carrying things in. I was busy putting things away and didn't realize she was outside.

Knock on the door about a half-hour after I got home. "That's strange. Annie didn't sound off."

Standing at the door was the dog catcher. "Do you have a little scruffy white dog?"

"Yes." I wanted to add, "And who the hell are you to call anyone scruffy."

"Well, your dog is not being contained. It (she called Annie 'it' smiley - cross)is down the block."

"Oh, S**t!" I dashed outside and headed down the drive. "Annie!" I called.

She was next door barking at a squirrel. She came immediately, bouncing and being generally adorable. I opened the screen door and the 'scruffy it' dashed back inside.

"Thanks," I said. "Everything's fine now."

"I need to see 'it's' registration. And a proof of vaccination less than a year old."

I went inside and hunted up the necessary papers. If I hadn't been able to find them 'it' would have been dragged off to jail and I would have had to go bail 'it' out ($36) and pay a fine ($40). smiley - yikes

make a training toy for Tiddles, who not only doen't know the difference between a p and a q, but gets her p's and pee's mixed up as well. Tiddles was not amused and

Post 138


smiley - hugAmysmiley - ant I hope it's not overwork or stess that's getting to you Amy.
smiley - hugkelli, I really don't know what to say.

T, I hung a thermometer outside when I got up this morning and as I left the house it was reading -6C. A lovely crisp frosty morning, great to watch as the train sailed on through the landscape smiley - smiley
I'm wondering if it might be worth getting up really early tomorrow and getting the telescope out to look at the moon, saturn and jupiter.

wee'd on Digit's lap. Mothra chuckled at his attempt to stroke Tiddles on his lap like a Bond villain. Digits had a plan. He was going to use Booger's

Post 139


Morning all. Frosty and foggy here. NPR is currently interviewing the real Mothra Stewart.


Post 140

Good Doctor Zomnker (This must be Tuesday," said GDZ to himself, sinking low over his Dr. Pepper, "I never could get the hang of Tuesdays.")

Morning all.

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