A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER


Post 161


i don't think Agnes suffers from multiple personalities as well, so kindly disregard the Agnes Agnes


Post 162

Good Doctor Zomnker (This must be Tuesday," said GDZ to himself, sinking low over his Dr. Pepper, "I never could get the hang of Tuesdays.")

I broke one of the floor bolts on our toilet.


Post 163


smiley - yikes How did that happen?


Post 164

Witty Moniker

No, don't tell us! *Puts hands over ears.*


Post 165


I use frames as well. But it's still two things to remember when I hit the reply button.

And while I certainly *can*, not when I'm in crunch-time-finish-school-work-before-Thanksgiving-break-mode.

did not know how to cook, and therefore thought seaweed went into everything. Maurice had a special room at Dreadknickers

Post 166


Let's hear it. How did you break the toilet?

for his seaweed still. Suddenly the Draft blew the door shut, trapping Maurice and Agnes in a

Post 167

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence



Post 168

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

To answer an earlier question from albatross, unless you typee three dots or spaces into the subject header, it automatically heads your post with the header of the post you are replying to. Make sense?

My trick, as you see, when I have things to talk about at any length, is to post to the subject header game first and then post ellipses and chat.

I also want to hear how the bolt broke.

Well done, Hypatia! You'll have a much more relaxing time at home with cat and mother and pie. Where will Lady Chattingly be?

Harper's magazine has arrived. I think I'll take a few hours off this afternoon with some pretzels and cream cheese and the zine. I have a custom print to create first.

a darkened corridor an unusual odor. Could it be Booger Bulger's unwashed work clothes, or possibly

Post 169


Lady C will be at her daughter's house. Yes, much more relaxing. And Mother won't have to wear her coat.

a darkened corridor with an unusual odor. Could it be Booger Bulger's unwashed work clothes, or possibly

Post 170


smiley - erm

a few q's rolling around on the floor with the ferret droppings. Ferrets, as everyone knows,

Post 171




Post 172


Well it turns out that my cat is a girl after all.

The lady from the Blue Cross came around to inspect my house today. Anyway it was all ok. She then gave me a lift to the centre so I visit Timmy. She told me a lots about house training him after four months in a cattery, and then asked to see fluff the snake, whom she was very impressed with.

She's lovely though. A big ball of fluff at the moment. And very friendly, well until she gets bored of being stroked when she takes a swipe at you. Though I'm sure it will take a while for her to settle in, she's been in a cattery since August. And in her previous home she never went outside, but the staff at the centre think that she'd like to, she apparently keeps looking outside in a longing manner.

Adopting pets from charities is a lot more complex than I thought. It involves.

1. An interview
2. A home inspection
3. Visiting the pet twice
4. And then paying £45 for him.

Still he-she comes with six weeks of pet insurance, free animal behvaiour advice for life, spraying and microchipping, so it's awfully good value really.


Post 173

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

*presumes Z means spaying rather than spraying*

are really good at hiding things. Especially their own

Post 174

Good Doctor Zomnker (This must be Tuesday," said GDZ to himself, sinking low over his Dr. Pepper, "I never could get the hang of Tuesdays.")

Sorry to disappoint but, there was nothing really spectacular about the breaking of the bolt. It was an old bolt that had rusted almost completely through, it was bound to happen eventually.

My house is all but ready for Thanksgiving now, I'll do some touchups on wednesday.

seaweed thongs, which ferrets are especially good at making with their little claws.

Post 175

Lentilla (Keeper of Non-Sequiturs)

Had a buddy of mine that lived in a rent house. The landlord had built the 2nd floor bathroom himself, and it was a bit rustic. My buddy liked to rock back and forth, no matter where he happened to be. So he's on the toilet, reading a magazine and rocking away, when he happens to hear this crack come from the floor. The next thing he knew, the toilet had broken through the floor and hurtled to the ground below. Fortunately he managed to jump up when he felt it shift, or he would have gone with it.

I made strawberry bread yesterday. It 'twas very yummy... smiley - drool If I think about it, I'll post the recipe this weekend. It's very simple - all you need is one of those packages of frozen strawberries, eggs, sugar, flour, oil, and cinnamon.

R. even ate some of it, which either means he's getting more daring, or I'm becoming a better cook. I'm making palak paneer tonight - the cheese is all waiting for me to fry up. I'm getting hungry just thinking about it! I'm not sure what it is about the cold weather, but I love to cook, and I only do it when it's cold. Cookies, breads, brownies, all those start happening when the temperature drops.

Well, I did something spectacularly stupid today. I was exiting the parking lot at the YMCA, which requires a token. I managed to drop the token, and couldn't find it. So I figured I'd just reach out the window and lift up the gate arm, and drive the car under. It worked really well, and I was congratulating myself on my cleverness. Then I pull into the parking lot at the office and turn off the car, and a horrible grating sound emanates from the back of the car. I managed to bend my !@#$ radio antenna with the gate arm. It's one of those retractable ones. So in an attempt to save 50¢, I've just cost myself $125. Argh argh grr gnash, as Agapanthus would say.

I think I'll console myself by dying my hair. Something different, like strawberry blonde. I'm feeling very beige.

Their claws were perfectly manicured, because MR sent them to her manicurist in Orange County. Orange County was Gloria Mundi's home turf

Post 176


I think that kind of automobile damage requires something more drastic, Lentilla. I'm seeing fire engine red hair. smiley - tongueout


Post 177

Spaceechik, Typomancer

*SC skids to a stop in front of the sofa* "Hi Az, great to see you!" And a big "Hi, how are you!" to SameDude, as well".

Lentilla, I'm curious as to why Strawberry Blonde is considered beigy? (I have that color, and I'm just about dull enough to be considered "beigy," so...would love to hear the connection! smiley - laugh )

WA, I think I must agree about the header story and the posts...I'll go in and reconfigure my Goo, maybe that'll help?

"Matina, I desperately need some smiley - tea, please! Thank you! Freddy has been threatening my peace all day..."

smiley - smiley



Post 178

Good Doctor Zomnker (This must be Tuesday," said GDZ to himself, sinking low over his Dr. Pepper, "I never could get the hang of Tuesdays.")

Good night all.

. Gloria Mundy sat silently fuming, with an outward smile for the costumers. She had almost had it with this cover-up job involving far too many ferret claws and having to listen to their terrible stories about

Post 179



. Gloria Mundy sat silently fuming, with an outward smile for the customers. She had almost had it with this cover-up job involving far too many ferret claws and having to listen to their terrible stories about

Post 180


smiley - blush

'ning on a cold, frosty morning. I'll go chop some wood. smiley - smiley

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