A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER

Sudden and sad news

Post 561

Researcher 99947

I just went to gretta's page, lil. That is quite touching. I miss her as well, I feel like I know her, nuances and all...

Sudden and sad news

Post 562


Didn't find out about DNA until last night. He has had a huge effect on my brain, as I realised when, being woken up yesterday afternoon by a thrown grape, shouted "The sky is not the right shade of pink!" I don't know of any other writer who has had that effect, and will mourn the loss of so much other fun stuff he would probably never have gotten around to writing.
Also, feel much sympathy for everyone else who is suffering problems and offer a collective smiley - hug to you all.
On the up points, I have got somewhere new to live, the weekend weather was gorgeous, and I spent a large part of yesterday asleep in a hammock smiley - smiley

Sudden and sad news

Post 563


I was going to get up early yesterday and go and take some photographs. I didn't, though it did seem to be looking very nice early when I looked out after the alarm clock had been switched off.
I then decided that the car needed a run out, so I thought I'll go to see the sea. I managed to not find it - possibly a hard thing you might imagine when I live on an island that has no point less than about 50 miles or so from the sea.

Sudden and sad news

Post 564

Witty Moniker


Red, sympathy for the loss of your parents' house. If it was me, I'd focus on the new kitchen, too. smiley - winkeye

Sudden and sad news

Post 565



Sudden and sad news

Post 566

Researcher 99947

h2g2 is being very picky today

Sudden and sad news

Post 567


Its hotter than Scotland!
32 deg C today and a quick 20mins in the pool with kit on to refresh my brain.
Ras Mohammed tomorrow for a couple of famil dives before start PADI search and recovery dives.
Hoping to see sharks this time smiley - smiley
Hope your trip went well Lil.
Take care all
Best wishes
smiley - cat

Sudden and sad news

Post 568

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

*smiley - hugs everyone in the Atelier, especially Lil*

I found out about DNA upon coming in to work today - I chose this weekend to avoid all media contact possible. Talk about your bad timing... smiley - sadface As soon as I get home, however, I plan to figure out a way to hang all of my towels at half mast.

Welcome home, Lil! We missed you too. Its very good to see you back. As you can tell, we managed to avoid any major explosions and even cleaned the place up a bit earlier in the week.

Red, sorry about your parent's home, but I am glad that they are ok. I can remember as a kid living in Helena seeing a house down the street struck by lightning. It burned down completely. Fortunately - in a way - the family was on vacation and their pets were in the kennel. It was stilla very shocking thing.

Prof, glad to hear that the year's almost over and that you have plenty of time before the exams start in earnest.

Eatsmice, I can't tell you how jealous I am. I've always wanted to go to Egypt and it remains one of my life goals. Unfortunately, I have to wait until I can't give blood anymore. I'd feel really bad not being able to help folks out that way, just for the sake of a really kewl holiday...

Matina, I'd like to have something that almost-but-not-completely-resembling-tea, please.

*raises glass to DNA*


Sudden and sad news

Post 569

Chris Tonks

*Also raises a smiley - stiffdrink of San Betian Seawater (VR he's not going to leave behind smiley - winkeye).*

Oh! MR, you and your parents have my /deepest/ sympathy! And you too sea!
Ooh dear, a bad week - can only mean it's my turn next (Internet downtime, doing badly in the speaking test). I know I can't compare with your troubles, but still... smiley - sadface

*Quickly hides all remaining calling cards in his pockets, which he'll take out to the gardenerbot in a minute.*
Hello Lil! Glad you're back! Hope it all went well. smiley - smiley Sorry you had such bad news to come back to. smiley - sadface

Sudden and sad news

Post 570

Chris Tonks

Oops, sorry G7, forgot that post. smiley - winkeye

Yeah, I don't have too short a time before my exams. The thing I'm really looking forward to though are the summer holidays. They're the longest ones I'll ever have, school finishing as it does for my Year about four or five weeks early. smiley - smiley
Ah yes, time to write things for h2g2 (something I /really/ ought to do), create new entries in the LoaGO database, write more of LoaGO itself, render scenes from it, and make some more general artwork...
Not to mention mow the lawn. smiley - erm

Sudden and sad news

Post 571

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Nods sagely

Sudden and sad news

Post 572


Wonders what the value of a search and recovery course is in water you can see more than three feet in is... smiley - winkeye

Just got back from meeting with Trillians Child, Nickki D, Bald Bloke, Munchkin and a couple of others. A very nice evening where topic drift featured heavily. Certainly good to put a few more faces to names.
The bus ride home was interesting though. It turned out part of regent st / oxford circus was closed. The bus driver ended up driving round a couple of squares to find a way back onto the route (we went past the US embassy to the court of St James in Grosvner Sq).

Sudden and sad news

Post 573



I'm sure that putting faces to names is good for some people, but I've never been able to do it. It's much easier when a person's name is the same as their face for me. It's been almost a year, and I still refer to most of the students in my school as "hey", or "hi".

But on the subject of school, I've only got 63 class periods (nine days) left to go!

Oh, so sorry for everyone's losses. Glad to see that Lil's safely home. So much tragic news, so much great news, so little time....

Sudden and sad news

Post 574

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Egypt! *looks longingly at the globe in the library* I'd be happy just to get to London and put faces to the names I've come to know so well here. Let me guess, did y'all go to a pub? Has Amy come back with tales of the Towers yet? Under the curcumstances, she may have very interesting things to share with us... I've started conversation 33X, everyone, at http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/F38024?thread=113081&post=968220#p968220

Sudden and sad news

Post 575

SPINY (aka Ship's Cook)

Hello you lot.

I've missed talking to you guys, but I thought you'd all left in protest at the changed rules. I guess you moved on to the 800th conversation at Lil's without me noticing, which will teach me not to read the backlog. Anyway, I'll never catch up now, so I'll just say hope you're all well and I'll be in the corner with a cafettiere, a muffin and the Sunday papers if anyone's looking for me.

Spiny (sad about DNA but has nothing original to add to the eloquence already displayed elsewhere. What a tribute to the man this site will turn out to be, however.)

Sudden and sad news

Post 576

SPINY (aka Ship's Cook)


Just seen the notice that says you're all next door at number 33.

*wanders off, muttering something about eye tests...*

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