A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER

32Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 521

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

Yah know, Marv, I was over at the Fraulein's abode the other evening, and she had the Avs game on, and that sport is damned addictive. I kept looking at it. Is it just me, or did the Kings' uniform colors change? I don't remember purple in the mix before....
So yes, I will cheer for the Avs, perhaps even in the company of the mighty Fraulein herself. That is, if you cheer for my Twins. I know, without Kirby Puckett they're just another baseball team, but still. Got a soft spot for em, don't you know.

32Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 522

Researcher 99947

*has finally adjusted from life without the vegetable bin*

I shall never go into the closet again

*with that resolve sporky makes his way to odra's room, where he has set up a cot, to keep watch*

32Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 523


The FA Cup final 2001. Being held at the Millenium Stadium in Cardif today. While Wembley Stadium sits awaiting demolition and accusations fly over the mismanagement of the rebuilding of the new national stadium Liverpool and Arsenal head into Wales.

Sudden and sad news

Post 524

Bald Bloke

I just picked up from the BBC website that DNA has died of a heart attack.


I can't think of any suitable words at the momement, But I'm sure others will.

Sudden and sad news

Post 525


smiley - sadface

Sudden and sad news

Post 526

Chris Tonks

*Can't speak. This is devastating.*

Sudden and sad news

Post 527


smiley - cry

Sudden and sad news

Post 528

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

I say the front page. Goodness. Excuse me.

Sudden and sad news

Post 529

marvthegrate LtG KEA

I raise a toast to the man whose comedic prose has in one way or another brought us all here to become friends. Had Douglas Adams never done anything but this, he would be a notable person in my life just for giving me the oppurtunity to meet and become friends with you all. Douglas, thank you.

Marvin Kent White Junior.

Sudden and sad news

Post 530


Well. This is definitely the most tragic news that I've heard since I read the ending of the fifth hitchiker's book, Mostly Harmless. It's definitely a dark day in the history of the world.

But we shouldn't let it over consume us. DNA certainly wouldn't have wanted us to take his death so seriously. He would have wanted to come back to life for a few moments, make a few jokes about the whole situation, and died again, just to leave a few people feeling perplexed.

I think that he would have appreciated a few of the bittersweet ironies circulating around his death. The avid avatar of real, relaxing tea died of cardiac arrest, a condition fairly frequently caused by tension and nervousness.

Also, just look at his unfinished works. The sixth hitchiker's book, the hitchiker's movie, the third Dirk Gentley (holistic detective) story, etc. He took procrastination to an art, and this seems to be the ultimate completion of his greatest piece.

Or maybe I'm just rambling. This is a hard break for us all. But we can move on, eventually.

Douglas, if you're up there, down there, or if your mind is just wandering through some ethereal valley as a result of a freak wormhole just seconds before your death, so long, and thanks.

smiley - fish

Sudden and sad news

Post 531

Chris Tonks


Hear hear.

I've even mentioned it in a news article on The Big C Domain, so that all my friends will notice it too.

This is a sad day...

Without his book, h2g2 wouldn't have existed, and without h2g2, I wouldn't have known you all, and my books wouldn't have been kicked off with a start...

We owe him a lot.

Sudden and sad news

Post 532


True, true. I still remember the first time I read The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Wait, no, it was before that, when people reading to me was still the easiest ways to do things. I almost died laughing during the first chapter.

Sudden and sad news

Post 533

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Extremely sad news about DNA. A measure of the man's importance was the BBC's announcement of his death overnight (my time) on BBC World. It was the fourth news item.

Slightly less tragic, was my failure to put any money on Liverpool beating Arsenal by 2 goals to 1 in the English FA Cup final. (As predicted right here yesterday). The option was paying 20 to 1 in New Zealand betting shops. Sob.

Sudden and sad news

Post 534

Chris Tonks

Ah well Loony - I'm sure another opportunity will come around next year (or whenever these games are held - I know nothing about football). smiley - winkeye

Yes, I remember my first reading of the Hitchhiker books. My dad bought me the big edition with all the books in one, and I just couldn't get through the first few paragraphs without reding some of the funniest things I had ever read in my then 13 years of existence. smiley - smiley

And after that I listened to the radio series many many times. I am now the walking resource for quotes from the HHGG books in my school. Rather sad, I know.
I'm also the fastest at saying "Every time you press one of these black buttons which are labelled in black on a black background a small light lights up black to let you know you've done it." smiley - winkeye

Ah, I wouldn't be the unnerving person I now am without the inspiration of that man...

Sudden and sad news

Post 535

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

Unnerving, Tonks? I prefer to think of you as wise beyond your years, and eccentric.
When my husband and I were first dating, he gave me the 5-in-1 volume for a birthday gift. That, and his culinary skills, convinced me to marry him. And without that, I would not be the mother of the curliest blond goof on the planet, which I could not imagine. So thank you, Mr. Adams, for all sorts of good things in my life. I just hope you remembered your towel.

Sudden and sad news

Post 536

Chris Tonks

Why thank you Montana. smiley - smiley

Yes, a lot of people are hoping he has his towel. Although he missed deadlines, I'm sure he wasn't one to be seen without at least a face flannel. smiley - smiley

Sudden and sad news

Post 537

Chris Tonks

Well, the UK BBC News has just been on, and he came fourth in the little round up at the start. He then had the special slot at the end of the programme.

I'm looking forward to the programme they will undoubtedly produce about him in the near future...

Sudden and sad news

Post 538

Researcher 99947


Sudden and sad news

Post 539


Wherever he is, though, I highly doubt he remembered his towel. The towel gags were based on real life experiences where he himself could not find his towel, and everyone would have to wait patiently for him to either find it or get a substitute. If history repeats itself, as it is known to do, he doesn't have a towel with him, and is severely wanting one.

Sudden and sad news

Post 540

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

I logged in to send a postcard from Germany but then I found the tragic news on the front page...

I'll be back when I've composed myself a little.

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