A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER

Sudden and sad news

Post 541


In a list of writers I prize highly and have had a huge, though somewhat indirect, influence on my life Mr. Adams tops the bill. This is a tragic curtailment of a tremendously inventive intelligence, even if we didn't always see any concrete results, and we are all the poorer for his loss. The non-emergence of the hitch-hiker movie has been the one constant in an everchanging world, and I am gutted that it will now almost certainly be finished off with admirable promptitude.

But clearly there is a lesson we can learn from this:

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smiley - sadface

Sudden and sad news

Post 542

Witty Moniker

{WM} smiley - cry

Sudden and sad news

Post 543

Kasia, P.S. of Syncopation,Muse of Classic Goo Fans, Keeper of Rainbows, Zaphodista (visit Crossed Purposes Pub: A429310)

[Kasia] smiley - sadface

Sudden and sad news

Post 544


[Affy, deciding to go along with the aparent moment of silence]

smiley - sadface

Sudden and sad news

Post 545

Chris Tonks

I'm sorry to have to cut into this silence, but I was wondering if any of you out there use PHP at all. If you do, I may have a couple of questions for you...

Sudden and sad news

Post 546


Sorry Chris, I've not done anything with PHP other than install it on a machine at work.
I'm now off call and hope that was the last time I have to do it.

Sudden and sad news

Post 547

Researcher 99947


Sudden and sad news

Post 548

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Morning all. I hate Monday mornings

Sudden and sad news

Post 549

Chris Tonks

*Grumbles something about the same days being utterly ruined by PSHE being one of his lessons.*
*Then realises that tomorrow is his last /ever/ PSHE lesson!! smiley - biggrin*
*Goes off to finish homework...*

Sudden and sad news

Post 550

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

Now I am just waiting for the other shoe to fall. Bad things always come in threes. Last night, my parents' house burnt to the ground after being hit by a lightning ball. They lost everything, except my mom's car, and one of the dogs, who somehow was thrown clear by the blast. The other girl, Mocha, tried to escape by going under the bed. She didn't have a chance, I guess. Lucy has a few scrapes, and is missing most of her fur on one side, but she's alive. And confused. I am devastated. My childhood is gone. Thank God I still have my parents. After all, it's just stuff, right?

Sudden and sad news

Post 551

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

MR, you must be in a state of shock. I'm sure everyone here shares your sense of loss. On a brighter note, as you say, the important thing is that your parents are physically OK.

Hopefully the "stuff" was well insured.

Sudden and sad news

Post 552

soeasilyamused, or sea

*sea, refusing to read backlog, thinks she somehow ended up on the sofa*

*hugs for montana redhead* my gosh, that's... i have no words to describe it. but i'm also fearing the "bad things in threes", because i just finally realized that i lost my father's 20-year-old and EXPENSIVE camera that he let me use for my photography class at school. not only did i lose it, but i lost several rolls worth of assignments. *sigh*

come home from a right terrible vacation to find an e-mail saying that DNA had died...

i hope those counted as three; if they didn't, i'm not going to school tomorrow.

Sudden and sad news

Post 553

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Sea, hopefully the camera was well insured.

Things I've lost recently include my hair and numerous braincells.

Sudden and sad news

Post 554

soeasilyamused, or sea

[sea] insured? well, THAT would have been a good idea, had we thought of that.... *sighs and lapses into yet another blue funk*

Sudden and sad news

Post 555

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

The stuff was well-insured. What upsets me is the stuff that cannot be insured...like all my baby pictures. As silly as it seems, I remember being little and looking at them, and wanting to share them with my kids. And my great-grandmothers china, and all of those things that don't mean bupkiss to an insurance adjuster. Not just things, but one's life.

On the upside, however, my mother can now have a kitchen she likes. She really hated the one she had...

Sudden and sad news

Post 556

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

I must get my baby photos from my mother. I will be able to gaze at them and marvel at the stuff that used to grow on my head. Alas, I doubt if there is any heirloom crockery. My mother didn't see eye-to-eye with her mother-in-law. We're talking plate-throwing dislike....

Sea, the camera is probably covered by your parent's home contents insurance.

Sudden and sad news

Post 557

soeasilyamused, or sea

[sea] hmmmmm.... interesting concept... i will look into that... but doesn't that only apply to stolen items? well, i could say it was stolen....

Sudden and sad news

Post 558

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

If you put something down, walk off and leave it and then return to find it is missing, the loss is covered by insurance. You will have to say you went back to where you think you lost it. Just say you retraced your steps and it was nowhere to be seen. You will also probably have to report the loss to the police. As a minor you are covered by your parents insurance.

On a couple of occassions I've lost (misplaced) expensive sunglasses. Both times I successfully claimed for insurance.

Sudden and sad news

Post 559

Researcher 99947

I must go check to see what's going on over @ ezboard

Sudden and sad news

Post 560

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence


*Absorbing backlog, absorbing news of DNA's death, finding the house terribly empty on her return now that the dog is dead, terribly jetlagged, will report on travels and start new conversation sometime tomorrow*

I missed you all something fierce.

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