A Conversation for H2G2 Space Centre

i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 821

Bobo(VIPER) (Secruity Chief for Khar Siid) (Undead!?)

FREE...I like the sound of that

i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 822

Captain Venom: (Making his triumphant return to H2G2!) Proud Keeper of ...

Most people do. We currently have one large personal yacht and two hyper-equipped shuttles, as well as enough weapons to make the Federation shiver.

i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 823

Bobo(VIPER) (Secruity Chief for Khar Siid) (Undead!?)

so what do I go to to get this free stuff

i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 824



i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 825

Captain Venom: (Making his triumphant return to H2G2!) Proud Keeper of ...

A675993 and I don't need to tell you that it looks better in GOO like all of H2G2.

i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 826

Bobo(VIPER) (Secruity Chief for Khar Siid) (Undead!?)

sorry for asking where it was
I realized that you already posted it right after I pressed the "Post Message" button smiley - blush

i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 827

Captain Venom: (Making his triumphant return to H2G2!) Proud Keeper of ...

Entirely alright, I don't mind a little modem time.

i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 828

Bobo(VIPER) (Secruity Chief for Khar Siid) (Undead!?)

neither do I

i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 829

Captain Venom: (Making his triumphant return to H2G2!) Proud Keeper of ...

What don't you want to argue about, BTW?

i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 830

Bobo(VIPER) (Secruity Chief for Khar Siid) (Undead!?)

who is BTW?

i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 831

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)

ooc- BTW stands for By The Way

smiley - martiansmile

i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 832

Bobo(VIPER) (Secruity Chief for Khar Siid) (Undead!?)

oh ok smiley - biggrin

i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 833



i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 834

Captain Venom: (Making his triumphant return to H2G2!) Proud Keeper of ...

*as his ship flies by to it's own hanger outside the door, he silently wonders why it took 5 weeks to post a response to that posting*

i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 835


smiley - whistle

i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 836

Bobo(VIPER) (Secruity Chief for Khar Siid) (Undead!?)

didn't see that there was a reply

i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 837



i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 838

Bobo(VIPER) (Secruity Chief for Khar Siid) (Undead!?)

smiley - laugh

i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 839

The Corrupt One

*Kudos sneaks in and looks around*

Krylma, oh Krylma... where are you? smiley - erm

Dangabit! Do I have to search *all* h2g2 to find that blasted reptillian nuisance? smiley - run

i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 840



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