A Conversation for H2G2 Space Centre

i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 741

soeasilyamused, or sea

*sea snickers*

[sea] zeb... you want one of these?

*sea holds out a can of pepsi*

i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 742

Zeb (Viva Something-or-Other! And the Zaphodistas!)

<*insert sea's question here*>

Zeb: ...yes.

<...takes Pepsi.>

i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 743


Zeb, I mean this; That was real style smiley - clown.

i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 744

The Krylma Leader

All the time, they're here;
My Hangar Infinity,
Talking and fighting.

Not that I'm complaining.smiley - winkeye

i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 745


You forgot to mention Zeb's attempted suicide smiley - winkeye

i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 746

So Long and Thanks for all the Fish(Deceased)

*Draws a 12 bore(guage if your in the US)and shoots happy in the leg with it*


i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 747

soeasilyamused, or sea

[sea] that had to hurt.

*sea reads above post regarding the "poetic diary of the KL"*

[sea] that's an odd hobby for a supervillain... evillene collects blood spatterings from her favorite kills. one of these days, she's going to be caught... and she'll live for a LONG time in jail....

[evillene] WILL NOT!!!! besides, just TRY to catch me. i'm invisible!

i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 748


Q: Solid ammo or shot ?

i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 749

So Long and Thanks for all the Fish(Deceased)


i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 750


Happy watches his foot fly off into the sunset and then passes out from shock smiley - smiley

i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 751

So Long and Thanks for all the Fish(Deceased)

*Shoots happy in the ribs*

i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 752

Zeb (Viva Something-or-Other! And the Zaphodistas!)

We have a sunset in here?

i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 753


smiley - smiley
passes out again.

i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 754

soeasilyamused, or sea

*sea sighs*

[sea] we do now.

*sea takes slatfatf's 12 gauge and throws it into said sunset*

[sea] you've picked on him enough for one day.

*sea heals happy- he now has a foot again*

i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 755


I was enjoying that, but er thanks smiley - winkeye
smiley - clown

i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 756

So Long and Thanks for all the Fish(Deceased)

Sorry miss Sea

i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 757

Uncle Heavy [sic]

Now, I dopn't want to stir it, but I didn't find happy irritating. but maybe i'm just nice. And NYC, you did overrreact a tad. But kissed and made up.
did I juast say that? blech.

i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 758

So Long and Thanks for all the Fish(Deceased)

yes yes you did

i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 759


Whats a good guy doing here?

i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 760

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)


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