A Conversation for H2G2 Space Centre

i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 781


but he is smiley - winkeye

i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 782

So Long and Thanks for all the Fish(Deceased)

he's a rat

i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 783


true, but a cute one smiley - winkeye

i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 784

So Long and Thanks for all the Fish(Deceased)

um... I don't think I'll comment

i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 785

soeasilyamused, or sea

[sea] but he is! have you seen his pic? and he's not a rat, he's a SHREW.

i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 786

The Krylma Leader

*Remembers the time when Zeb was a handpuppet*

The plus side to his new form, of course, is that he won't be disabled in battle if something should happen to Emar.

i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 787

soeasilyamused, or sea

[sea] very true... and the plus side for us is that we don't have to see emar in spandex...

i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 788

The Krylma Leader

Yes, although I wouldn't put it past Emar to do it from time to time just to annoy us.

i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 789

soeasilyamused, or sea

[sea] lol. good point.

i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 790

The Krylma Leader

I seem to have lost the forum where we put the URLs for captured areas. Darn.

i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 791

soeasilyamused, or sea

[sea] i believe it was the "hello KL" forum...

i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 792


Good job somebody round here is paying attention.

i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 793

soeasilyamused, or sea


i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 794

Uncle Heavy [sic]

Concede. But, my dear Zeb, I put it to you that a two foot shrew, with feet or without, would not really present much of a security risk when it came to infiltration and deceiving the guards.

i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 795

Zeb (Viva Something-or-Other! And the Zaphodistas!)

Zeb(a tad irritated by the current conversation): Maybe I'm not a risk in YOUR world, Heavy, where biased humans refuse to hire any other species (especially the anthropomorphosized, I might add). Remember, though, that I come from a cartoon world where two-foot rodents are normal, as well as eight-foot elephants and rhinos, and six-foot lemurs. It is only HERE that I have difficulty being subtle about everything. That is why I'm forced to use more direct measures (like the dreaded cans, and such).

i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 796

soeasilyamused, or sea

[sea] six foot lemurs?! i want one! i want one!

*sea looks at UH*

[sea] UH, you think that anyone is going to pay attention to a two foot rat crawling through the room? i think not. people are too afraid of rabies. they'd just call the exterminator, and by the time HE arrived, zeb would be gone.

i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 797

Zeb (Viva Something-or-Other! And the Zaphodistas!)

Zeb: Besides, if the common mouse from the movie of the same title was able to royally whip an exterminator, then it stands to reason that a bigger, stronger, venomous rodent with opposable thumbs and access to technology/dark magic would be the ultimate bane of Joe Spray-'em.

i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 798

soeasilyamused, or sea

[sea] the exterminator's worst nightmare...

i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 799

Uncle Heavy [sic]

Forgive me. Perhaps I'm just more 'with it' than the average security guard

i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 800

soeasilyamused, or sea

*sea mutters something about a palace guard in an epic tale*

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