A Conversation for H2G2 Space Centre

i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 761

So Long and Thanks for all the Fish(Deceased)

ermI dunno why the heros are here

i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 762

The Krylma Leader

Now now, just because someone isn't evil doesn't make them a bad person. Heroes are welcome unless we're up to something. We usually are, but there's no sense in totally cutting ourselves off from each other when we aren't working.

i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 763

So Long and Thanks for all the Fish(Deceased)


i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 764

The Krylma Leader

*KL watches a monitor as the last remains of the gigantic S30 Donut are loaded onto the Draco and sent somewhere else*

I'm awfully glad that I managed to get that. And all it took was apologizing to someone's face. I suppose it isn't bad to have a few morals from time to time.

i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 765

Zeb (Viva Something-or-Other! And the Zaphodistas!)

Zeb(into pocket recording device): Note to self: Develop a FEW morals... sometime, later.

i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 766

soeasilyamused, or sea

*sea ponders this revelation*

[sea] that makes sense... i better write that one down...

*sea pulls out a permanent marker and writes "find morals" on her inner left forearm*

i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 767


What are morals ? smiley - clown

i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 768

soeasilyamused, or sea

*sea looks at happy, pulls out the sharpie again, and adds "find out what morals are, first!" *

i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 769


Any one got a dictinthingytypething around here ?

i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 770

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

*looks through coat*

knives, guns, ammunition... comic books... the collected works of kafka...


i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 771


**--^* (roughly translates as ' nevermind ')

i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 772

Uncle Heavy [sic]

I don't remember what I was doing here. Oh yes. Social Call.

i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 773

Zeb (Viva Something-or-Other! And the Zaphodistas!)

Zeb: Hey Happy, I have a spare dictithingy...

Zeb: It's leftover from my days of spying... It does all the normal recording, but don't push the red "eject" button... it sprays a mace/knockout gas combo into the face of the user...

i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 774

So Long and Thanks for all the Fish(Deceased)

ooh I'm gonna have to get one of them

i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 775

Uncle Heavy [sic]

Um...Zeb, how effective a spy would a finger shrew puppet be? No offence or anything, but I don't think you'd take many people in. Except FBI agents, apparently.

i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 776


wrong type of dictinthingytypethin.

i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 777

Zeb (Viva Something-or-Other! And the Zaphodistas!)

Zeb: In case you haven't noticed, I now have my normal body. I'm no longer a mere hand puppet. If your browser is able to read all the Fotango images on this site, then check my home area for a shot of me and Dimmy. If your browser CAN'T read said images, then tough.

i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 778


He's quite handsome isnt he ?

i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 779

Zeb (Viva Something-or-Other! And the Zaphodistas!)

Zeb: Hey, hey... I'm not trying to get into any kind of narciscism crap here... I just wanna point out that I now have FEET and all other such things denied a puppet.

i DON'T want to argue about this...

Post 780

soeasilyamused, or sea

*sea looks at zeb, giggles and mutters something to the effect of "zebby's so cuuuute" and takes a few steps in the opposite direction*

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