A Conversation for H2G2 Space Centre

Hangar Infinity-Where Destiny Lies

Post 461

Uncle Heavy [sic]

*As the rock arcs towards UH's head, he spots a shiny penny on the floor, and bends to pick it up. The rock misses, and knocks the can-o-whoopass from Zeb's hands. It lands on the floor. In slience, everyone turns to look at it. It begins to hisss, then bubble, the smoke, then rock. UH dives away - *

[I wasn't blunt. Just differently tactful]

Hangar Infinity-Where Destiny Lies

Post 462

Uncle Heavy [sic]

And the problem with Monty Python, I feel, is that, while often excrutiatingly funny, it often fell flat. Oh so very flat. H2G2 was perfection itself, though. Ah, the joys of bathos.

Hangar Infinity-Where Destiny Lies

Post 463

Emar, the Flying Misfit... Yes, seriously, he's back...

Zeb: Well. Nice little battle we just had, eh guys? Who wants a drink?

Hangar Infinity-Where Destiny Lies

Post 464

Uncle Heavy [sic]

Oh - go on then. So. Monty Python then. The films - good. The flying circus good/bad.

Hangar Infinity-Where Destiny Lies

Post 465

[lafinass] I serve only myself

*Lafinass laughs at ZEB and joins him for a drink.*

[lafinass] Ah.... some bubbly is always good in the morning smiley - bubbly

[ smiley - cdouble angry smiley - cdouble ] BATTLE!!!!!

[ smiley - cdouble blimey smiley - cdouble ] No sir, I quiet agree. smiley - bubbly

[ smiley - cdouble angry smiley - cdouble ] You guys suck!! *door slams shut*

*Lafinass looks rather perplexed.*

[lafinass] If that wasn't the most interesting monologue.... wait, if my voices are conversing, is it a monologue because i am only one person or is it a dialouge because it is multiple voices????

*Lafinass Pours himself another drink.*

[lafinass] and for that matter, am i insane because i have voices in my head?? Or are there multiple personalities in my head?? i feel like i'm traped in that movie with the people going inside the the head of that guy that has people in his head.... hmmmmm, i must be going crazy.

Hangar Infinity-Where Destiny Lies

Post 466

Emar, the Flying Misfit... Yes, seriously, he's back...

InternalThoughts #1: No! NO! They weren't supposed to pour their OWN drinks! They were supposed to take this Whoopass-laced one I poured here! I just SAID the battle was over. It was a TRICK!

InternalThoughts #2: Well, too late now. I might as well stop fighting and start drinkin'.

InternalThoughts #1: IDIOT! I can't drink THIS! It'll explode!

InternalThoughts #2: Well I can't pour a new one! It will look suspicious.

InternalThoughts #1: Uh oh, they're noticing that I'm drinking mine. Gotta think fast!

InternalThoughts #2: I'll need a cunning diversion...

Zeb(suddenly): Why, look over there!!

Lafinass: What? I don't see anything.

Zeb: Oh. Never mind.

Hangar Infinity-Where Destiny Lies

Post 467

Emar, the Flying Misfit... Yes, seriously, he's back...

< InternalThoughts #1: Uh oh, they're noticing that I'm drinking mine. Gotta think fast!>

Sorry, that should have read

InternalThoughts #1: Uh oh, they're noticing that I'm NOTdrinking mine. Gotta think fast!

Hangar Infinity-Where Destiny Lies

Post 468

So Long and Thanks for all the Fish(Deceased)

erm yes ok, any one wanna get me a drink?

Hangar Infinity-Where Destiny Lies

Post 469

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)

and me too!

Hangar Infinity-Where Destiny Lies

Post 470

soeasilyamused, or sea

okay... regarding backlog:

1. backlog is evil. no one should post while i'm gone.

2. regarding rape: guys, when you have a 200 pound male who wants to have sex whether you like it or not, do you REALLY think that a 130 pound woman is going to be able to do anything about it? i think not. rape is bad. and i agree with uncle heavy when he said that men are bigger because they don't carry the babies.

3. regarding US culture: yes, we are- sort of- a european country. our customs and government are based on those in europe. however, the term "european" usually tends to refer to countries in europe.


5. SOUTHERN STATES SPEAK ENGLISH, DARLINGS. i live in so california, and i speak french as a second language. yes, there are times when i wish i spoke spanish so i could understand what the mexican hoodlums down the street are hollering at me, but i really think it's better- for their safety and mine- that i don't know what they're saying.

allright. now, back to the binge drinking.

Hangar Infinity-Where Destiny Lies

Post 471

[lafinass] I serve only myself

[lafinass] you arn't allowed to drink my queen, we both know how you get when you drink.

*Downs his drink and pours another.*

smiley - bubbly

Hangar Infinity-Where Destiny Lies

Post 472

soeasilyamused, or sea

[white sea] we don't drink.

[black sea] i do.

[white] *angry* NO, you DON'T.

[black] YES, i DO!

*the seas tackle each other*

Hangar Infinity-Where Destiny Lies

Post 473

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)

CAT FIGHT! cat fight gather round.......... I have a bad feeling I'm going to get smacked... </>

Hangar Infinity-Where Destiny Lies

Post 474

Uncle Heavy [sic]

Whatever happened to evillene.

I'll have a drink, too. None of your piss american lagers though.

Hangar Infinity-Where Destiny Lies

Post 475

Emar, the Flying Misfit... Yes, seriously, he's back...

I find it ironic that a person from a culture that drinks WARM beer would compare OUR drinks to piss. Though I have no "official statistics, I'm sure that in a taste-test something like two-out-of-three would be unable to tell the difference between a room temperature beer and a mug of human urine.

Hangar Infinity-Where Destiny Lies

Post 476

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)

hear hear! well said

Hangar Infinity-Where Destiny Lies

Post 477

So Long and Thanks for all the Fish(Deceased)

well this is al very civilised*hates seas*

Hangar Infinity-Where Destiny Lies

Post 478

So Long and Thanks for all the Fish(Deceased)

oops that should have been whatches seas dunno how the F*** I got that wrong

Hangar Infinity-Where Destiny Lies

Post 479

soeasilyamused, or sea

(good save)

*the seas continue to fight. evillene sneaks up behind UH and gives him a wedgie. then she smacks yo upside the head. then she jumps back into the shadows, laughing maniacally, and disappears*

Hangar Infinity-Where Destiny Lies

Post 480

So Long and Thanks for all the Fish(Deceased)

erm bye?(directed at

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