A Conversation for The Guestrooms

Shade's Tool Room

Post 61

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

*watches her brother from the doorway and smiles*

smiley - smiley

Shade's Tool Room

Post 62

Arisztid Lugosi

wow! thats cool!
do you have the smell of just finding a new friend?

Shade's Tool Room

Post 63


*Reaches hand under armpit and scratches vest stain just behind shoulder*
How's that? It's sort of a mixture of just met a new friend and climbed a magic beanstalk really.

Shade's Tool Room

Post 64

Arisztid Lugosi

very nice, i didnt realize that there was a smell for that. you must be really good at cheering people up. thats wonderful

Shade's Tool Room

Post 65


smiley - blush I try my best. I have added you to my friends list now.

Shade's Tool Room

Post 66

Arisztid Lugosi

thank you smiley - blush. thats very nice. i think i smell the smell of making a new friend......
well, we were all ready friends on the arctic expidition.

Shade's Tool Room

Post 67


Oh, by the way if you need anything mending in the hotel Shade is very good at that sort of thing and this is the place to tell him of any jobs that need doing.

Shade's Tool Room

Post 68

Arisztid Lugosi

oh! thanks thats good. i seem to be having a little problem with the taps in my kitchen... the hot is cold and the cold is hot... not a big deal, but stil a little confusing...

Shade's Tool Room

Post 69


Sounds liek they've got red dot blue dot confusuation. It needs a pllumber to pull the dots off and swap them over

Shade's Tool Room

Post 70

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned


When I moved into my house, it had two cold water taps in the kitchen!! Very confusing!!

smiley - doh

Shade's Tool Room

Post 71


I once worked in an office where the plumbing and heating pipes ran close to one another. When you turned the hot water tap on it took ages before the hot water got through. The cold water, however, ran hot straight away! After a while it ran cold... smiley - weird!

Shade's Tool Room

Post 72

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

smiley - magic

Shade's Tool Room

Post 73

Arisztid Lugosi

the taps in my bathroom are hot and cold confused. someone needs to take th etap off and swich it. and the school taps are always lukewarm and they dont put out enough water to properly wash your hands wiht, but if its really cold out then the wather is really cold. jsut so you cant warm up your hands.

Shade's Tool Room

Post 74

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Poor Love!!

smiley - cuddle

Shade's Tool Room

Post 75

Arisztid Lugosi

aw... thanks shadow. smiley - smiley
smiley - cuddle

Shade's Tool Room

Post 76

Trin Tragula

*Hilary enters with a package, which he or she drops on the floor. Just for a change, it is not a fish - it is a pair of mittens for Arisz*

Shade's Tool Room

Post 77

Arisztid Lugosi

*looks supprised and excited*
*tears open the package*
mittens! wow! thanks hilary (or trin...?). They're great. I'll wear them on our next arctic expidition!

Shade's Tool Room

Post 78

Trin Tragula


Hilary says "No worries" smiley - smiley (For such a large bear, he or she is remarkably adroit with the knitting needles smiley - winkeye)

Shade's Tool Room

Post 79


*looks at mittens*
Wow, Hilary has knitted in the hootoo logo onto each mitten. That's fabulous!

Shade's Tool Room

Post 80

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Hilary is so clever smiley - smiley

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