A Conversation for Welcome to my humble abode....

Of Grilled Blob, and no fun...

Post 41

Dizzy H. Muffin

McNair! Get me some Cream Soda.

[Cut to a Viking, who says, "This is the H2G2, not the musical '1776'!" Cut back to YK]

So? I can still joke about it, can't I?

Of Grilled Blob, and no fun...

Post 42

Jacculus of Rome

* Takes a break from exploding quietly in the corner to eat more mushrooms and take advantage of MaW's offer of jelly beans. Increases volume on Guide-reading magic, whilst casting another into the corner which forms itself into a large fridge filled with Pan Galactic Gargle Blasters. Pulls one out, and allows fridge to drift temptingly towards MaW, while lying back on nothing at all, which is clearly very comfortable.


*Drinks..but..very carefully...

Of Grilled Blob, and no fun...

Post 43

Dizzy H. Muffin

[YK takes a sip of Cream Soda and reaches out with the Force for calm]

Of Grilled Blob, and no fun...

Post 44


I'm not leaning on nothing, I'm leaning on weaves of Air, although it's still very comfortable. And yes, I will have a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster.

* Uses a flow of Air to float a drink over to him. Catches it out of the air and drinks deeply. *

Ahh... This is nice, isn't it.

* The lemon-wrapped gold brick hits. MaW loses his hold of the Power and falls to the floor as the weaves which he was sitting on dissipate. *


* Gets up and tries to remain upright while pulling the shards of his dignity back together *

Remind me to tie off the weave next time I drink a Pan Galactic Gargle...

* Passes out. *

Of Grilled Blob, and no fun...

Post 45

Dizzy H. Muffin

[YK does something to the Force] There, now he's in a healing trance and should wake up after the full effects of a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster wear off, which is ten seconds in a healing trance. [MaW wakes up] See what a Jedi Healing Trance can do?

Of Grilled Blob, and no fun...

Post 46

Jacculus of Rome

Wow, that's pretty impressive,YK!

* Drinks more PGGB.

Mmmmmm. I had my cells specially reinforced to withstand alcohol attack.

Of Grilled Blob, and no fun...

Post 47

Dizzy H. Muffin

Yes ... we all ought to do that.

Of Grilled Blob, and no fun...

Post 48

Jacculus of Rome

* Hands YK small but incredibly strong concoction of various sultry substances which have the effect of mutating your cells to withstand alcohol attack.

Of Grilled Blob, and no fun...

Post 49


Thanks, YK. I feel really great!

* Produces a drink of apple juice *

I'll stick to something non-alcoholic I think.

* Sips his juice, seizes saidin and recreates his chair, this time tying off the weave carefully so he doesn't have to think about it all the time. Sits. *

Ah! Lovely! Anybody know any good stories?

Of Grilled Blob, and no fun...

Post 50

Dizzy H. Muffin

I'm part of one at the moment. However, it isn't over yet, so I can't divulge anything. smiley - smiley

Of Grilled Blob, and no fun...

Post 51


Is this a good story? Now there's a potential debate.

* Stands, unknots the weaves of his chair and walks over to the window. Looks out. *

Hey, it's raining!

Of Grilled Blob, and no fun...

Post 52

Jacculus of Rome

* Twiddles with horns on battle helmet.

yeah,MaW, I thought a bit of rain would make a nice change,eh?

Of Grilled Blob, and no fun...

Post 53


I would prefer to have a little lightning to liven things up a bit though.

* channels Air and Fire and is rewarded when a bright flash lights up the windows and the panes rattle with thunder *

Much better!

* does it again. *

Of Grilled Blob, and no fun...

Post 54

Dizzy H. Muffin

Oooh! Skeery!

Of Grilled Blob, and no fun...

Post 55

Jacculus of Rome

* Uses divine will to add extra thunder and lightning, also bringing some lightning down to play around his horns.*


* Adds hail

Of Grilled Blob, and no fun...

Post 56

Dizzy H. Muffin

This is getting silly. Are you Jacculus, or are you Thor?

[adds some special effects with the Force, looks out of window] Hey, isn't that ... Chaos?

[Abruptly runs out of the house for a bit. Anyone who had watched would have seen a shining, humanoid blue-green blob of something gelatinous follow him.]

Of Grilled Blob, and no fun...

Post 57


I like the hail, jacculus, but you could do it better.

* Weaves Water and Air to make hailstones the size of tennis balls, then leans outside and yells at YK *

Hey! YK and that blob thing! Get inside before you get pulverised!

* Ducks as a hailstone breaks a window. *


Of Grilled Blob, and no fun...

Post 58

Dizzy H. Muffin

[a flash of light which turns out to be YK's lightsaber deflecting hailstones at the Beast becomes visible]

Of Grilled Blob, and no fun...

Post 59

Jacculus of Rome

Yeah,you're right MaW.
* Adds fire magic interweaved with magic of music to the hail magic. Hail now comes down as burning balls and hits the ground in a heavy rock beat.



Of Grilled Blob, and no fun...

Post 60

Dizzy H. Muffin

[YK jumps back in through the window, looking singed] That was a pretty roundabout way of getting rid of that monster.

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