A Conversation for Magicians Guild : Guild Hall

Guild Library

Post 961


[Kraken II]: "This is just an idea. I have a wooden ring that had something placed on it to make whomever is wearing it... well, supposedly it makes them look a little bit more human. Opposite or backwards of how the demon curse works. Maybe if they tried the silver ring or that. I'd be careful though."

*Sets the two rings down on the table.*

They appear to be tied together with a small loop of string.

Guild Library

Post 962


[Kraken II]: "Heh heh heh. Yes Melcar, that is a good point."

Guild Library

Post 963

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

Melcar: for a sorta confused looking deamon, I guess your not to bad Meaw

Guild Library

Post 964


[Kraken II]: "From you,- I will take that as a compliment. As for my son..." "Hmm. I had better get to checking at how he is doing with unpacking my things. Some of them are very strange and may hold peculiar properties when left out in the open... or exposed to ...certain things." *Shrugs* Link: http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/brunel/F1782722?thread=3524565

Guild Library

Post 965


[Kraken II]: (To Melcar) : "Now where is it can I meet this master of yours? There are probably a many things we would have to talk over, on subject of the daemon and its lesser kin. Is she doing alright?"

*Sheathes his cutlass, then*

"Come along Petey, there is work to be done."

*His pet undead-skeleton parrot drops a few more ghost-feathers as it perches again on his shoulder.*

"Melcar, this was a special present to me from a necromancer. Needs neither food nor air, and those things it molts every so often are glow-feathers, tough to explain, but a bit like a ghost. Whatever it is that those are made of."

*Here he shrugs*

Guild Library

Post 966


[Kraken II]: "Did you find the fish alright? This place is so... far,_ from the sea."

*Then admits in a smaller volume of voice*
"It's a bit crazy to me; hopefully I'll get a bit more used to that with time."

Guild Library

Post 967

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

Melcar: I beleve m'lady is in the arina, she was ment to be training, but... I wouldnt put anything past her

Guild Library

Post 968


[Kraken II]: *doing a bit of a curt nod* "Thank you Melcar. You have been a great help to me so far here, in this strange new place. I would like to find way of returning the favor to you somehow later, when and if the opportunity presents itself."

"... From what I have heard so far she sounds to be an amazing person. It is exciting because the work in this branch of the field is so new, there have been a number of discoveries made just recently, and I hope to shed light on some of the vaguer ones I've found. I thank you again."

*walks over to the arena*

Guild Library

Post 969


*Arrix Aximili walks in*

Greetings. I have just enrolled in this guild as a schol;ar and this seemed the most logical place to come. Could anyone please advise me on how I begin my training?

Guild Library

Post 970


[Eal]: ~A new student, in magics_ do we have here?~

The eel pokes it's head up from a dubious looking potted plant with pipes sticking out one side and an oversized spigot of some garish ornamental purpose at the other. The weird contraption is fixed near a wall by a corner.

~My master and some of the other mages, the higher ones, and a scholar, they went off to the arena.~

Guild Library

Post 971


*Looks around*

What was that?

*Notices the eel*

Oh, thank you.

Guild Library

Post 972


[Eal]: ~ You're welcome.~
*Writhes a bit to take a look at the exactly where in the plumbing maze that resides through the bowels of the guild at various structures and several of its rooms, was. And what end*

~Nope, I've no idea what this device is for; [I'm] Just a familiar.~

Was it musing?

*Goes back up inside the tube and disappears*

Guild Library

Post 973


: That he came out of. That's how I get around the fact that my familiar is a water creature.

Guild Library

Post 974


*Zantir starts looking through various books of spells looking for something not quite sure what yet*

Guild Library

Post 975


*Lycan enters and sniffs at the air then walks to a fire place and starts sifting through the ashes*

*whispering* yes there is just enough here*/*

Guild Library

Post 976


*He lifts his eyes up from his books and sees Lycan at the fireplace*

*He walks over and puts his hand on Lycan's shoulder, his grip is warm and comforting*

Lycan is there anything I can do to help you at this time?

Guild Library

Post 977


Becoming an elf has done something to her mind Zantir, she seems to have lost her grip on reality

*he fills a pouch with the ashes*

Maybe I am the crazy one Zantir, I am thinking about making talismans that haven't been made since the days of the the immortal elves, but I have to we won't have enough power otherwise...

But we can't let the others see especially not the demons, evil or not the knowledge can't be allowed to re-enter the world, but I can't let her unholy curse touch anyone here... she is stronger now but I can't take the risks to lose her forever

Guild Library

Post 978


I will help you Lycan

*he lets go of Lycan* come let us go to your space


Guild Library

Post 979


*Lycan leaves too*

Guild Library

Post 980

Xarin Sliron currently into cheesecake

*enters and begins reading books on healing magic and healing potions for new magicians*

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