A Conversation for The CLI/STUMPED Mine

The Olde Moshe Pitte

Post 221

Garius Lupus

I think I might have seen one of those, Caer, in the weapons pile here.

The Olde Moshe Pitte

Post 222

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

smiley - laugh

The Olde Moshe Pitte

Post 223


You'd better not let the Ape see that then!

Van Helsing had a rapid fire crossbow, but his was gas powered rather than by IID power.

The Olde Moshe Pitte

Post 224

Chesworth, Head of CLI Security

*Eleven unflexes his hands and suddenly from his fingertips there ejects a scary bunch of sharp shiny hardware*

*With a slithery snick, all the knives and pointy things disappear back, and Eleven picks up a standard-issue phaser, and holsters it on his leg*

*Meanwhile, Chesworth has appeared silently at the door, watching the salonistas arm themselves*

Chesworth wishes me to accompany you to the near shore of the underground lake, and then return to base. The squad of CLI bots will be waiting for you on the other side. They will be armed and will have maps of all we know about the island and the tunnels and caves beneath. We will communicate with you through Number Forty-Two.

The Olde Moshe Pitte

Post 225

Good Doctor Zomnker (This must be Tuesday," said GDZ to himself, sinking low over his Dr. Pepper, "I never could get the hang of Tuesdays.")

Sounds like a plan to me.

The Olde Moshe Pitte

Post 226

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

*tries to raise himself from Garius's shooting stick carrying a huge load munitions, weapons and various pyrotechnics. Succeeds at the third attempt*

I hope the clanking noise I make whilst walking doesn't put anyone off smiley - erm

~ clank ~ clank ~ clank ~

The Olde Moshe Pitte

Post 227


*picks up what looks like a mini Bluetooth earpiece, examines it...*

Hey, a mini led torch that fits in your ear! How smiley - cool is that?

The Olde Moshe Pitte

Post 228

Garius Lupus

Er, that's pretty cool, Caer, but wouldn't you always be turning your head to see where the light shining out of your ear is pointing?

The Olde Moshe Pitte

Post 229

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Gee, Red Dog, why don't you stow some of that stuff in ... the Odradek? *manages to avoid mentioning the pocket of destiny at the very last second*

The Olde Moshe Pitte

Post 230


Well, GL, if what my brothers say is true, the light would pass straight through one ear and out the other, stereo light, with nothing to stop it in the middle! And I would probably feel like the Borg too smiley - erm

The Olde Moshe Pitte

Post 231

Garius Lupus

Well, if you did turn your head to look at the light, you'd look just like a lighthouse. With arms and legs and stuff. smiley - erm

The Olde Moshe Pitte

Post 232

Garius Lupus

Just remembered...smiley - lighthouse

Thought I'd never use that one, and then when the perfect opportunity comes up, I forget. Jeez!

The Olde Moshe Pitte

Post 233


smiley - laugh

Do you mean like this?

*clips the ear light in place and spins round*

smiley - discosmiley - lighthousesmiley - disco


The Olde Moshe Pitte

Post 234

Garius Lupus

Oooooo! And aren't those bots ingenious making the light adjustable so that it can point forward!

The Olde Moshe Pitte

Post 235

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

~ clank ~ clank ~

*missing the point completely*

You mean they've perfected bendy light as well Garius !

*thinks for a moment*

Would that mean the speed of light no longer has to slow down for corners ?

The Olde Moshe Pitte

Post 236

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

*looks over to Chesworth* Thank you. For all of this. I'm amazed at how you've held this together for all this time!

The Olde Moshe Pitte

Post 237

Good Doctor Zomnker (This must be Tuesday," said GDZ to himself, sinking low over his Dr. Pepper, "I never could get the hang of Tuesdays.")

Yes, thank you!

The Olde Moshe Pitte

Post 238

Chesworth, Head of CLI Security

*Chesworth nods and gazes at her employers*

*Eleven walks over to a panel at the far end of the room and goes very still. After 3 seconds the panel slides to the right, revealing a very dark tunnel*

This way. F1742198?thread=392639

The Olde Moshe Pitte

Post 239


Keep up the good work, Chesworth and thank you.

*Packs things away into various pockets, keeping the carameliser and crossbow handy*

*Follows Eleven*

The Olde Moshe Pitte

Post 240

Good Doctor Zomnker (This must be Tuesday," said GDZ to himself, sinking low over his Dr. Pepper, "I never could get the hang of Tuesdays.")


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