Created | Updated Mar 9, 2004
The mine complex is located in a crater, near the Magic Woods on h2g2 island. The complex has two storeys above ground and extends several miles below ground.
The Above-Ground Areas
The second above-ground floor is unused and sealed off. The main above-ground floor is shown here in some ancient blueprints: Ancient CLI floorplan The uses of some of the spaces has changed, though.
The lobby and security areas are still used for those purposes. The Airlock/Lift now descends into the mine itself. The warehouse/staging area is used for storing the products of the mine before shipping to The One.
The large area labelled "unknown" at the top is divided into two areas: the first, and smaller area is a guard room. The second area is a secured area where the mine workers live when they are not working.
The Below-Ground Areas
To get below ground, you must take the lift. The lift is operated by one of the security Apes, who must enter a code on the keyboard before the lift will operate.
The first floor below ground contains the personal quarters for the mine owners, Big Bad Werewolf and The Krylma Leader. They can not be accessed using the lift - the actual means of access is a secret known only two the two occupants.
The second to fifth floors below ground are the administrative offices of the mines. Below this, only the mine shaft itself extends until a mile or so below the surface, the active part of the mine is reached. Here, amid the heat and diesel fumes, the mine workers toil, extracting the mine's product: radioactive chocolate chips (known in the trade as fission chips).
The Mine has been in operation for many years, so there are many intersecting tunnels. There is no map of the tunnels, and no one knows where some of them lead.
A brief history of the mine
Eons ago, the main floor of the mine complex was used as laboratory/high-tech development centre. The use of the second floor at that time is unknown. With time, as the nature of the owners changed from good to, er, not so good, the technical aspects of the complex fell into disuse and the complex fell into disrepair, which suited the owners.
Then, The One came along with a need for fission chips. The owners prospected around h2g2 island and beyond and eventually discovered that their own complex sat upon the largest and possibly the only deposits in the known world. They reached an agreement with The One, whereby The One would supply mine workers and security personnel, and the owners would operate the mine and receive a modest profit. In addition, the owners agreed to construct a prison in the mined-out areas of the mine, where uncooperative researchers could be housed. This arrangement has worked to the mutual benefit of all involved (except maybe the workers).
The mine workers are "volunteers", who have been persuaded to work in the mines by The One's representatives. In ancient days, these workers were known as "Researchers". Most of these Researchers have been recruited in the present time, but some have been directly brought forward in time from ancient times, skipping the intervening eons. The machine used to effect this is a left over from the high-tech days of CLI and only the mine owners retain the knowledge of its use. The machine, however, is controlled by The One and has been moved to The One's place.