A Conversation for The CLI/STUMPED Mine

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Post 81

Lindt Eastwood

*still tugging at his knotted twine belt oblivious to everything*

Administrative Offices

Post 82

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

*RD is pulled slowly into the thread on his back inch by inch courtesy of Klaw power, head encased in a solid glop Helmet decorated with a jaunty paper parasol and flowering orchids. This has the effect of making RD look a lot like a hanging basket although no one would be unkind enough to point this out prefering instead to leave revelation up to a chance encounter with a mirror at some point in the future*

~ one eye slowly opens ~

sorry for the absence folks - been a difficult time IRL which Garius told you about smiley - sadface. Thanks for the kind thoughts which are greatly appreciated. Didn't feel much like being online for a while but I'm back now smiley - smiley

Administrative Offices

Post 83

Good Doctor Zomnker (This must be Tuesday," said GDZ to himself, sinking low over his Dr. Pepper, "I never could get the hang of Tuesdays.")

Welcome back RD!, I hope all is better

Administrative Offices

Post 84


Welcome back, RD. Hope things turn out well.

You know, we were waiting for a distraction....those cowboys don't seem too coherent at the moment....

Administrative Offices

Post 85

Garius Lupus

I think you're right Affy - we should make our move now.

*Turns to address the Ape.*

So, do you think you can make it look like we're all your prisoners?

*Glances at Red Dog being pulled by Yellow Dog*

Administrative Offices

Post 86

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

~ another eye slowly opens ~

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Post 87

Good Doctor Zomnker (This must be Tuesday," said GDZ to himself, sinking low over his Dr. Pepper, "I never could get the hang of Tuesdays.")

The sooner the better, I say. Hey, did RD just move?

Administrative Offices

Post 88

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

~raises an eyebrow~

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Post 89

Titania (gone for lunch)

*growing ever more impatient*

*strikes her fist against the seemingly solid helmet surrounding Red Dog's head*

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Post 90

Miz F Farmer

*comes into view for the first time as she moves toward Lady Godiva*

*her face is dominated by large black-rimmed glasses with very strong lenses which bracket a long curved nose. Her hair is dark brown, very short, and her mouth is small with deep grooves running up from the corners of her lips to the edges of her nose. She wears a medium brown suit whose skirt stops well below the knee, a blouse with a white bow, and flat lace-up shoes*

You. are. sitting. on. the. monthly. accounts.

*she turns toward Butch Cadbury and simpers, then turns back to Lady Godiva and glares*

So get your... get off that desk!

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Post 91

The Semisweet Kid

*Elbows Butch*

Nyuk nyuk! Yer galfriend's a'here, Butch. So whyzn't yer let me handle the lady. smiley - drool

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Post 92

Disgruntled Ape

Ook. [Sure.]

*gestures with rope to show how each person can wrap the rope loosely around their wrists*

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Post 93


smiley - hug for RD

*takes out her frying pan and displays the smiley - love*

Eerily similar and I did say I thought one of the voices was familiar.

*returns the fryingpan to a pocket*

Administrative Offices

Post 94

Titania (gone for lunch)

It's Red Dog's birthday today - do you think we should celebrate it in some way?

*ties rope around her hands, making sure that she can easily untie herself later*

Administrative Offices

Post 95

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

good lord ..... how did you find out about that - Finnoswede secret service at it's finest maybe ?

~ raises head off floor in a wobbly uncertain fashion to have a peek around ~

Administrative Offices

Post 96

Witty Moniker

Happy birthday, Red Dog. And welcome back. smiley - hug

*Starts wrapping the rope around her wrists with slip knots.*

Why does it smell like a confectioners in here?

Administrative Offices

Post 97

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

*makes sure her backpack can't be opened, hides her nanogun and wraps some rope around her wrists*

You're right. It smells like the Cadbury factory back in Bournville.

Administrative Offices

Post 98

Garius Lupus

Happy birthday, Red Dog. smiley - gift(tick..tick..tick)

*Tries to hide his weapons in his clothes. The locomotivator goes in his back pocket, the snowzar in his waistband (under his jacket) and the weapoff (with its blunderbuss muzzle) down his left pant leg. Wraps rope around his wrists. Walks stiff-legged, since he can't bend his left knee, with a rather large bulge where the snowzar is concealed.*

There. All set. smiley - biggrin

Administrative Offices

Post 99

Lady Godiva of Truffles

*raises an eyebrow at the boys, then slides sinuously off the desk, causing one flap of her trenchcoat collar to fall open momentarily. She strolls over to the far wall where she leans, next to the door, and belatedly rearranges her coat*

I'm afraid I was out of town when you and Butch got engaged, Fanny. My warmest congratulations to you both! Butch, I just know you'll be SO happy.

*she winks at the rest of the gang*

Administrative Offices

Post 100

Butch Cadbury

Yeah, real happy. smiley - erm

As yer well aware, Lady, I wuz out of town too, when she announced our engagement. Hoooeeee, that wuz SOME weekend! smiley - bigeyes

First I heard of my engagement was Monday mornin' when the boys told me about it. Between guffaws.

And now I gots teh go through with it or else she'll....or her daddy'll....well, let's just say I ain't got much choice.

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