A Conversation for The CLI/STUMPED Mine

Administrative Offices

Post 361

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Delicious tea, thanks so much!

*fires another round of slivered almonds, this time at Butch Cadbury*

Administrative Offices

Post 362

Butch Cadbury

*Sees Lil aiming a gun of some sort at him and casually steps to the left so that Miz Farmer is between him and the gun.*

Yes, er, dear? You called?

Administrative Offices

Post 363

Lady Godiva of Truffles

*still looking alluring in her thong bikini despite water, plaster, talcum powder and a few stray slivered almonds*

Forget her, Butch -- help me and we'll run away to Aruba!

Administrative Offices

Post 364

Miz F Farmer

*back on her feet, Miz Farmer pushes her sodden bun out of her eyes, and her voice rises to a nasty screech. She can be easily heard over the cat-and-dog fight*

Don't you listen to that... that... HUSSY! You're too good for the likes of her!

*looks around accusingly* Where's the ape that brought those prisoners in? You've gone over to the other side -- these new slaves should be terminated immediately! *grabs the nearest object to hand, a headless statuette, and flings it at Witty Moniker*

*in the next instant, a chain licks out from under a different desk, wraps around her ankle and pulls her down again*

Administrative Offices

Post 365

Good Doctor Zomnker (This must be Tuesday," said GDZ to himself, sinking low over his Dr. Pepper, "I never could get the hang of Tuesdays.")

*Gives up trying to revive Gord and IAN.*

Someone say smiley - tea? I'll take some!

Administrative Offices

Post 366

Witty Moniker

*Witty's lock of hair falls into the smiley - tea she has just accepted from Caer. Disgusted, she turns to Butch with the intention of giving him The Look just as the headless statue whacks the teacup out of her hand and into pieces.*

I guess we put the kettle on a bit prematurely.

Administrative Offices

Post 367


I'm so glad we used the cups provided and not my Melamine picnic set, but then that would have just bounced.

*holds out a fresh smiley - tea to Witty*

*in her other hand is a Custard Cream biscuit, with a sharp flick of her wrist, sends it hurtling towards the SemiSweet Kid*

Administrative Offices

Post 368

dElaphant (and Zeppo his dog (and Gummo, Zeppos dog)) - Left my apostrophes at the BBC

/* Tries to pick up another smiley - tea but only manages to get his fingers into the cup. */

Good news! I seem to be getting the feeling back in my fingers! Ouch! Hot tea.
smiley - dog

Administrative Offices

Post 369

Butch Cadbury

*Just after Miz Farmer gets pulled down, Butch gets hit full in the chest with a volley of slivered almonds. He is bowled over, tumbles across the room, and eventually fetches up at Lady Godiva's feet. He looks up at her.*

Well, Lady, looks like fate (and a well aimed shot) has driven us together. I'm nuts over you (or, rather, under you *brushes off a few slivered almonds*). Completely head over heels (literally, for the last few minutes).

Administrative Offices

Post 370

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

*watches the choc opera avidly, only stopping to wipe some blood from her eyes*

That Godiva sure is a hottie, eh?

Administrative Offices

Post 371

Good Doctor Zomnker (This must be Tuesday," said GDZ to himself, sinking low over his Dr. Pepper, "I never could get the hang of Tuesdays.")

She sure is. *Drool*

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Post 372

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

~in the middle of a fur fight~

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Post 373

Kitt Katt

*A large ball of fur and paws and claws and teeth rolls around making horrible screeching and baying noises. Kitt steps out of the ball, which keeps rolling and baying and snapping as if she were still there. She tucks a stray wisp of hair back into her earless hood, pulls out a compact and powders her nose, eats a small handfull of slivered almonds and dives back into the maelstrom.*

Administrative Offices

Post 374

Good Doctor Zomnker (This must be Tuesday," said GDZ to himself, sinking low over his Dr. Pepper, "I never could get the hang of Tuesdays.")

That was interesting!

Administrative Offices

Post 375

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

*stops briefly with his own tail in his mouth, glares smiley - cross, then starts up the fight again*

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Post 376

The Semisweet Kid

*Fumbles while trying to sort paper clips from almonds and is struck in the head by a biscuit. Momentarily stunned*

Administrative Offices

Post 377


Ooh that worked!

Brother No1 taught me that, he could practicallytake an eye out with a playing card.

*flicks another Custard Cream into the Office*

Bit of a waste of biccies ( cookies, just so as not to get them confused with scones </ooc&gtsmiley - winkeye.

Administrative Offices

Post 378


*Affy (finally) dodges the staple that was aimed at him, and attempts to slice the Semisweet kid with his sword*

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Post 379

Disgruntled Ape

*pogos up and down on all four sets of knuckles, screeching with delight at the mess that's been made of the office*

*upends a filing tray of soggy paper onto Miz Fanny Farmer, stifling her screams*

Administrative Offices

Post 380

Good Doctor Zomnker (This must be Tuesday," said GDZ to himself, sinking low over his Dr. Pepper, "I never could get the hang of Tuesdays.")

*Finishes his 1st cup of smiley - tea gets a refill and throws it into the blur that is RD and Kitt Katt.*

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